Graceland Updates 4am-7am
Governments, Gold, and
Stewart Thomson
Apr 30, 2009
1. Five thousand. That's a
big number. That is the approximate number of trading days of
the 1980-2000 bear market in gold.
2. 5000 days. That's a mighty
long time. Most gold investors never made it thru the 5000 days.
Those that did had mostly held onto gold they bought at 700-880.
Gold priced at 300 after five thousand days of torture.
3. What separates the women
from the girls, we're told, is the price of their toys.
4. I would say what separates
the women from the girls is the profits generated on the LONG
SIDE of gold during that bear market. And the ability to make
money during declines in a bull market without shorting gold.
5. What I've done is study
every single one of those five thousand trading days. As I said
I would. And as I did that, I asked myself one question: What
action would my subscribers have taken on each and every one
of those days?
6. What action could the gold
community have taken on each and every one of those days? Could
an investor march thru all 5000 days playing only the long side
of the market, and emerge with Victory? Seems impossible. Gold
fell from 887 to 300 over 20 years.
7. Daily consistent action
is how the bankers make money. Buying weakness and selling strength
systematically day in and day out, week after week, month after
month, year after year.
8. If you are a business owner
with significant assets, I would read what I am writing here
very slowly, very carefully.
9. It is my view that hardcore
business owners have a vastly superior understanding of risk
and reward than 99% of money managers, financial advisors, and
market traders. You know that every deal breaks down into a series
of risks versus rewards. When placing your money, you know that
those promoting "the deal" may think they have identified
all the major risks, but that is never the case. The less money
you have on the line in a deal, the lower the risk. Period. Each
time you buy something, your total risk is the money you put
on the line and no less. Your total risk is not the failure of
the company to find or produce gold. Your total risk is not the
failure of the US dollar to lose its reserve currency status.
10. Your total risk is: The
total money you invested in the deal.
11. If you buy Jimmy's action-packed
stock at price A, that is one deal, agreed? If you add a second
stock, Jake's action-packed stock at price B, that is a 2nd deal,
12. Now I ask you to think
about this: If you buy gold bullion at 900, that is one deal,
agreed? If you then buy gold bullion at 890, do you have one
deal or two? You can answer whatever you want, the answer of
the bankers is: It is two deals.
13. Now, as a business owner,
you tell me: What is more risky, buying $1000 of Jimmy's stock,
and $1100 of Jake's stock, or buying $1000 of gold bullion at
$900, and $1100 of gold bullion at 890?
14. If you can make money in
the worst bear market in the history of gold, on the long side,
buying and selling gold hundreds of times over a five thousand
day period, you know what you have is not just a track record,
but: Something Solid. Something where you can seriously consider
placing some of your safe money. Not just your action money.
15. What we have now is the
greatest bull market in gold in history. It may turn out to be
the greatest bull market in anything in history.
16. What you want to think
about, right now, is the fact that if you follow the bankers,
instead of the fundsters, you are positioning your assets in
a rock solid way. Using their tactics, you can look back over
5000 trading days of the worst bear market in gold, and see how
you were standing there in January 2000 holding the flag of Victory.
17. I'm not even talking about
shorting gold. Simply buying gold bullion using the tactics of
the bankers over 20 years, a period of five thousand trading
days. You know gold has the lowest risk of anything on the planet
of going to zero. So your total risk is the lowest of anything
you can invest in.
18. Now you know you can not
only survive, but book vast profits in the worst bear market
of all time for gold. Armed with confidence that even if the
best gold analysts turn out to be dead wrong, you have nothing
to fear from a gold bear market that could start today, or not
for 50 more years. Nobody actually knows when the next bear market
will begin.
19. I'm not interested in predicting
bull or bear markets, I'm interested in preparing for them. With
tactics that ensure that I am in a solid position, in full control
of my emotions and money, each and every day of that bull or
bear market.
20. Because the odds support
vastly higher gold prices in the years to come, you can be highly
confident of placing significant assets into gold bullion using
professional tactics. Starting right now.
21. I built my pyramid generator
to generate the systematic buy and sell points to carry you thru
any and all bull and bear markets. My web app. fellow, who I
call superman, is the one who has done all the technical work
on it. He has a very substantial portfolio himself that he operates
using the PGen.
22. The evolution of the PGen
is only beginning. Superman is beginning tests now on all major
markets. Very soon, we're going to be providing an ultra low
cost service where you will be able to do it for almost any stock
you want, backtesting the daily trades for many years.
23. Every day, there are a
zillion deals for the business owner to choose from. You can
try all you want to find a better deal than buying gold bullion
in a pyramid formation. Go ahead, because that is exactly what
the bankers want you to do. They want you to try buying gold.
