Global Watch
- The Gold Forecaster
The De-Coupling of Gold
from the € & the $
Julian D.W.
Nov 12, 2005
from the "Global Watch - The Gold Forecaster."
de-coupling of the gold price from the $ and the € is now
complete. Initially it was thought to be a shift, a sort of one-off
adjustment, but it has now developed into much more. The most
notable feature of the week has been the climb in the €
price of gold to attack the €400 level, in the wake of
a weakening €. It was not quick to rise with the $, but
it did so in the second half of the week and rose in terms of
the U.S. $ to show it had de-coupled.
Market players tend to treat
such events as simply changing formulae in the market and don't
weigh the implications of the fundamentals behind the changes.
Because of this the price moves tend to be minimised until the
full force of fundamentals moves are felt. But this de-coupling
is a huge change and one that has to be understood properly.
It confirms that the 'Bull' market in gold is set to begin properly!
What is happening is that €
holders are seeing their currency fall and gold is describing
the fall better than the $ is, because the $ is falling as well.
Both currencies are taking strain, but because we tend to look
at one from the other it is difficult to focus on what is
making them both weaken.
Just as the Fed is raising
rates to be able to tackle expected inflation coming down the
pipe, so their actions demonstrate the reality of their fears,
despite the core inflation appearing benign at present. Why inflation?
The oil price has dropped back from $70 a barrel but remains
at a rising average well above previous levels seen before. Few
people are convinced that the oil price has stopped rising. Most
accept that in the medium term the oil price has some way to
rise, possibly to average $70 - $80 in the future. These prices
have to be passed onto the consumer at some stage, so as to restore
profit levels. If this does not happen the net effect on the
global, not just U.S. economy, is the same as increased taxation,
a direct withdrawal of spending power from all levels of the
economy, particularly from the consumer's pocket. This will lead
to a diminishing of growth levels if not a recession. The global
economy does not simply recede it adjusts to favoring the cheapest
goods and moving away from the more expensive goods, as a first
line of defence against a recession. This favors Chinese products
over others. The full picture of this move is to structurally
change the global economy in favor of the Asian economies over
the Western ones.
Over time the currencies of
Asia ascend in terms of their place in the global economy, whilst
the developed world currencies will reduce their presence in
the global economy. Such structural adjustment has begun in terms
of the valuation of the Yuan in China ready for the day the Yuan
takes its place on the world scene, pushing aside the U.S. $
and the €, to some, if not a large extent.
Bear in mind that the Yuan
is the currency of 1.4 billion people and the $ the currency
of around 300 million people. The growth in wealth need only
be proportionally smaller for the wealth of China to overtake
that of the U.S.A. Of course the entire globe will face the same
pressures from the oil price and subsequent inflation or recession,
including Europe and China. But it is the € and the $ whose
currencies are sufficiently global to reflect the uncertainties
facing us all. Not surprisingly the Europeans will be far faster
to turn to gold than the average U.S. citizen.
The sagacious Investor takes
action on this well before the event. So the Investment demand
for gold that will be necessary to take gold to new heights is
beginning and will grow over time to a significant proportion
of gold purchases. In the light of the already tight Supply &
Demand balance in the market place for gold, even small moves
into gold by large Investors has a very big impact.
Add the two situations together
and you can see why gold has de-coupled from both the €
and from the $.
The Euro
Above you see a
picture of the Eurozone, the countries that actually use the
€ as their currency. There are around 400 million people
to whom the € is the only money they know. The currency
has been in existence for nearly 8 years and replaced the currencies
of the countries that now use it. No longer is there a French
Franc or an Italian Lira, etc. In changing their currency they
had to transfer their faith from national currencies into this
new one reflecting the 'coming of age' of the "Common Market".
Until recently, the currency gained the respect of the international
monetary community as it gained in power and in use. Particularly
attractive was its provision of an alternative to the U.S. $.
It is gradually enlarging its
presence in National Foreign Exchange Reserves globally. By contrast
the presence of the U.S.$ is diminishing having dropped from
76% to 68% over the last few years.
is a remarkable performance is the unification of a diverse set
of nations, who do not share the same currency happily, as each
nation has its own weaknesses and problems, which cannot be easily
accommodated under one currency roof. The onus for a credible
currency performance has shifted from national control [which
happily allowed fluctuations that accommodated poor economic
disciplines] to a Central European control which demands that
each nation adjust its economic behaviour to a standard that
demands far better monetary and economic behaviour than they
did of themselves. The consequences are the same that a fixed
exchange rate regime has, mainly the flow of capital from inefficient
areas to efficient ones.
Of course, when the performance
of the group as a whole diminishes the € will reflect it.
At present growth is not nearly as vigorous as in the U.S. so
it is not in the position to raise its interest rates to combat
expected inflation. As a consequence, the interest rate differential
between the Eurozone and the U.S.A. has and will widen substantially.
Gold, a 'currency' well known, loved and valued since Europe
began, remains an alternative to the €, now more attractive
than other currencies. As the € had declined of late, the
gold price in the € has risen strongly to tackle the €400
level. Europeans are clearly turning to gold as opposed to the
U.S. $ because the entire global financial scene has become uncertain,
nit just the €.
The rise in gold in the U.S.
$ of late confirms global uncertainties.
12 Member States of the
European Union are participating in the single currency:
Belgium,Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
The Netherlands, Austria, Portugal and Finland
Cyprus, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia,
Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and the
United Kingdom are members of the EU but are not currently participating
in the single currency. Denmark, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania,
Malta and Slovenia are members of the exchange rate mechanism
II (ERM II). This means that the Danish Krone, the Estonian Kroon,
the Cyprus pound, the Latvian lats, the Lithuanian Litas, the
Maltese lira and the Slovenian Tolar are linked to the €.
It is expected that in the
future more countries will join ERM II.
Here is one of the regular
Technical Analyses we provide in the publication:-
Technical Commentary: 10-year
Treasury Note - Rates on the Rise
Treasury retraced from strong
recent gains, sending yields back towards 4.5%. With the FOMC
raising rates to 4% and the likelihood of more into early 2006,
even a flattening yield curve should elevate the 10 year towards
and slightly above 5%. Yet despite recent record inflationary
data, the core inflation data has kept some inflation fears subdued.
Yields remain relatively low but pressures are mounting. With
Ben Bernanke now likely to be elected as the next FOMC chairman,
see the last issue, there may be some doubt as to the degree
of future rate increases. This will become more apparent as we
enter early 2006 with rising inflation and a weakening economy.
There will be much attention being placed on the all important
Christmas retail sales period. This will reveal if the rapid
decline in the US consumer confidence will indeed translate into
lower sales.
Nov 11, 2005
Julian D.W. Phillips
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