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silberinfo Interview with Peter Zihlmann

21 Jul, 2006

Peter Zihlmann looks back on thirty years' experience in the field of finance. In 1994, after working for various banks in Switzerland, he founded the P. Zihlmann Investment Management Company. [PZIM] One of his specialized areas is the domain of precious metals and mining shares, about which he has written several well-founded articles that have earned him an international reputation.


Mr. Zihlmann - the precious metals markets are currently in revision, hence the predominant question forthwith - what do you expect to happen to the price of gold and silver in the coming weeks and months? How far will the revision go?

Peter Zihlmann:

On June 14, I wrote a report entitled: "Why buy Gold?" Gold was quoted at $ 552.50 and silver at $ 9.60 and the long- and short-term recommendations were: BUY! We are still of this opinion.


Is this just a market shake-out in the sense of a reduction of speculative positions following the past strong rally, or are there more fundamental reasons for the price drop?

Peter Zihlmann:

In the second week of May, gold reached an all-time high of $ 720. On that same day, a newscaster on the Swiss TV news (Schweizer Tagesschau) said: "Gold is rising and rising and rising and rising!" and I thought to myself: "it cannot carry on at this pace." Let us not forget that a year ago gold was quoted at under $ 450. A price hike of 60% in such a short period is remarkable and thus the revision that we are currently experiencing is indeed a market shake-out, a reduction of speculative positions.


At the same time, the stock market is also in revision - what do you forecast here? Will the current correlation precious metals-resources-stock market soon be reversed?

Peter Zihlmann:

We follow the DJIA/gold ratio, - which since 1990 fluctuated between 1 and 40, and since the year 2000, when it reached 40 points, slid back to 20 points. We assume that it will continue to fall, as no solution has been found for these considerable problems. If the DJIA drops to 6,000 points and if an ounce of gold rises to $ 1,000, we would have a DJIA/gold ration of 6 - by all means a possibility in our opinion. But it could be worse, as last century we often recorded a ratio of less than 2.


How do you see mineral shares in this environment?

Peter Zihlmann:

The price of gold has risen 130% since its 2000 low. The HUI Index (Gold Bugs Index -Amex) rose by more than 700% in the same period. In future, mining shares will rise much higher than the rising price of gold. However, one must bear in mind that the prices of the market leaders on balance will not rise as high as will those of middle and small businesses. Gold mining shares currently offer an interesting access possibility.


In addition to the precious metals and the entire resources sector, base metals recently registered great price hikes. In particular, the price of copper almost exploded. How do you see the development of this?

Peter Zihlmann:

Jim Rogers, author of the book "Hot Commodities," is of the opinion that the demand, especially from China and India, will far exceed the supply in the future and that this boom will continue for several more years. We concur with this view. There will naturally be fluctuations in the bull market. But this is normal.


Do you see danger, because of the high metal prices, that larger amounts of silver will be claimed as a by-product, thereby seriously worsening the situation for silver? Or even that the current production deficit could change into a surplus?

Peter Zihlmann:

It is not the case, that mining production can be extended arbitrarily because of higher prices. It takes years to bring a mine to production. We therefore do not assume that the demand for silver will strongly increase. On the other hand, increasing amounts of silver will be required for industry.


Whenever gold and silver prices are adjusted, suspicion of manipulation by is expressed by "Goldbugs.". What do you think of this manipulation theory?

Peter Zihlmann:

The fact is that the price of gold has risen steadily since 2000 and in a realitively "normal" upward trend. If the manipulation theory had been sound, then the price of gold would hardly have doubled since then. A not unknown thinker once said: "Nothing is too absurd for people to believe."


What significance do the weekly COT figures have for you for the Comex futures contracts? Could it be that these would lose their importance when the price of silver rises?

Peter Zihlmann:

I do not pay much attention to weekly figures. Furthermore, ETFs might reduce the importance of the futures contracts.


What significance does the factor China have for you?

Peter Zihlmann:

China is of immense significance. One could almost say today: "Eastward China, everything depends upon China!" One must hope indeed that the fast-paced growth of the Chinese economy will not have a dramatic end, whatever the catalyst may be. The fact is that people do not particularly tend to live together in peace. And that is exactly why we need gold as a safe reserve.


