THE MICIK MARKET LETTER Gold and the Goldies: Shock & Awe??
Alan Micik snippet
Posted Jan 4, 2012
Back in late November, we wrote that Mr. Gold Market likely had some “unfinished business,” the break of the long-term uptrend
around $1550 in order to create “Fear,” and that then it would be time to re-evaluate. We hedged our physical gold at that time
and recently closed that hedge (we never advise selling one’s physical gold - we might not get it back!). The article can be
reviewed here.
Gold broke $1550 last week and “Fear” has now returned to the gold and Goldies market. Many are now calling gold a Bear
market, or, if gold rallies from here it would “not be sustainable.” Our early “take” after this carnage is that the damage to
investor psychology by a $183 drop in 30 days is enough. This decline has exceeded all prior 2011 declines given the extremely
bullish sentiment readings of 90% from late November. We don’t see any significant down-moves over the near term, and so
we are observers, for now.
The “shock” of this decline in the midst of Europe’s woe’s surprised many gold participants, as there were no apparent
fundamentals that could justify a severe decline right as the ECB would launch more “money printing,” and in light of gold’s
seasonal tendency to rise late in the year. What couldn’t possibly happen did, “because.”
That “because” factor is always the same-excessive fear, or excessive greed, in any market, not just gold. We try to isolate
those infrequent excesses of greed and fear, and position ourselves in a “contrary” manner when there is Evidence to do so,
since the fundamental “news” is almost always “baked into the cake.”
But, where there is “shock,” there can also be “awe!” We have just issued a Special Report which covers the “awe” that
we are now forecasting. This is available for all regular and trial subscriptions - details are noted below.
The Special Report follows for subscribers…
Jan 1, 2012
Al Micik
The Micik Market Letter (MML) covers opportunities in any market sector when low-risk opportunities are identified for the investor or trader. Ongoing coverage
is provided for gold, physical gold hedging strategies, and GDX. Individual shares in any sector are generally not covered, but nor are they excluded. By using a
baskets of stocks (ETF’s), we seek to decrease our risks and have improved liquidity when it’s time to exit a position. This enables us to use reasonable Stops
and we use them on every single trade (usually at position entry, but always within one week of a position entry), in order to limit our own emotions.
The Micik Market Letter uses proprietary indicators combined with technical analysis, and contrary opinion. This letter is published when low-risk market opportunities are identified for the investor, trader, or hedger of physical gold. Unlike other market reports, we do not have regular “publication dates,” as the markets create the dates of action, and thus the communication to our subscribers. This is a new 2011 publication, but the editor has 36+ years of market experience.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: US $125 per year which includes all Special Reports, Updates, and Position Alerts for each subscription. No refunds (except pro-rata
refunds due to editor illness or death), so do take the trial service. Trial subscriptions (one-time): US $25 for 3 months. This is an email service and subscription checks should be sent to:
The Micik Letter
6311 W. School St.
Chicago, Illinois 60634
DISCLAIMER: Market opinions and recommendations detailed in this letter, while expressed in good faith, are not guaranteed, and losses will occur with any investment strategy, including this service. Each investor/trader/hedger must carefully manage to their individual risk tolerance and use “stops” to control their risks. At no time should the subscriber infer that opinions or recommendations are customized actionable advice, or be construed as an inducement or suggestion to trade or invest. The editor, publisher, associates, directors, consultants, employees, and accounts under management may, or may not, have positions in securities or derivatives described herein.
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