Inflation and Deflation:
Why it's important
to get the definitions right
Steve Saville
27 May, 2005
Below is an extract from
a commentary posted at
on 19th May 2005:
We aren't aware of any words
that are used in as many varying and confusing ways as the words
inflation and deflation. When the word inflation is used by a
journalist or analyst, for example, it often means a increase
in the general level of consumer prices, but it could also mean
an increase in asset prices or an increase in the supply of money.
However, it is very important to settle on a definition that
makes sense and to then apply the definition consistently in
the analysis of all things financial/economic because the failure
to do so leads to huge errors.
When we talk about inflation
at TSI we are referring to an increase in the total supply of
money and credit, not a rise in the general price level; and
when we use the word deflation at TSI we mean a contraction in
the total supply of money and credit, not a fall in the general
price level.** Inflation and deflation CAUSE
prices to change, but not all price changes are EFFECTS of inflation
and deflation. Which brings us to the main reason why it is important
to define the terms consistently and correctly: defining inflation
and deflation in terms of price changes fails to distinguish
between cause and effect.
As a hypothetical example of
how mixing-up cause and effect can create a big problem consider
the case of the doctor who couldn't, or who didn't think it was
important to, distinguish between a pain in the chest caused
by heart disease and one caused by indigestion. A pain in the
chest can have many different causes with very different consequences
as far as the patient's longer-term well-being and required treatments
are concerned, so our hypothetical doctor's inability or unwillingness
to differentiate between the various possible causes of the pain
could have catastrophic results for the patient. A financial
market analyst or economist who can't, or doesn't think it is
important to, distinguish between price changes caused by inflation/deflation
and price changes caused by other factors is making a similar
mistake, although unlike the doctor the financial analyst is
not running the risk of being sued for mal-practice as a result
of his/her mistake.
In addition to the mixing-up
of symptom and disease (effect and cause), there is the issue
-- an issue that will likely be overlooked by those who think
inflation is an increase in prices -- that during the early and
middle stages of an inflation cycle some prices will FALL. In
fact, Ludwig von Mises and other great economists of the Austrian
School have explained that this particular characteristic of
inflation -- the way it affects prices in a non-uniform manner
-- is what gives it great appeal to the financial and political
elite. After all, if a 10% increase in the money supply immediately
pushed all prices higher by 10% then nobody would have the opportunity
of benefiting from the inflation. The way it actually works,
though, is that the prices of some things will rise earlier and
faster than the prices of other things, thus allowing some people
to profit from the inflation before others become aware of what
is going on. Inflation is, in actuality, a surreptitious means
of wealth distribution.
Another problem faced by those
who insist on defining inflation/deflation in terms of price
changes is that they are effectively pulling the wool over their
own eyes. For example, take the case where a) the money supply
is growing at a rapid rate, b) the year-over-year increase in
consumer prices is zero, and c) labour productivity is growing
at a 5% clip. In this situation the definition-challenged analyst
will proclaim that there's no inflation, but prices should have
FALLEN by around 5% due to the productivity growth. In other
words, in this case there was enough inflation to offset any
benefit that the 'man on the street' would have otherwise received
as a result of the increase in his productivity.
A related problem to the one
just mentioned is that any analyst / economist / commentator
who defines inflation and deflation in terms of price changes
is unwittingly helping the central bank to manage inflation expectations
by keeping the public in the dark. Inflating the supply of money,
you see, is not a major challenge for the central bank under
the type of monetary system we have today, but keeping inflation
expectations low can be an enormous challenge at times. One method
that is used to keep inflation expectations in check is to calculate
the widely-watched price indices in ways that substantially understate
the true effects of inflation, but going to the trouble of manufacturing
artificially-low price indices is not useful unless almost everyone
believes inflation to be an increase in the general price level.
Furthermore, if most people believe that falling prices somewhere
in the economy represent deflation, or a 'deflationary threat,'
then whenever prices fall the monetary authorities immediately
have the justification to promote more inflation. This concept
is very relevant right now because, as warned at TSI over the
past several months, there will probably be a "deflation
scare" during 2005-2006 as a result of falling commodity
and stock prices. This 'scare' will, in turn, set the scene for
the next big wave of central-bank-sponsored inflation, but the
whole charade is only made possible because most of the people
whose job it is to report on the financial markets and the economy
are clueless when it comes to the true meanings of inflation
and deflation. In effect, the inability or unwillingness of most
analysts to define inflation and deflation correctly enables
the engines of inflation (the Fed and other central banks) to
masquerade as inflation fighters. Refer to Mises
for additional discussion on this issue.
OK, so there are some very
good reasons to differentiate between inflation/deflation (the
cause) and price changes (the effect). Can we, though, avoid
the confusion by describing changes in the money supply as "monetary
inflation" or "monetary deflation" and changes
in the general price level as "price inflation" or
"price deflation"? The answer is no, because if you
do this you are using the words inflation/deflation to mean one
thing one minute and another thing the next. "Monetary inflation",
for example, would mean MORE money whereas "price inflation"
would mean HIGHER prices. Also, if you do this you will, in many
instances, be associating the words inflation and deflation with
price changes that have absolutely nothing to do with inflation
or deflation. That is, you will be adding to the general confusion.
In conclusion, getting the
definitions of inflation and deflation right paves the way to
a better understanding of what is really happening in the financial
world. There's simply no need to make an inexact science (economics)
even more inexact by using nonsensical, inconsistent, and downright
misleading definitions.
**A more technically
correct definition of inflation would be an increase in the supply
of money that causes the general price level to rise, and a more
technically correct definition of deflation would be a decrease
in the supply of money that causes prices to fall. However, we
think these definitions add an unnecessary layer of complexity
a) It is
very difficult, perhaps even impossible, to measure the change
in the general price level with accuracy
b) The effects
of inflation are sometimes seen mostly in financial-asset prices
whereas at other times they are seen in commodity and consumer
c) It is
extremely unlikely that there would ever be a substantial increase
in the supply of money that did not eventually lead to higher
prices somewhere in the economy or a substantial decrease in
the supply of money that did not eventually lead to lower prices.
In any case,
the important thing to understand is that a price increase cannot
possibly be related to inflation unless it was preceded by an
increase in the money supply and a price decrease cannot possibly
be related to deflation unless it was preceded by a decrease
in the money supply.
Steve Saville
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