Now I get it!
Gary Tanashian
September 30, 2004
During the raging inflation-fueled
bull market of 2003, my portfolio consisted of many gold, commodity
and resource stocks. Among them were China Petroleum (Sinopec)
and Noranda, Canada's largest miner of "industrial"
metals. So of course I found it interesting when I read
that China's state-owned Minmetals planned a takeover of Noranda
for "about $5.7B," and fellow state-owned entity Sinopec
"is in talks to acquire a large lease of oil bearing land"
in Canada.
Maybe now we are getting some answers to the question "why
would China take such a debased currency in such hideous volume
in return for its exported goods?" (according to Stephen
Roach's latest, and highly recommended report "Collision
Course," Asian central banks currently hold about $2.2
trillion in foreign exchange reserves). As long as the USD remains
functional as a medium of exchange, China's hundreds of billions
will obviously come in handy as it seeks to secure the natural
resources it needs to continue to phase two of its rise
to industrial powerhouse. Phase one of course being its deft
use of a hubris-blinded, superpower trading partner willing to
go as deep into debt as necessary to keep up the consumption
habits it has come to think of as divine right.
In phase one, Americans have happily gone along with Roach's
"new paradigm," where China more and more controls
the means of production, and the US controls the means of production
of a different kind; that of the world's reserve currency. In
essence the game goes like this: "You keep making cheap
stuff (wink wink) and we'll keep printing this paper (wink wink)
and pay you huge amounts of it. Sure, there will be 'economic
girlie men' out there saying this can't be done, but LOOK at
us, we're DOING it!." I don't doubt there are legions of
people taking the attitude of "if it ain't broke, don't
fix it," but that's just the point, it is broke. The fallout
is just not obvious to all yet.
But something
tells me a strong hint of what's to come was just flashed for
all to see with the above acquisition announcements. China's planners are not so dumb after
all. They'll use an advantageous labor arbitrage and currency
peg to gain global industrial production market share, ship en
masse to the largest consumer engine in the world,
receive payment in the heretofore most trusted world currency,
and for the master stroke, turn around and recycle those dollars
into the very commodities, goods and resources that will be necessary
for their continued growth and climb to world power.
That's great for China. They are a patient, industrious and intelligent
people. Those descriptors and more used to apply to the US. But
with outsourced industries, limited attention spans, and plenty
of credit (debt), the US has lost its edge. If you take a deep
breath, do the math, and really look at this honestly, you will
see the United States, proud former industrial power, is poised
to take a big hit when the time is right, when China decides
it has offloaded enough paper for the resources it needs. We
will have nothing to fall back on but all those dollars sloshing
around the global system, and all the debt that every dollar
It would be wise for individuals to think about making like the
Chinese and converting some of those dollars into hard assets,
including the ancient currency, gold.
Unfortunately, most people will first think of housing and the
stock market as a dollar hedge, as each has gone up in value
(vs. the dollar) without fail since the Federal Reserve system
was established. But this is a new America (and a new paradigm),
the one that (wink wink) seemingly doesn't need to hold itself
to the traditional laws of economics. Paper assets such as stocks
are denominated in dollar debt. Housing is subject to the bond
market's ability to carry on appearances.
As the inflation/deflation debate rages, in my opinion, only
the timing of the dollar's ultimate demise is in question. Of
course, the unimaginable might happen and we might start taking
the bitter medicine immediately upon the election or re-election
of the next US President, show good faith deficit reduction initiatives
in cutting wild cat money creation and spending, collectively
wake up to new (or old) ideals and values, and go about fixing
our country. In my opinion, what ails us is a simply massive
credit and debt binge, and the sloth that such easy access to
anything we desired has wrought. If we were to somehow break
this cycle, the global economic powers that be might even cut
us a break as we pick ourselves up by the bootstraps, as America
has always done before.
But how can this happen, when ninety percent of Americans would
probably say "What are you talking about you economic girlie
man? We got it good!"?
Sep 30, 2004
Gary Tanashian
Copyright ©2004-2006 Gary
Disclaimer: Gary Tanashian does
not recommend that any trading or investment positions be taken
based on views expressed here. If you speculate or invest it is
suggested that you consult a financial advisor qualified in your
area of interest.
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