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Westward Gold Assembles the Last Jigsaw Piece for a Major Carlin Style Gold Deposit in the Cortez Trend

Bob Moriarty

Nov 14, 2024

On November 13th, 2024 Westward Gold (WG-V, WGLIF-OTCBB) issued a press release of major significance. The press release was so detailed and complex that 98% of retail investors, including me, failed to actually understand it. That’s ok because it wasn’t aimed at us, it was aimed at the majors who will fully get it.

Westward Gold assembled a high-potential Carlin Style gold project over the past three years in the Cortez Gold Trend they call the Toiyabe-Hills Project. The company spent the last six months reviewing old data and realized they had been looking in the wrong direction. They make a very complex yet convincing argument that they have now located the motherlode and source of much of the gold in the area.

Westward VP Exploration Rob Edie and chief technical advisor Steve Koehler put together a 5-million-ounce gold resource on the southern Carlin Trend at Gold Standard Ventures before the company sold for $250 million. I covered the company for years and made a number of visits to the project. Both are world class Carlin style gold people. Joining them in their technical work finds Kelly Cluer, the former top geologist for Kinross in Nevada. Between the three they participated in or found twelve Carlin style gold deposits.

(Click on images to enlarge)

The crack geological team came to the conclusion that the motherlode would be found at the Campfire target that had never before been tested. Campfire had never been drilled due to the fact that it straddles Toiyabe, Turquoise Canyon and the East Saddle property all under different ownership until Westward began consolidating in 2021. The ground work of the last six months led the technical team to believe Campfire is where they would find the goodies. The anticline at Campfire ticks all the boxes for Carlin style gold formations but the gold rich lower plate rocks that provide most of the mineralization for Carlin style gold in the area actually can be found as little as 150 meters depth. Other nearby gold discoveries have had to drill between 600- and 715-meters depth to hit the lower plate formation. Westward shows the right geological, structural, and hydrothermal alteration patterns at the Toiyabe District similar to documented patterns found with Carlin gold deposits in the Carlin and Cortez Districts.

The company has about $1 million in the till. I’d like to see them at least try to tap into the shallow lower plate rocks with a couple of holes. Deep 1,000-meter holes can cost up to $1 million so that’s out of the question until a major steps up to the plate but some nice assays would give the shares a new life.

Westward Gold is an advertiser and I own shares so naturally I am biased. Do your own due diligence.

Westward Gold Inc.
WG-C $.08 (Nov 14, 2024) 
WGLIF-OTCBB 117 million shares
Westward Gold Website


Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

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