Staring Into The Abyss
Roland Watson
June 14, 2006
The parachutist is confident of the large gaping abyss that is
open before him. Though he can only see impenetrable darkness
ahead, he is prepared to jump. He is confident that all will
be well and that exhilaration rather than death will be his experience.
Why is he so confident? Because others have gone before him and
assured him that a bottom exists and that a soft landing is assured
if handled properly.
Are we talking about the current
pullback in gold prices or perhaps the disruption in the equity
markets? As you may guess from the picture above, I am talking
about the US dollar and the abyss that it currently hovers over.
Talk about multiple deficits and central banks overweight with
dollar reserves are mainstream talk and in no wise can be called
contrarian views. In fact, it is expected that the dollar continues
its downward motion to rectify the various imbalances that are
present in the world economy.
Does that mean we should offer a contrarian call and declare
the end of the dollar bear market? Not quite, but we should make
clear what the battle lines are. Back in June of 2005 I said
this concerning the dollar rally:
We have just seen a 3.5-year down move; a 6-month rally constitutes
14% of that which doesn't look long enough to me. A look at historically
similar moves suggests perhaps twice that which would draw out
our rally to the end of this year or early in 2006."
As it happened the US dollar index rallied to the middle
of November before commencing its downward motion. The chart
below show the entire rally to date and also shows how gold's
price action has generally moved in the opposite direction. The
question before us is whether this downward move since November
commences the next leg of the dollar bear market or is merely
part of a greater corrective pattern?
The entire move since December
2004 is actually a sequence of three wave corrective patterns.
I could superimpose several Elliott Wave patterns upon this chart,
but there is one thing I would rather focus on today.
That thing is what I would call the Maginot Line of the US Dollar
Index. For those not familiar with recent European history, the
Maginot Line was a series of fortifications built by the French
in the 1930s to prevent a direct assault on France's eastern
border by Nazi forces. As it happened, Hitler's forces to the
north along the Belgian and Dutch borders easily breached the
line with France. For this reason, the Line is often seen as
a metaphor for resistance that is ultimately futile. However,
the Maginot Line that is arrayed against any assault against
the US dollar seems to be a different proposition. To date this
line has not been breached since 1978, a period of 28 years.
By way of background knowledge, what is the US Dollar Index?
It is a geometric weighted average of the change in six foreign
currency exchange rates against the US Dollar relative to March
1973. Those six currencies with their weightings are the Euro
(57.6%), the Japanese Yen (13.6%), the British Pound (11.9%),
the Canadian Dollar (9.1%), the Swedish Krona (4.2%) and the
Swiss Franc (3.6%). Clearly the Euro and the Yen can have the
greatest influence on the value of this index.
March 1973 was when the world's major trading nations allowed
their currencies to float freely against each other and the index
measures the dollar's general value relative to this date which
is set to 100.00. A current quote of 86.00 means the dollar's
value has fallen 14% against these six other currencies since
this base period.
With that introduction, we display the value of the US Dollar
Index for the last 35 years (chart courtesy of Nick Laird
at Sharelynx). In terms
of upward motion, the index has been quite volatile hitting highs
of 160 and 120. However, it is a different story on the down
side. On no less than five occasions since 1978, the line of
Maginot support (see channel "support" below) has been
challenged and held firm. Those dates were 1978, 1990, 1992,
1995 and 2004. The most successful assault was 1992 when a brief
foray into the high 70s was achieved. All other "attacks"
have stumbled at the 80 to 83 region.
Now in early 2006 (see first
chart), we have seen a sixth assault on the index touch 83 twice
in a matter of weeks before retreating once again. With that
withdrawal we have also seen gold and silver enter major corrections.
Is this a coincidence? I think not.
Despite the other longer-term fundamentals in favor of gold,
this is for now a dollar bear market versus gold bull market.
In broad terms, when the dollar goes down, gold goes up. But
what is the one thing that will stop the gold bull in its tracks?
It is this Dollar Maginot Line, if this is not ultimately breached;
the gold bull market is halted in its tracks. In that situation,
the best gold could hope for is a replay of 1990 to 1995 when
this line was tested three times before gold gave up and a new
dollar bull market commenced.
