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Scorpio Releases Drill Results from Manhattan Soon

Bob Moriarty

Jul 24, 2024

The United States officially crossed over into The Twilight Zone on July 13th with the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. There appears to be a credible report of three different shooters. There were three slow shots with a distinct sound signature, then what sounds like five rapid fire shots with a different sound signature and a final single shot with a totally different sound signature.

The 20-year-old given credit as the assassin had two encrypted cell phones and complex explosive devices in his car. Reports say he was walking around the area for an hour before the shooting, had a rangefinder with him and somehow smuggled both a rifle and a ladder to a building a mere 130 yards from the president all without being challenged. The police even took his picture. Numerous onlookers reported a man on top of the building with a gun with little action taking place and no movement of the Secret Service to move Trump.

As is typical in important events, both the government and the MSM began with a series of lies. CNN said the Secret Service removed Trump from the stage after he fell. The Secret Service first denied refusing extra protection for Trump before admitting that, yes, he had been denied numerous requests. The Secret Service claimed they had a sniper team in the one story building that the assassin shot from and later admitted the sniper team was on the 2nd floor of an adjacent building overlooking the sniper’s position on the one-story building.

A number of liberal sources have suggested Trump be killed as a new Hitler and threat to Democracy including Biden saying only weeks before that Trump needed to be put in the “Bullseye.” Kamala Harris is still putting out an advertisement saying Trump is an existential threat to the United States and democracy. Is she trolling for more assassins?

Someone did find a dummy to act the Lee Harvey Oswald part. And as much as Trump is hated by Blackrock and the giant hedge funds that have purchased massive land positions in Eastern Ukraine and various assorted liberals it seems pretty likely that there will be more attempts on his life. While Las Vegas odds favor Trump winning the election, if one is actually held, the odds of surviving the next few months are less than stellar.

I’ve predicted an assassination of Trump for months and that Biden would not be a candidate for President in this election. Both were correct. And just after the shooting I predicted more chaos between now and November. President Biden took himself out as a candidate and turned the nomination over to Harris who is even more unpopular than Joe Biden. It’s going to be an interesting three months.

Meanwhile in Ukraine the US and NATO do their very best to start World War III which they most certainly will lose. Bibi Netanyahu is busy supervising the ongoing genocide in Gaza and attacks in Lebanon so he can remain Prime Minister. It seems that once he is no longer PM he is subject to criminal charges on corruption. Netanyahu would far rather see a nuclear war than go to prison.

Israel has been brought to their knees economically due to the ongoing attacks by the Houthi rebels in spite of air attacks by the US, UK and Israel. A bunch of turban covered natives wearing sandals have done serious damage to Israel's economy. What happened to the IDF being the most moral and best led military in the world?

And the banking system is about to collapse potentially dragging the Magnificent Seven with it after they lost $1.3 trillion last week. From the high a little over a month ago, Nvidia lost $580 billion in market cap in four days. We are in for interesting times.

With all the economic events in progress taking place, it may seem outrageous to suggest investors even consider seeking the safety of gold/silver and resource stocks. While you have insurance on your car and on your home and perhaps on the breadwinner of the house, do you have an insurance policy on your financial future?

Gold and silver are the insurance policy for financial chaos. I own gold and silver I bought near the lows in 1999 for gold and 2001 for silver. I have never been concerned with the price no more than I consider the cost of providing insurance for my car and home. It’s a cost of doing business. But if you want profit from your investments, you should be considering junior resource stocks.

If you believe as I do that the prices for the metals are going to go up, you should be thinking about leverage. What I mean by that is that you want projects with the lowest grade of gold you can find rather than the highest. The leverage you get with low grade gold can multiply your return in a big way.

I found one stock that has mines and mills and an existing resource in a safe jurisdiction. The stock is Scorpio (SGN-V and SRCRF-OTCQB).

Scorpio has recently joined some existing deposits and mines into one company. Their Mineral Ridge project shows 420 thousand ounces of gold in proven and probable reserves at a grade of 1.60 g/t Au. Assuming a gold price of $1850 the company believes it could immediately expand the reserves to 500-600 thousand ounces using a Whittle pit optimization. A 2018 feasibility study showed a NPV of $72 million at a gold price of $1500 an ounce. That figure would be far higher at $2400 gold. With a total market cap of right at $10 million just the Mineral Ridge mine and mill would justify the price.

But Scorpio also has the Northstar deposit right next to Mineral Ridge. I went to visit the project many years ago and there were the remains of a large old mill and lots of signs of mineralization. Many samples at Northstar showed grades of 30-32 g/t Au.

Scorpio’s primary focus for now is their Manhattan Wedge mine and mill with a 400 TPD mill. The deposit is located 16 km south of the famous Round Mountain Gold Mine. Scorpio is currently drilling a 25 hole, about 5000-meter drill program. Results from the Phase 1 five-hole drill program should be released in the next couple of weeks and could cause a revaluation of the company’s market cap.

Scorpio purchased the Manhattan mine and mill from Kinross and owns 100% of the project. There has been over 100,000 meters of drilling in 1,200 holes with only internal resource estimations. Scorpio plans releasing a 43-101 resource in Q4 of 2024. In 2021 the company drilled 50.2 g/t Au over 5.6 meters, 20.4 g/t Au over 15.3 meters and 3.89 g/t Au over 41.2 meters. In 2022 the company reported 27.16 g/t Au over 16.8 meters and 4.9 g/t over 22.9 meters.

Scorpio is very cheap given they have three prior production mines and mills at two of them and is fully permitted. The upcoming drill results in a couple of weeks could cause a major increase in the rating of the shares. I think their biggest problem is a lack of visibility.

While Scorpio is an advertiser, I bought shares in the PP at $.15 because I believe in the story. Of course, that makes me biased so do your own due diligence.

Scorpio Gold Corp
SGN-V $.11 (Jul 23, 2024) 
SRCRF-OTCQB 90.4 million shares
Scorpio Gold Website


Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

321gold Ltd

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