They want you to buy it in a price chased frenzy, then give up
on it when it falls. Once you have a losing experience, they
know you won't be back again.
24. She who controls the gold
makes the rules. Not "she who controls the dot com stocks
makes the rules." Not "she who flip flops in and out
of gold like a hot potato makes the rules". Mr. Potato Head
doesn't make any rules, ever.
25. For a business owner to
place assets into a deal, that deal must be the best. It must
offer the lowest risks and have those risks professionally managed.
26. Stoplosses are a risk management
tool. They are not risk eliminators. Just ask any of the price
chasing fundsters that watched 15,000 Comex gold futures change
hands in 15 minutes at the open of the New York session Tuesday
morning. In a bank-engineered smackdown. Change hands, yes. From
the fundsters to the bankers.
27. The bankers buy gold on
weakness. The fundsters and the specsters bail on gold weakness.
28. Who are the real gold traitors,
is it the bankers or the fundsters? You tell me. Look at people's
actions, not their words.
29. The gold speculators and
funds talk a great gold talk. When it comes time to walk, well:
30. The latest COT report showed
the fundsters and specsters busting out of gold as it fell to
the supposedly disastrous level of 865, the "it's all over
in our minds" level. Here are the facts for the latest COT
report: The fundsters bailed on 3500 longs as gold careened into
865, and added 3500 shorts. The specsters bailed on about 2000
31. And the bankers booked
profit on about 4500 shorts and added 4500 longs.
32. What happened next? Gold
rallied $50, that's what happened. Do I think the bankers are
thieves, users, scumbags, liars, frauds, and 500 other similar
metaphors? Absolutely. But the cold hard fact is they supported
gold at 865 while the gold community bailed in terror. If the
bankers hadn't bought what the funds and specs bailed on, who
knows how far the price would have plunged. I'm talking about
hundreds of dollars an ounce.
33. The same thing the bankers
did at 865, is exactly what they did with millions of 100 ounce
gold contracts they traded over the 5000 day bear market, a 20
year period from 1980-2000.
34. Is your gold guru really
a true friend of gold? Do you really know what their actions
are in the market when gold falls? Look at the COT report. That
is the real gold actions of most speculators and fund managers.
Maybe your advisor wasn't one of the bailers. Maybe they were
the exception. I wouldn't bet too much money on that. It is said
that a picture speaks a thousand words. Here's a picture of a
leading gold fund manager explaining his master back up the truck
buy of gold, at 865:
35. And here's Jim Sinclair's
view of the real actions of the fundsters and specsters in action
on gold price weakness:
36. Back up the truck. Yeah,
sure. More like: Load up the truck in a price chased frenzy,
then on any real weakness race the truck to the cliff and drive
37. There's an old saying,
"your enemy is your friend your friend is your enemy".
You may want to keep that in mind when it comes to the actions
of your "friends" in the gold market.
38. Many in the gold community
are confusing the Chinese government with the Chinese people.
You can join the Chinese govt fan club if you want. Don't send
me a membership card, because I'll make it into a paper airplane
and let the kids throw it into the fireplace.
39. Chinese people own gold
because they don't trust govt. Their govt. The US govt owned
20,000 tons of gold in world war two, and I think that was too
little. The population was 130 million at the time.
40. With a population of 1.3
billion, the Chinese govt holds one thousand tons of gold.
41. So, with a population of
10 times the US of ww1, and 20 times less gold, that gives them
a commitment to gold that is 1/200th the commitment to gold that
America's govt had in ww2.
42. Let me take this a bit
further. One gold community rant chant is "Go China go.
Dump all the US govt bonds, yeah! Those stupid Americans spent
too much money, now their T-bonds are gonna be worthless!"
Funny, I didn't hear the Chinese govt objecting to all the zillions
of dollars Americans poured into China to buy all their products
with that borrowed money.
43. I'm not joining ANY govt
fan club, sorry. Especially a fan club that cheers on a machine
that forced their own citizens all to ride bikes for 50 years.
Oh but I forgot, the Chinese govt is the new and improved govt
machine! It won't turn on us. It will never be like all the other
govt machines that without exception have made their own citizens
targets for 10,000 years, right?
44. You want a gold hero, go
ahead, make it the Chinese govt. Here's my gold hero:
45. Price.
46. The price of gold falls,
I BUY. The price rises, I SELL.
47. Be your own gold hero.
You don't need the Chinese govt, to make you money in gold. Govt
is a machine. And the bigger the machine, the more dangerous
it is. The very last thing on the minds of the Chinese govt is
your commitment to gold. They will destroy the Yuan the same
way the US govt has wiped out almost 99% of the value of the
US dollar, and the bankers will make hundreds of trillions doing
it. All that is happening is the sign on the world's largest
photocopy machine is being changed from "US dollar"
to "Chinese Yuan".
