I like silver
Richard Russell
Dow Theory Letters
Jan 14, 2008
from the Jan 11, 2008 edition of Richard's Remarks
On an entirely different subject,
how about silver, often called "the poor man's gold"?
Silver used to be a monetary metal, and maybe some day it will
be again. I've recommended silver before, and now I'm going to
recommend silver again. Back in 1980, gold sold for 850 and silver
sold for 50. Then, one ounce of gold would buy 17 ounces of silver.
Today with gold near 900, one ounce of gold will buy a whopping
55 ounces of silver. It seems to me that silver, in terms of
gold, is "too cheap."
Below you see a P&F chart
of silver. This is a powerful formation. At 16.50 silver breaks
out. There's an exchange traded fund called SLV. I also show
a P&F chart of SLV below. Each share of SLV holds 10 ounces
of silver.
Here's the chart of SLV. And
yes, it's broken out to new highs. My idea is that you buy some
SLV now, or maybe wait to see whether SLV backs off a little
and then buy it. Or buy half of your intended commitment now,
and buy the other half on a pull-back. Either way I think silver
is cheap and a good buy here in this area. My position on the
metal can be expressed in three words, "I like silver."
Here's another view of silver
via a three-year weekly chart -- a giant triangle with an upside
breakout over recent weeks. A pull-back to the breakout level
would not be unexpected, but the triangle indicates a large area
of accumulation.
Meanwhile, the stock market
is in contortions. Nobody knows exactly what to do with it --
buy it, sell it, leave it alone, sit with it? It's an unholy
mess. But here's the crux of it. Dow Theory says we're in a primary
bear market. That's a dangerous place to be. Bear markets tend
to run to conclusion. What does conclusion mean? Conclusion in
a bear market is when prices decline low enough so that big money,
sophisticated institutional money, begins to accumulate. That's
downside exhaustion time and at the same time accumulation time.
lots more follows for subscribers...
Jan 11, 2008
Richard Russell
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