What do you say to the theory that the silver market, on account of the unclear information concerning possible exisisting stock in China and India, is (too) intransparent for the investor?

Peter Zihlmann:

There are hardly any markets that are really transparent. For the individual investor the question is how much risk one is willing to take, for every investment depends upon a future development, which is difficult to assess. Just look at how the major banks estimate the market trend of the EUR/USD exchange rate twelve months in advance. Opinions diverge mightily. After all, one must remember that the unclear particulars concerning the stocks in China and India have not retarded the rise of the price of silver.


Which investment strategy do you prefer in view of the still very volatile silver price trend? To trade or buy and hold?

Peter Zihlmann:

Our strategy is to seek out undervalued companies, which still exisit because the market is not transparent, and where there are undiscovered jewels to be had. The strategy is more one of "buy and hold." He who hesitates is lost!


On what criteria do you base your analysis of analyze mining companies? What percentage of deposit do you recommend for actual gold and silver, as well as for mining shares?

Peter Zihlmann:

We do not keep any actual gold or silver in our gold fund, because, in our opinion, everyone can do this for himself, without having to pay a commission. For mining shares, we concentrate on mid-sized and smaller companies, which usually have quite a significant amount of ressources already but which continue to press ahead with explorations. The market capitalization per ounce is a useful benchmark.


Do you also recommend admixing explorers or only producers?

Peter Zihlmann:

The greatest capital gains can be attained through the explorers. But a reasonable diversification over at least fifteen companies is important. A geographical diversification concentrating on politically stable countries is recommended.


You recently published an article about Silver Wheaton, which can also be found in silberinfo's sample portfolio. May we enquire about your other favorites in the mining sector?

Peter Zihlmann:

We set great store by not not investing in an individual value but rather by compiling a portfolio. And one must find a weighting between the producer and the explorer, and individual requirements. Anybody can subscribe to our current recommendations, which is why we do not wish to concentrate on individual values.


In Latin America, especially in Venezuela, Bolivia and Peru, recent political events provided much to discuss among the mining investors. Although Humala was not elected in Peru, there still remains a flat aftertaste. What are your views on the political risks in Latin America? Do similar dangers threaten long term the other important precious metal exploitation countries, Argentina and Mexico? How do you deal with these risks?

Peter Zihlmann:

I have not made any investments in Venezuela. There are some marginal items. Brazil is quite promising. At present, I have no qualms, as the indigenous population is insignificant. In Chile, the situation appears to be stable, although there is talk of increased taxes. In Peru, Alan García will have to prove that he has learned from the past, as he claims. Once bitten twice shy. Only time will tell. In Mexico, the president has little control over parliament , which is why, in the beginning, Vicente Fox was unable to bring many reforms through parliament. Even were the left wing to win, I do not believe that this would result in a disaster. Ecuador is a particular case. We had our greatest investment successes there. Colombia is probably a country of the future. Guyana also offers interesting possibilities.


Mr, Zihlmann, you live in Switzerland, and we would love to hear your opinion on the mysterious gold sales of the Swiss National Bank.

Peter Zihlmann:

The sales by the Swiss National Bank were not mysterious but quite simply a miscalculation. The Bank of England was much more successful in selling during the all-time low.


UBS is particularly powerfully engaged in the derivative sector of the precious metals market; is this a ticking time bomb?

Peter Zihlmann:

The bomb is ticking everywhere. All you have to do is listen. It is one of the reasons why a number of clients prefer "boutique banks," which are not exposed in this business.


Hardly a day goes by right now without headlines concerning the the silver ETFs of Barclays, in the standard business conditions there is mention, among other things, as to if the investments of actual silver rise above 1 billion US$, the depositary is then not obliged to accept additional silver consignments. Your opinion of this investment vehicule?

Peter Zihlmann:

The ETF is an ideal means for buying or selling silver/gold at the click of a mouse. But someone really wishing to have a little put aside if worse comes to worse, would certainly be well advised to have some gold coins readily available. But the question of course, is: Where? Under the mattress, in the garden or in a personal safe? And what happens if one cannot remember where one has hidden them?

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