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Miracle Worker

Howard Ruff
The Ruff Times
Posted Aug 31, 2009

Our beloved president is indeed a miracle man. He says that by adding government-operated healthcare he will reduce the deficit and slash the cost of healthcare.


Since when does adding to the government bureaucracy reduce spending?


He can only get this passed by misrepresenting how much money might be saved and grossly understating what it will cost.

This is simply a major step forward in the Obama march towards socialism. If the President gets this, he will then have control over the automobile industry, banking, Wall Street and then healthcare which is one-sixth of the national economy.

How did he get there? By lying about it? During the campaign, he said he was in favor of single-payer healthcare, which means government-controlled healthcare. He has said he might not get it all at once, but might creep towards it. But eventually we will end up with a single-payer plan.

He now denies publically that he wants single-payer health insurance in the face of his public statements during the campaign.

So why is this in The Ruff Times? Because we are talking about control of major industries. We are talking about socialism, which is the government owning or controlling the means of production. It will be an irreversible leap forward on the road to serfdom and inflation.

Republicans should resist at all costs any urge to compromise and give them an incremental step on the way to nationalized healthcare. If they can hang on through his first term, the way the public is reacting to this there is a very good chance they will gain control of the House and the Senate in the next election. Republicans aren't so great, but Democrats are worse.

Socialist economies have always spawned hyperinflation, without exception.

Consider the Soviet Union. They had galloping inflation, and their currency was a drug on the market. They managed to dampen it to a degree by wage and price controls. Wage and price controls always produce shortages and Communist Russia is a case in point. Shortages of everything were epidemic.

Investing in Inflation

Will Rogers said, "Invest in inflation, it's the only thing that is going up." But how about timing? The best way to invest in a trend is to get on board before it turns serious. We don't have inflation yet, In fact, we are in a deflationary period. Prices are actually coming down, and things are relatively cheap.

If you bet on inflation now, you are betting on the future. Right now, gold and silver are actually defying deflationary trends and have been gradually creeping up. But they are still relatively cheap compared to what they will be.

All socialist states end up producing hyperinflation and destroying their own currency, without exception. The way to make money is to get in early, before inflation starts to boom.

Can you imagine how much gold and silver buying will soar when gold is over $1,000 and silver is over $25? That will happen to dumb investors. Gold is now $955 and silver a little over $14. Now is the time to buy and wait patiently.

No Change

A couple of emails from subscribers complained that I seem to be recommending the same thing in every issue; that there is nothing new.

That's the nature of the game. I bet on long-term trends, and we are in the middle of a long-term trend. I could dig deep and try to find some hot stock to recommend every issue, but that's not what I do. My position is the same for a new subscriber as for one who has been there for a few years. Invest in future inflation. The best way to do that directly is by buying gold and silver now.


Howard Ruff

Howard J. Ruff, the legendary author and financial advisor, has re-edited and re-issued his 1978 mega bestseller, How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years, still the biggest-selling financial book in history, with 2.6 million copies in print. He is founder and editor of The Ruff Times financial newsletter. This article is from The Ruff Times. The newsletter is much more comprehensive and deals with a broad spectrum of middle-class financial issues and includes an Investment Menu from which you can build your portfolio. (You can learn about it here). The Ruff Times has served more than 600,000 subscribers - more than any financial-advisory newsletter in the world. His updated and revised book, How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years in the 21st Century, is in book stores or at You can get it free when you subscribe to The Ruff Times, or if you buy the book at your favorite bookstore, you can deduct $10 from the subscription price.

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