As of today, that line has been tested twice, 2004 and early
2006. If the 1990s is anything to go by, it will be three strikes
and "You're out!" for gold if the third assault
So what are the prospects for this Maginot line being finally
broken? Firstly, what could see the dollar bull win the day?
The answer to that is partly dependent on the Federal Reserve.
For two years now, the Fed has raised the overnight rate 16 times
from 1% to 5% at the last meeting in May. This has made the dollar
more attractive to investors seeking decent returns and the rally
in the US Dollar Index since December 2004 is a delayed effect
of those interest rates hikes feeding into the US economy and
Just as the cuts in the short-term interest rate from 6% to 1%
were bearish for the US dollar between 2000 and 2003, so these
recent increases have proven to be bullish. The question is how
bullish? Despite adding 4% to the base rate, the dollar has only
recouped at most 20% of its losses since the year 2000. The questions
that still remain to be answered in this respect are how long
will it take for the full effect of these rate hikes to finally
be felt? Secondly, is the Fed finished with rate hikes? The consensus
is that Bernanke is concerned about the effects of Peak Oil and
its increasing inflationary effects. If he enters full firefighting
mode against inflation, we can not only expect higher interest
rates and a continuing positive real rate of interest but also
recession some time in 2007 or 2008. Both are bearish for gold.
The second factor going for a resumed dollar bull is the recession
I just mentioned. Here we mention the ongoing trade, current
account and federal deficits that are alleged to trouble the
dollar. I say "problem" but actually the evidence here
is not so convincing. The actual problem is too many dollars
being created; these deficits are merely effects of that underlying
cause. The reasoning here is that the decreasing liquidity mentioned
above will begin to contract the US economy and reduce the consumer
demands for imports. Less imports means a shrinking of the trade
and current account deficit (assuming exports shrink less) and
perceived confidence in the export power of the dollar returns.
Once again, this is bearish for gold - at least until the Fed
is forced to revive the economy again with interest rate cuts.
In opposition to these ideas, what could be the events that would
plunge the US dollar into the darkness that is below our multi-decade
Maginot Line? Going back to the composition of our US Dollar
Index, we noted that the Euro and Yen are the two largest components.
In other words, if this index is going to drop below 80, the
Euro and Yen have to appreciate against the US dollar.
In terms of the Yen, this is almost a certainty. If the expected
suppression of the Yen by its own government is about to end,
the Yen should gain against the dollar. In fact, the Yen has
been tracing out a series of higher lows against the dollar since
1998. There is resistance for the Yen at the 100 level, but if
the Bank of Japan's Zero Interest Rate Policy is indeed going
to end, then this will assuredly be broken to the detriment of
the US Dollar Index.
What about the Euro? With over half of the index weighting, the
Euro will have the biggest say in this matter. Once again, the
signs are bearish for the dollar. The push to trade crude oil
in euros instead of dollars has been gaining momentum in Iran,
Venezuela as well as Russia. This will obviously increase demand
for euros and decrease demand for dollars and send the US Dollar
Index down.
Moreover, some of these petroeuros will find their way into the
currency reserves of oil exporting countries. The final question
is whether other countries will follow suit and diversify out
of dollars? We know they are already, will that continue? If
Japan is no longer going to keep the Yen down, they won't be
needing all those billions of US dollars they got in exchange
for selling Yen. Moreover, if China is going to decelerate the
expansion of the Yuan money supply (which has been as high as
24% per annum), they will not be exchanging as many Yuan for
US dollars. Assuredly, the central banks of the world are top
heavy in dollars and that amount is certain to decrease in the
years to come.
So, the battle line is firmly drawn. Will the Maginot Line of
80 hold or will the US dollar bounce around that level for a
year or two more before resuming a new bull run?
One thing is for sure, the fate of the gold bull market for this
decade depends upon it.
Roland Watson
Roland Watson
writes the investment newsletter The New Era Investor that
can be purchased for an annual subscription of $99. To view a
sample copy of the newsletter, please go to and click on the "View
Sample Issue Here."
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