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Nevada King Drills Bigly Company Making Intercept

Bob Moriarty

Jul 25, 2024

Over the past twenty-three years I have visited somewhere between four hundred and five hundred projects. Some of them twice or three times. In that period, I easily met well over a thousand or more geologists. Whenever I am asked if I have met a particular geo, I always respond, “Maybe”, because it’s simply not possible to recall them all. Geologists change companies as often as hookers change the street corner they are working depending on the weather and traffic.

All geologists have pet theories. It must come in a course they took because they all have a pet theory. Most are full of crap. But now and again one of those pet theories grabs the brass ring and clutches it for dear life.

At the Atlanta Gold Mine owned by Nevada King (NKG-V, NKGFF-OTCQX) Cal Herron, the exploration manager for NKG spoke about his pet theory about eight months ago. Let’s listen to what he said. Of all of the geologists I have ever met and listened to their pet theories, this is the best call I have ever heard. Here’s why.

On July 23rd Nevada King released a significant news release that most investors will have ignored because it didn’t seem to contain anything new. NKG has released a lot of drill intercepts showing gram/meter results in excess of 100. Any drill hole that shows over 100 gram/meters (grams times meters) is a home run hole. I wrote about that about six months ago. Hole 44 drilled in 2023 showed 11.64 g/t Au over 108.2 meters for a gram/meter home run with the bases loaded of 1257.

But those holes were drilled where there were intersections of various faults where typically you get the highest grade. But as Cal pointed out in what is probably the most important press release NKG has ever put out, the 68.6 meters of 5.14 g/t Au and 16 g/t Ag (gram/meter of 352) came from the South Quartzite Ridge Anticline. If you listen carefully to the video of his theory, that’s where the gold came from. That’s a big deal. That’s the motherlode with a 1500-meter potential strike length. In the press release he compares hole AT24HG-41 to a similar gold system owned by Kinross at Round Mountain with past production of 16 million ounces through 2022.

Obviously, the best thing the company can do now is pincushion the South Quartzite Ridge. However, it is on BLM land and they are a couple of months away with getting the permission to build roads and drill pads. They may try directional drilling for prior permitted pads on patented ground. Rest assured their primary focus is on punching a lot of holes into that ridge.

I’m like most investors and I barely skim read press releases but in this case, I highly suggest investors and potential investors scour through the twelve-page release because it is an important document if the theory is 100% correct and so far it seems so.

There is an extra bonus for fast acting new investors. On July 22nd shareholders approved the spinout of all the NKG projects other than Atlanta into a new company to be called NV King Goldlands. I’m not sure how well that is going to roll off your tongue but it is what it is. In addition, the new company will have a 3% NSR on all gold and silver production from Atlanta. The new company will be the 3rd largest land holder in Nevada. Nevada happens to be the best jurisdiction for mining in the world.

I visited the project in 2011 when it was owned by Meadow Bay. Meadow Bay paid $5 million and some shares for the project with production going back as far as 1905. Meadow Bay did not make a success of the property and later sold to Nevada King for a tiny $1 million in 2019. I think NKG made the deal of a lifetime. Also, I think Cal Herron will be winning some awards for his theory.

Nevada King is an advertiser and I own shares. Do your own due diligence.

Nevada King Gold Corp
NKG-V $.33 (Jul 24, 2024)
NKGFF-OTCQX 343 million shares 
Nevada King Gold website


Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

321gold Ltd

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