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Coffee to Outperform Precious Metals

Peter Vogel
Posted Feb 12, 2014

Many investors become fixated or lock on to only one or two equity classes due to either personal philosophy or because they become comfortable with them. The analogy, I suppose, would be to always have meat and potatoes for dinner. This can become a stale strategy however, particularly if your dinner was precious metals for the last two years. Not only that, this might cause you to miss out on something that tastes spectacular. For my palate, I like a variety of investment meals, but how I select the best meal at that time is by analyzing the food selection by using my style of relative strength analysis. Ok, enough with the analogies.

On Dec 12, 2013, I recommended the Coffee ETF – JO at 21.95, stating that it could outperform the precious metals, and after being stopped out on Jan 15, 2014 for a 5% profit, I recommended JO a second time at 23.28, again stating that it would outperform precious metals for the next year. The chart below shows my entry points in green and exit in red.

(Click on images to enlarge)

Coffee ETF - JO - Daily

The next chart demonstrates why coffee should outperform the precious metals. The top panel shows the coffee price in brown, the second panel shows the relative strength ratio of coffee to silver and the third panel is a momentum indicator of the relative strength ratio.

The Coffee/Silver ratio clearly shows a very large declining wedge pattern beginning in the 1990’s, that broke above its downtrend line in Jan 2014, while the underlying indicators breakout preceded the price by a few months. This ratio can also be read as an overbought or oversold indicator of coffee to silver, with the horizontal line being fair value. A return to fair value would likely take coffee back up to approximately the 1.75 / lb. area, or about 36.00 on the JO etf.

Coffee - Coffee/Silver ratio - Monthly

This is but one example of a commodity and its underlying ETF that will outperform the precious metals. However there are a couple of more ETFs that are just lining up to do the same, which you can find out about on the InvestorKey blog. Gold and Silver are not the only food in town and sometimes better profits can be found at a different restaurant.


Feb 5, 2014
Peter Vogel


About Peter Vogel: The Writer of this Blog began his investment career in 1981, first as a Floor Trader and then as an Investment Advisor for a major securities firm. During that time he acquired several securities and options licenses and became registered as a Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA). He also co-founded a venture capital organization that helped finance and commercialize a number of new technologies. Since the beginning of his 33+ years of investing, he developed his own style of technical analysis by focusing on ratio analysis and money management techniques, creating methods that often allow him to buy near precise turning points with confidence. His decision to publish this information stems from recognizing the abundance of misinformation and bad analysis that exists and the need to help investors understand how to understand and view the markets and invest properly. Some of his favorite trading mentors are Larry Williams, Martin Pring, Thomas DeMark and William O’Neil.

When it comes to deciding whether or not to use an investment writer’s service, you should understand that their background or so-called “proprietary” gimmickry really does not matter. The evidence in this statement bears itself out by the simple fact that Michelle Williams at the age of 17 won the World Trading Championship in 1997 making a 1000% return, which has not been surpassed since. The only thing that matters is whether their service can help you make money.

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