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Iran vs Israel: Game, Set, Match Iran

Bob Moriarty

Oct 9, 2024

The eighty-year Zionist experiment may have just ended over the weekend. Bibi Netanyahu has been whining for almost thirty years about how Iran was on the verge of obtaining a nuclear weapon and when it did, it would bring chaos to the world. Iran may well have detonated one over the weekend in a remote area of the country just to send Israel and the US a wakeup message.

The Middle East has gone through eighty years of terror and constant wars on behalf of a bunch of European Jews who think god worships them and their fingernails are worth the lives of a thousand non-Jews. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef said, “The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews.” From the FBI report on the “Dancing Israelis” who were arrested on 9/11 we learn that one of the Israeli employees once said, “Give us twenty years (20) and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country.” Israel respects the US about as much as a hooker views a used rubber.

This weekend changed things it appears. Perhaps we can have peace in the Middle East after so many years of clear genocide and mass murder.

Americans have been lied to by the media for years. Common knowledge shows Washington D.C. is literally occupied territory. Israel through AIPAC buys Congress and the Senate. In the rare case where some elected official deviates from the party line, AIPAC will provide unlimited funds for someone to run against them. The degree to which the governments of the US are controlled can be seen with the fact that thirty-two states effectively require an oath of allegiance to Israel for anyone wanting to hold public office or bidding on a contract. You cannot boycott Israel. You can boycott the Pope, you can boycott Trump, you can boycott Biden, you can boycott Teddy Bears, you just cannot boycott Israel.

Now that is power.

A year ago, Hamas soldiers broke out of the open-air prison they were trapped in. Israel knew about a planned attack and had a detailed plan a year in advance. A group of female IDF intelligence soldiers had been pounding the table for months about a pending attack and were ignored. Hamas broke out. And everything we know and have been told ever since has been a lie.

The totally controlled media (and you cannot speculate as to what group controls the media lest you be accused of being an antisemite) calls them Hamas terrorists. But Hamas was founded by Israel to offset the influence of the PA. As recently as 2019 Netanyahu told the Knesset to support Hamas as a way of thwarting the two-state solution. Nobody in the media is going to tell you but Hamas is and was the democratically elected government of Gaza. Israel claims to be the only democratically elected country in the Middle East but like everything else they say, they lied.

Israel holds 7,000 Muslims and Christians as hostages. They have been charged with or convicted of no crime. They have not been tried in any court of law. They are just hostages tortured and beaten because they exist in a territory the Zionists have been stealing for over eighty years. I call it a territory because Israel is not a country. Countries have borders. Israel has none and is constantly seeking to increase the land under their control. Recently the Jerusalem Post was good enough to define the goal posts for us. See below.

(Click on images to enlarge)

We are told that god gave them Greater Israel so Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan and Egypt can look forward to their turn in the barrel. Countries more or less obey international law. Israel flaunts all international law.

According to international law, Hamas had all the right in the world to escape their prison. They had the right under the Geneva Convention to conduct warfare against their captors. Since Israel feels an unlimited right to hold hostages, Hamas thought taking hostages was a great idea to exchange for the thousands held illegally by Israel. Hamas wasn’t in the murder business as Israel is every day, they were in the hostage business. They were no better off by murdering innocent people.

Douglas Macgregor reports that only 1139 Jews died in the events of October 7th 2023. Of those about 350 were either IDF or security forces which made them perfectly legal military targets for Hamas. So, we are left with just 789 civilian and presumably innocent Jews who died. We have no idea of how many Muslims and Christians died that day because Israel is doing the counting and non-Jews are worth nothing at all.

We know the IDF embraced the Hannibal Directive that day and destroyed over 1,000 vehicles around and headed back to Gaza. We know there were tanks firing on civilian Jewish homes with hostages inside. We know there were many helicopter gunship attacks. We don’t know exactly how many innocent Jews died at the bloodstained hands of the IDF but it’s entirely possible that the majority of the 789 innocent civilians died from the IDF, not Hamas. But of course, that is never mentioned in the controlled media only the free press.

We were never told that Hamas as the legally elected government of Gaza had an absolute right of self-defense under the Geneva Convention. We are never told that in fact the ICC determined ten years ago that as an occupying power Israel does not have a right of self-defense. We know the stories of the 40 beheaded babies or the rapes or the baby cooked in a microwave were all lies coming from Israel. We watched with horror the IDF commander claim that Hamas blew up the building behind him when in fact it was his tank that blew it up and he knew it. But the Zionists always lie.

The Jewish religion actually has a prayer spoken at Yom Kippur that seems to allow lying.

