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Gold Action 399
It really is time to ditch equities

Dr Clive Roffey
Excerpt from No 399
27 June, 2005

So President Mkeki had the courage to relieve Zuma of his duties as Deputy President. Good for him. Now that Zuma has also been charge with fraud and corruption and a new politically lightweight female Deputy President selected, his position as the second in charge of the ANC appears to be under pressure. Looks like the political knives are poised for action. But for now the point has been made forcibly that corruption and fraud are not to be tolerated, even at the highest level as we a take a step closer true democracy.

The action of the past couple of weeks has centered on the price rises in the precious metals arena. Platinum broke upside above the $880 resistance that has been holding it in check for so long. Gold shot above $430 and silver is attempting to break out of its triangular pattern and a move above $7.50 will lead to a target of $10.50 All these events are most encouraging for a continuation of a serious bull phase in precious metals. The most interesting aspect of all this data was the strong move in the gold price in Euros and Swiss Francs that pushed the charts well above the major resistance levels that had previously been restricting further upside movement. These breaks are extremely strong indicators of a continued powerful bull trend by gold to out perform all the leading global currencies. Like it or not gold has surreptitiously reassumed its role as centre pin of the global monetary system. The other interesting chart is that of Palladium that appears to have formed a two year base formation and is brewing for a serious upside charge.

Whilst there has been action in the metals arena the Dow continued to churn inside its large trading range of the past month, until Thursday. Previously it could not make up its mind whether to be bullish or bearish. A real change in the fundamentals was necessary for the bull market break. A spate of negative data would lead to a loss of confidence and a downside break. Markets were in limbo waiting for the next set of news to make up investors minds. The waiting is over!! Thursday and Friday's 300 point fall in the Dow wiped out all the churning of the previous 25 days trading. In addition it forced the index under the critical 10450 support level. This is a MAJOR bearish break. It implies that the bulls have not had the fundamentals to push the price into a new bull trend and a serious sell off is likely that should take the Dow, and other global markets, to retest previous lows. Thursday's fall was a seriously bearish shot across the bows of all global equity markets.

The oil price edges ever closer to my long term forecast of $75 a barrel. Not too bad a prognostication considering this was made some 18 months ago when the price was under $30. Although the oil price immediately impacts upon our every day lives the price effects of some other soft commodities tends to be ignored. Sugar is looking like a continued bull market. The price of sugar in Rands has only just started a major bull trend. This will have a dramatic effect on the cold drinks industry and is likely to lead to substantial increase in soft drink prices going forward. In a similar situation the price of paper pulp in Rand in also set for a significant increase and this will impact upon office, nappy and other commonly used paper products. Corn has also broken into a major new bull trend and staples are likely to cost more in the near future.

The Rand has consolidated around the R6.70 level and is set for the next spate of weakness. I am looking for R7.20 to lead the rand gold price up to my target of R3200. That will set the South Africans alight. Including DROOY. I am receiving so much rubbish from US investors on Drooy. All the data about class actions, watering problems etc have been know for some time and the price has still doubled over the past two months. This stock is in a BULL Market, like all the other gold stocks and will perform like all the other gold stocks over the long term. Forget about its daily synchronisation!!

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It is essential to put the past two day's 300 point fall on the Dow into perspective on the daily data. Not only did it wipe out the previous 25 trading days moves in one session but broke under the short term support at 10450 as well as the critical 10370 medium term support. In addition the RSI in the bottom frame has a classic bear market resistance line at the 65 level. The failure of the RSI to push above this resistance into the overbought levels is a dangerous signal that a bear market is in place.

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When we transpose this data to the weekly chart it puts the long term picture into perspective. I continue to analyse the Dow as a massive seven year double top pattern that is ready for a substantial downside break. Although there is support at 9700 I am expecting this level to be significantly broken during the coming 12 months. This is an extremely dangerous picture. A substantial top of this nature does not lead to a gentle slide but to a massive fall out.

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I must also update my Elliott Wave analysis of the gold price. For the past 18 months the bullion price has been trading inside a diamond pattern that has the a, b, c movement of a very weak correction. This implies that the next forward move will be dynamic. I categorize this period as the 5-6 wave of a nine wave format. We have just entered wave 7 that should take the price to well above $500 before the next short term correction. The final wave nine of this leg of the long term bull market should move to well above $600. We are likely to see a period of accelerating precious metal prices and it would not surprise me to see a gold price well in excess of $500 before the year end. We have been forced to live through an 18 month period of market uncertainty. These precious metals have just made up their minds and are set for a large bull market run.

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The gold price has been outperforming the Dow since 2001. I have often detailed this chart. For the past 18 months it moved into a sideways pattern in which bullion kept pace with the Dow. But this pattern has ended and I must look for a serious upside surge in the grey relative strength data. This implies that bullion will strongly outperform the Dow and all global equity indexes. It really is time to ditch equities and be in precious metal orientated investments; irrespective of whether it is the metals, stocks, warrants or antique silver.

24 June, 2005
Dr. Clive Roffey
South Africa
Roffey archives

"Gold Action" is a fortnightly commentary on global gold and precious metal markets produced by Dr. Clive Roffey, Johannesburg, South Africa, a leading professional independent commentator on gold markets since 1969.

'Gold & Silver Penny Stocks' is the sister publication to 'Gold Action' and is produced by Dr. Clive Roffey; croffey@mweb.co.za

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