Fear the October
Bob Moriarty
September 27,
For those who
wonder what purpose was served by one of the first official acts
of George the 2nd when he issued an executive order classifying
the official records from the Reagan-Bush years, we
now know.
George 1st (Bush Sr) participated in a behind the scenes negotiation
with Iran in October of 1980 to gain the promise of the release
of the 52 American Embassy hostages. Bush's October Surprise
was sufficient to gain Reagan the presidency and the humiliating
defeat of Jimmy Carter. And as promised, the Iranians released
the hostages on inauguration day in exchange for American arms.
The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.
Private citizens
running for public office and conducting arms deals with foreign
countries who hold Americans hostage is pretty close to treason.
If Prescott Bush could be caught Trading
with the Enemy with his Nazi pals during WW II, why shouldn't George
1st carry on the tradition? It runs in the family.
Today we have
a presidency coming unglued with a civil war in all but name
on a horrific scale in Iraq, the Taliban back in control of most
of Afghanistan and Israel goading the US into the Mother of All
War Crimes by demanding we attack Iran with nuclear weapons.
It's clear that George 2nd lost the first election to Al Gore
and was appointed into office by the Supreme Court. And it's
also become pretty obvious that Karl
Rove managed to steal another election in the Presidential elections of 2004.
With two separate court decisions which have determined George
2nd to have violated the law both with his treatment of prisoners
in Cuba and illegal wiretapping in the US, George 2nd faces not
only impeachment but possible imprisonment should all of the
details of 911 be revealed.
Look for an
October Surprise.
Fear the October
Surprise, it's coming your way soon.
It could be
false flag operation by Israel designed to give the Gang of Fools
a Casus Belli to attack Iran with nuclear weapons. Something
like hitting one of our carriers in the Persian Gulf with an
anti-ship missile fired from a gunboat using Iranian frequency
radar. Americans have short memories and Karl Rove is well aware
of the evil in the hearts of men. He wallows in evil and the
best that can be said of the Bush Regime is that he has brought
fear to America.
In any case,
the world is in for another six weeks of the greatest danger
of nuclear war since the dark days of October of 1962. George
2nd is madder than a hatter. There is a good chance this administration
will do anything to prevent the Democrats for taking either the
House of Representatives or the Senate. It's entirely possible
that Karl Rove will incinerate America before allowing the investigations
that would be part and parcel of a Democrat-controlled House
of Representatives. They are the ones who vote on Impeachment
and it's clear to anyone who listens to Americans speak these
days, if we lived in a democracy, Bush would be toast.
If Bush is
stupid enough to attack Iran, it won't take months for Americans
to realize we have lost the war as was the case with Iraq, we
will be able to figure it out in a couple of days. You won't
be able to give dollars away and gold is going through the roof
as our economy collapses and our form of government disappears.
These clowns have lost three wars in a row. Am I the only person
to see signs of a pattern here?
It wasn't Adolf
Hitler who paid the price for WW II and his illegal war of aggression,
it was the German people. We simply cannot torture and murder
people on a wholesale basis without paying the butcher's bill.
Bob Moriarty
President: 321gold