“When, on the Day of Atonement, you walk into a synagogue, the very first prayer that you recite, you stand -- and it's the only prayer for which you stand -- and you repeat three times a short prayer. The Kol Nidre. In that prayer, you enter into an agreement with God Almighty that any oath, vow, or pledge that you may make during the next twelve months -- any oath, vow or pledge that you may take during the next twelve months shall be null and void.

The oath shall not be an oath; the vow shall not be a vow; the pledge shall not be a pledge. They shall have no force and effect, and so forth and so on.

And further than that, the Talmud teaches: "Don't forget -- whenever you take an oath, vow, and pledge -- remember the Kol Nidre prayer that you recited on the Day of Atonement, and that exempts you from fulfilling that"

We know Israel has murdered at least 42,000 people in Gaza even though Lancet says over 200,000 but there are so many bodies buried under the rubble of the 60% of homes in Gaza being destroyed that the real number will never be known. We know that Israel is deliberately starving as many people as possible with the permission of the Jewish American Secretary of State. He lied to Congress but as occupied territory Congress doesn’t object to being lied to by Jews. Netanyahu was given over fifty ovations when he demanded access to a joint secession of Congress and the Senate. He’s the biggest liar in a country filled with countless liars.

But all things change.

In mid-April Iran hit Israel with over three hundred drones, missiles and rockets in response to the April 1 assassination of General Mohammad Reza Zahedei in the Iranian embassy in Damascus Syria. The western press immediately labeled the attack a failure due to the fact that over 90% of the attacking devices were shot down. As usual, they lied. There were two slight problems with that narrative. Iran attacked two airfields and a spy station in the Golan Heights. All three targets were hit. That’s a success in any military conflict.

The majority of the air power were suicide devices designed to force Israel to defend. They were supposed to be shot down. That’s why they were used. Iran attacked three targets and hit all three. But of far more importance was the estimate from a number of sources counting the cost of the operation. The best numbers I saw said it cost Iran $100 million for the operation and the forces of the US, UK, France, Jordan, Saudia Arabia and Israel $5 billion for the defense. That would be a pyrrhic victory if you were stupid enough to believe it was any victory at all.

After the murder of Hamas’s chief Ismail Haniyeh, Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, and IRGC commander Abbas Nilforoushan the incoming President of Iran went from being a supporter of tamping down the fires in the Middle East to lighting a fuse. Haniyeh was the negoatior representing Hamas with Israel for release of the hostages. He was assassinated by Israel. Nasrallah signed an agreement with Israel for a ceasefire in Lebanon only days before his murder. He was assassinated by Israel. Nilforoushan was merely collateral damage as far as the Zionists were concerned.

So, on October 2nd Iran responded in what is a perfectly legal response to an act of war by firing 400 missiles and rockets according to the Jerusalem Post. The attack targeted two IDF airfields where the F-35s were based, Mossad headquarters and the Arrow anti-aircraft radar stations. As usual the IDF, Netanyahu and the MSM lied and claimed most of the incoming missiles were shot down and no damage was done. But anyone with a computer or cell phone could go to YouTube and watch over thirty of the attacking devices hit a single airfield. Serious damage showed and certainly a few billion US taxpayer dollars invested in F-35 aircraft flew off to money heaven.

Naturally the IDF and Netanyahu demanded an immediate and serious attack against Iran for daring to defend its interests. The US has numerous fighter squadrons and refueling aircraft stationed nearby and no doubt there was all the intentions of a giant attack on Iran possibly including the use of nuclear weapons. Israel has been itching to nuke Iran for a long long time and this could have been their chance.

Iran fucked up their plans.

Major military operations are too big in size to hide. Iran knew Israel was about to hit back and on Saturday night closed their airspace from 9:00 PM local time in anticipation of the IDF attack.

Then magically a seismic event took place in the Iranian desert that has all the aspects of an underground nuclear explosion.

Israel recalled their aircraft; the operation was canceled and Iran reopened their airspace.

Peace followed.

Netanyahu, Blinken, Biden, Harris, Austin, Brown and everyone in the IDF and US military of higher rank than Lance Corporal are still busy cleaning the shit out of their pants.

They got the message loud and clear.

“Israel, fuck with us and we will clean your clock,” Iran said.

You see the IDF and US military only attack countries that cannot defend themselves. Led by cowards, liars and fools they are at least smart enough to know what checkmate means. The guys who invented chess just taught them.

We are led by stupid people but the dynamics in the Middle East just inverted. Israel is a tiny country easy to attack. Iran is a far larger country with seventy-four times the land mass and ten times the population. Israel couldn’t possibly destroy Iran unless nukes were used. As soon as Iran actually possessed nukes it was game over for the criminal state of Israel.

Iran vs Israel: Game, Set, Match Iran

After eighty years of evil directed by Satan we may finally see peace in the Middle East.


Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

321gold Ltd

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