An "Interesting"
Picture of the US Bond Markets
Pinank Mehta
Métier Capital Management Pvt. Ltd.
Oct 12, 2006
The points to note are:
- The current Long "Open"
Interest in 10-year US treasury bond is greater than SIX Standard
Deviations (12 SIGMA)! (The
odds of a 6-Sigma event are one in 500 million or 1.37 million
years, so it will be exponentially higher for a 12 Sigma event.)
- This level is unprecedented.
Why Should We Be Worried:
- What information has led to
the professionals building up this unprecedented position in
such an accelerated fashion?
- What are the consequences
of the unwinding of this position?
a. If it is an orderly unwinding the
bond yields should be at the current levels or lower for some
time from the beginning of the unwinding.
b. If it is an unorderly unwinding
the bond yields start rising fast from the beginning of the unwinding.
- Either way, the important
consideration is the consequences of this unwinding on the other
asset classes (please note that the bond markets are 4 times
the size of the equity markets!!) and the dominoes effect on
other asset classes and participants.
Why I Could Be Wrong:
- Notwithstanding the odds of
a 6-sigma event, we have seen a level of 6-sigma three times
in the past two years and there have been no major dislocations
in the markets!
- The market size has grown
and the liquidity is very much higher with bigger and "sophisticated"
participants. The game is probably just being escalated to a
higher level.
Some of the defensive steps:
- Unwind leverage in the portfolio.
- Get out of long-dated debt
preferably into the highest quality / sovereign short-term debt.
Do not hold paper you do not intend to hold to maturity.
- Pare down exposure to aggressive
- Hold investments that you
intend to hold for the long term (at least 2 years) only.
- Temporarily move out of synthetic
instruments (structured paper, hedge funds, OTC derivatives,
Fund of Funds, etc)
October 2006
Pinank Mehta
email: mé
Pinank Mehta is a director with
Métier Capital Management Pvt. Ltd. He can be contacted
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