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The Guns of April

Bob Moriarty

Apr 19, 2021

For anyone who needs an update on how World War I began, just read the headlines of today and change the names slightly. No one country actually started that war. The rulers of all of them did stupid things, one after another and all of a sudden the world was in flames. The same silly shit is happening today.

For those who wonder just how the American Empire is going to end, in a whimper or with a bang, we are about to find out. My money says it’s going to be with a giant bang. But the empire is going to end post haste. How do I know? Let me count the ways. We have passed peak stupidity across the entire spectrum.

1. An artist who hadn’t sold anything for over $100 up until six months ago sold a Non-Fungible Token of one of his art works for $69 million a little over five weeks ago. He could be onto something good; he produces a piece of art every single day.

2. A fourteen year old pair of used tennis shoes formerly belonging to Kanye West is being auctioned by Sotheby’s starting at a cool $1 million. Which is a pretty absurd price given that the only people who could possibly afford to pay that would be any Dogecoin owner or Beeple referred to in 1 above.

3. Dogecoin started as an Internet parody seven years ago, a joke. It’s up 6,000% since the start of the year, 355% for the week and 100% on Friday. What could possibly go wrong? I’ve been predicting hyperinflation for years now. When cliptocurrencies that began as a joke go up 100% in a day that makes hyperinflation sound quite sound, reasonable and desirable. Perhaps we need to invent a new word for being beyond hyperinflation.

Bitcon hit an all time high of about $64,500 on the 14th of April. It’s dropped almost 20% since then but just wait until the first EMP weapon goes off and all of the cliptocurrencies revert to their real value. In December of 2017 at the last top in the cliptocurrencies there are a total of about thirteen hundred in the flock. Now there are four thousand, nine hundred and ninety. We are told you need to own them because they are so rare.

4. The Ministry of Truth silenced a video of the Governor of Florida meeting with a group of scientists “led by world-renowned doctors and epidemiologists from Oxford, Stanford, and Harvard, all of whom are eminently qualified to speak on the global health crisis.” Their crime? Doctors and scientists dared question the medical need for masks. Now we have twenty-somethings determining just what it is Americans are or are not allowed to think. Heaven forbid someone questions the dictates from Big Pharma.

Actually I look forward to the four o’clock follies from Dr. Fauci where he announces the mask requirement for the next day. The choice is (1) none, (2) one, (3) one with a face shield, (4) two with or without a face shield or (5) back to one. Given that Dr. Fauci is the highest paid Federal Government official, wouldn’t it be a lot cheaper and a more efficient use of his time with a "Wheel of Fauci" with all the possible choices on the board similar to Wheel of Fortune and we just take a spin?

Fauci’s latest proclamation is to demand that Americans not eat or drink indoors at bars and restaurants. That’s after taking the emergency experimental gene therapy jab.

So if the so-called “vaccine” doesn’t protect you, why did so many Americans bother taking it in the first place?

5. A Deli in New Jersey doing $36,000 worth of business over the past two years has a market cap of over $100 million. The owner is a high school wrestling coach. No doubt the shakes are great.

6. Hunter Biden’s new book came out as something less than a roaring success. For some. Who cares if sales flopped? Certainly not Simon & Schuster.

Like Burisma of Ukraine before them, access to the president doesn’t come cheap. Hunter Biden got a reported $2 million advance. Burisma was only paying him $50,000 a month for his experience in the energy field. That article from the New York Post, third largest newspaper in the US was also censored by the Ministry of Truth because showing that the Democrat candidate for President was taking backhanded bribes from one of the most corrupt countries in the world is certainly not something the Pubic needs to be aware of.

An Australian news outlet showed a series of candid photos taken directly from the laptop Biden took in for service and forgot to pick up. You know, the one the Russians somehow made up. Oops, now we find out the Russians had nothing to do with the laptop or the story in the New York Post. The photos reveal Hunter Biden not only had a serious crack cocaine problem it looks like he has the teeth of a typical crystal meth addict.

The good news of course is that now that Joe Biden is president Hunter can count on a nice presidential pardon at Christmas for his Federal sins admitted at length on his laptop. And in the worst case, $2 million can buy a lot of crack and crystal meth.

7. On March 24th the President of Ukraine essentially declared war on Russia and began moving his military forces to the border of Donbass. In response the Russians moved their forces to the border as well.

Have Americans already forgotten the speech by "Fuck the EU" Assistant of State Victoria Nuland when she bragged about American taxpayers dumping $5 billion into the cesspool of corruption known as Ukraine to help them have democracy? The US of course is a giant fan of democracy except in Iran. Or in Israel, or in Palestine, or in Gaza or in Iraq, or Guatemala, or Afghanistan or Venezuela or Cuba and probably others I have failed to mention. It’s so hard to keep track of just what country America hates today, it seems as if there is a new candidate to bomb the shit out of every day. And there are a lot of days if you think about it.

The vote didn’t go exactly the way the US demanded in Ukraine so in 2014 the CIA and US sponsored a coup d’état and booted the democratically elected president out of office and installed their new thug. When the eastern regions of Ukraine known as Donbass voted to rejoin Russia as it had been their country for 200 years 96% of those voting chose to be Russian. International observers watched the election and they announced it seemed to be a fair election and representative of the intentions of the vast majority of citizens. The Ministry of Truth, the CIA, the puppet now in charge of Ukraine as a result of the coup, all now claim that Russia somehow invaded Ukraine and seized the breakaway states.

8. If there wasn’t enough stupidity coming out of Washington Acting President Joe Biden declared a State of Emergency last week. In a statement released by the White House Acting President Biden demonstrated that he is now officially Bat Shit crazy. The statement accused “the Kremlin of working to ‘undermine the conduct of free and fair democratic elections and democratic institutions in the United States and its allies and partners.’”

Ah, yes. Russian interference in the US election in 2020? But I thought the Russian interference took place in the 2016 election. Oh, that’s right. Hillary Clinton made that up to cover up her crimes in using a non-secure server for official State Department correspondence. And the FBI knew all about it be fake news and ignored it.

That of course is long after the US staged the coup in Ukraine in 2014. Accusing Russia of interfering in US elections is one of those tropes that passed its expiration date a long time ago. Why would we even care? Even 31% of registered Democrats agreed the 2020 election in the US was fixed. By the Democrats.

It was the most corrupt election in US history and the entire State and Federal court systems ignored all the very real evidence of fraud. And Biden is whining about Russian interference in our elections? Are you kidding?

9. Russia is closing the Kerch Strait to all foreign military and state vessels as of the 24th of April. Reports say Russia has given the US and Nato until the 21st of April to remove all American and Nato forces from Ukraine. Putin has a major speech to the Russian parliament on April 21st. That would be a good time for a declaration of war.

In August of 1914 we had a similar situation where the great powers of the world simply slid into conflict without anyone in particular causing the war. This time clearly the US, Nato, the CIA and Ukraine are the aggressors. The US has 500,000 personnel in over 800 foreign bases surrounding both China and Russia. Russia has 14 foreign bases surrounding no one.

There is an excellent chance there will be war. There is also a high probability of it going nuclear. No one will win. Hundreds of millions or perhaps billions of people in the world will die.

At the end there will be war crimes trials. All those US generals who have never won a battle much less a war are going to have to answer for their actions and “I was just following orders” isn’t going to be good enough. Skip your plans for a well-paid directorship at Martin Marietta or Boeing, that’s no longer an option. It would be a great time to reread the oath of office you took when you signed up.


Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold

321gold Ltd

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