48. The more things change,
the more they stay the same.
49. Call me when the Chinese
Yuan is backed by 100,000 tons of gold. Not 1000. Then I'll believe
they are serious about a gold-backed currency. And call me when
they do it in a gold bear market on price weakness, instead of
wasting their taxpayer money chasing price in the biggest bull
market of all time.
50. "Redeemable in gold"
means ALL Yuan must be redeemable in gold. The entire supply.
Not 1.6% of it. That's not a professionally applied gold standard.
51. The American Constitution
is the greatest mechanism ever created to stop the evils of govt.
It totally failed. The Chinese govt has no such mechanism. And
their turn to ride the lead horse of power is only just starting.
Better not get in the way, because you will be trampled like
a cardboard box hit by a steamroller. The Chinese people are
pro-gold standard. Not the Chinese govt.
52. Think about OPEC. And think
about what the Chinese govt is doing with base metals like copper,
zinc, nickel, aluminum. Picture OPEC times 500. Now you have
the picture of the Chinese govt's "great plan". The
plan is "Gimme it, it's mine!"
53. Soon we'll hear how the
Chinese govt is going to protect their own citizens from themselves
by "managing" the "peak metals" just like
OPEC "managed oil".
54. Notice how all the space
programs are being ground to a halt? Why open up mining in space
with an unlimited supply when you can first play OPEC with the
base metals on earth?
55. Let's see, we can allocate
$10 trillion to the bankers' pockets, but we can't allocate 1
cent to mining in Space. Oh I forgot, there will be mining in
Space, but 100 years down the road. And it will be with money
loaned to us by the bankers. Money we give them to loan to us.
How smart we are.
56. A note on T-bonds, another
source of confusion. Ben Bernanke is not printing money and buying
US govt T-bonds because "China is selling, nobody wants
our bonds!" He is buying the bonds to maintain low interest
rates. This is additional buying on top of the regular market
buying of bonds, not a panic buy of the US govt bonds. Although,
that is likely coming. If it comes full force, get ready for
bread lines. Mr. Bernanke is trying to drive down the price of
the US dollar, not the price of the T-bond. Believe me, you don't
want to cheer for a real bear market in bonds. If you think you've
seen a bear market in real estate and the stock market up to
this point, you will get a spiritual experience if a real bond
bear market happens.
57. In regards to the track
record of the 700-1 pyramid during the gold bear market, here's
one example: Applying $1M to a trading pyramid from 1980-2000,
and that's not counting any interest payments from the vast amt
of free cash, there was never more than $500k invested, and that
generated about $130k in profits.
58. During a bear market that
saw gold melt 60%. Add in the interest payments off the free
cash, well, I'll get superman to look at that next. You might
need a spaceship to see the numbers.
59. While the Chinese central
bank is not a major driver of the gold bull market, there are
some real drivers that are. Only a few websites in the world
sounded the real alarm on OTC derivatives. If you are reading
this article, you are on one of them. Back in the 2000-2003 period,
OTC derivatives seemed like a non-issue. The OTC derivatives
took the gold price to $1000, and may take it far beyond that
60. The next major driver of
the gold price, which is arguably just as important as the OTC
derivatives driver, is Pakistan. The issues there sit like a
massive iceberg just below the surface of the water, with the
good ship "Rose Colored Glasses" carrying thousands
of stock market "expert" passengers for a direct hit.
China, Israel, Iran, and India all may become major players as
this drama unfolds, players in the ultimate game of high stakes
gold poker. Who is the ultimate loser of the game is unsure.
Analysts are bitterly divided. Will it be Israel? Others say
the Taliban from Pakistan itself will be the Victor. Others say
China is playing both hands and they will be the winner. My pick
for the winner? Of course, there can be only one winner, and
the winner I can tell you in advance, the winner is...
Apr 30, 2009
Stewart Thomson
Graceland Updates
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is a retired Merrill Lynch broker. Stewart writes the Graceland
Updates daily between 4am-7am. They are sent out around 8am. The
newsletter is attractively priced and the format is a unique numbered
point form; giving clarity to each point and saving valuable
reading time.
Risks, Disclaimers,
Thomson is no longer an investment advisor. The information provided
by Stewart and Graceland Updates is for general information purposes
only. Before taking any action on any investment, it is imperative
that you consult with multiple properly licensed, experienced
and qualifed investment advisors and get numerous opinions before
taking any action. Your minimum risk on any investment in the
world is 100% loss of all your money. You may be taking
or preparing to take leveraged positions in investments and not
know it, exposing yourself to unlimited risks. This is highly
concerning if you are an investor in any derivatives products.
There is an approx $700 trillion OTC Derivatives Iceberg with
a tiny portion written off officially. The bottom line:
You Prepared?
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