Bells Ringing
Paul van Eeden
Jul 31, 2006
US stocks rallied Friday on news that economic growth was sharply
lower during the second quarter. The decline can be attributed
to lower consumer spending. Consumer spending makes up more than
70% of the US's GDP, so when consumer spending falls it has a
really big impact on the overall economy.
It's no surprise that economic growth is slowing down. It would
have been surprising if it didn't. The US real estate market
is busy melting down and as I have said many times in the past,
the real estate bubble kept the US economy afloat during the
past five years.
What is surprising is that stocks are rallying upon the release
of weak economic news. The reasoning is that slower economic
growth will cause the Federal Reserve to stop raising interest
rates and since lower interest rates are generally good for stocks,
any news that could mean that interest rates will stop rising
must therefore be good for stocks.
They say the stock exchange does not ring a bell at the top of
the market. Well, I can hear all sorts of bells ringing: when
investors buy stocks because they believe the economy is slowing
down it is a sign that we have reached the top of the market.
The news that was widely ignored Friday was that while economic
growth slowed in the second quarter, inflation (as measured by
price increases) picked up. The government's price index for
personal consumption rose to 4.1% after rising 2% in the first
quarter. I thought Ben Bernanke wanted to fight inflation --
if inflation is increasing is he really going to stop raising
interest rates?
It seems the economy is slowing while prices are rising and that
means the Fed is caught between a rock and a hard place.
Regardless, I don't see how a slowdown in the economy can be
good for stocks, or for base metals for that matter. But when
it comes to base metals I have heard numerous people say that
the escalating war will be good for base metals demand. The theory
is that the US government will build war machines and that its
demand for metals will offset any decline in demand from slower
economic growth. I think that is nonsense.
The Third World War is unlike the First or Second World Wars
in terms of war machines, and defense spending will not create
much demand for metals. During WWII the US had 95,901 tanks,
220,689 fighter planes and 1,446 naval vessels that, in total,
weighed about 75 billion pounds. Today the US has 8,290 tanks
(8.6% of WWII) and 6,501 planes (2.9%). What they have a lot
of, which they did not have during WWII, are missiles -- the
US has about 67,534 missiles. But missiles do not weigh that
much nor do they require as much metal as tanks or planes. The
total weight of current war machines we could identify, including
missiles, comes to 9.9 billion pounds. That is only 13% of the
metal used in WWII. Today the military spends a lot more money
on scientists and engineers and far less money on brute force.
The United States will not build a whole lot more tanks, ships
and planes since it is more cost effective to build missiles
and bombs and since these require insignificantly less metal
than the tens of thousands of tanks and hundreds of thousands
of airplanes that were built during WWII, I do not think we will
see any material increase in metal demand from the current military
On a different note, I will be speaking at the Resource Investors'
Forum in St. John's, Newfoundland in September but unfortunately
I will not be able to make to the Las Vegas conference. For more
information about upcoming conferences where I will be speaking,
please visit
Paul van Eeden
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