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World at the Brink - how we got here

Clive Maund
Posted Dec 2, 2024

Because we are at such a pivotal point in world history we are going to stand back and consider The Big Picture because what happens in the next few months and even weeks is likely to change everything. What we are going to do is consider where we are now and then “reverse engineer” it to see how we got here. This is important because we stand at the threshold of a nuclear war and gains in the markets won’t help you much if you are dead.

The first key point to understand is that the Western World is in an advanced state of decay and collapse, a situation that has arisen because it is increasingly bankrupt, morally physically and spiritually.

The 2nd key point to understand is that the United States as a constitutional federal republic as envisioned by The Founding Fathers in 1776 is done, finished. The country has been the victim of a slow-burn coup and has been and is being gutted by powerful predatory forces who have taken control of it. If you still fail to understand this you need to get up to speed and there is no better way to do this than to watch Netanyahu’s speech to Congress about 4 months ago. By chance I happened to watch this speech live at the time, and while I have long understood the degree to which these people control the United States, I was flabbergasted at the fact that a convicted war criminal and mass murderer was treated as royalty and given more than 50 standing ovations. The obsequiousness, fealty and sycophancy of members of Congress, even if to some extent expected, was astounding and clear evidence that they are all, pretty much without exception, bought off and compromised. Setting the tone for the grovelling adulation that followed he was even introduced as “His Excellency” when the right introduction would have been “Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the convicted war criminal, brutal psychopath and mass murderer, who is facing charges of corruption in his own country, Mr Benjamin Netanyahu”, but perhaps that would have brought the mood down a bit. “There’s the real President of the US!” I thought. Netenyahu, who is above the law, simply brushed off his ICC conviction as antisemitism, knowing that most governments are now so corrupted it is unlikely to be enforced. If you think that’s bad – at least Netanyahu dressed as a leader – try seeing if you can sit through diminutive Jewish skank Zelensky’s earlier address to Congress when, despite flouting House dress code, he was greeted by the most fawning adulation you will probably ever see, especially by Nancy Pelosi who just stopped short of kissing his boots – but be warned – you will probably need at least one barf bag, if you commit to watching this – it’s enough to make the strongest observer cringe. These two speeches made me realize how far gone the US is and that there is now no hope for the country outside of full-blown revolution possibly after a crushing military defeat. If you haven’t seen these speeches they are well worth sitting through because once you have seen them you will  - unless you are really stupid – fully understand that America is a vassal State of Israel / Zionist Jewry and that its 320 million or so inhabitants, including all of the middle and working class, are “plantation workers” for it, and with AI and robots set to render most of them obsolete within the next 5 years, the vast majority of the population will be considered a worthless nuisance who can be done away with. The Covid vax was a step in this direction but something of a disappointment as it has “only” killed about 25 million (and counting) worldwide and so has not gotten the job done. A nuclear war should fix that however, although it will involve some inconvenience for the elites as they will have to hide out in their luxurious well stocked and defended bunkers, but at least they will be kept entertained as they watch with glee on giant flat screen TVs the Mad Max scenes unfolding on the surface as The Great Cull runs its course. Those who are delusionally pinning their hopes on Trump rescuing the country are going to be sadly disillusioned for as he has already clearly demonstrated he is in their pockets and works for them – try replacing MAGA with MIGA (Make Israel Great Again) and you will have it about right. If this were not the case he would not have been permitted to become President and would not have received a $100 million campaign donation from a prominent Jewess for this purpose.

I had long been puzzled by Zionist Jewry’s objective of exterminating or greatly reducing the White race population and its influence, as expressed by all the recent “White supremacy” nonsense in the US, after all, the White race has invented many things including civilization itself to a large extent which they benefit from – so why would they want to do this? The reason it seems is that they consider the White race to be the only race with the intelligence to understand their plans and organize to stop them, as Hitler tried to, and the reduction in the White race population won’t now be detrimental to them, as they have pretty much invented all the things they need and AI and robots can now take over. If a nuclear war does eventuate it will wipe out a large proportion of the White race who are mostly in Canada and the US, Europe, Russia and Australia which will suit them just fine.

The way Europe is destroying itself economically is a fascinating example of what corruption and influence can achieve. The Hegemon, the US, has wanted to neuter and weaken Europe for a long time and has made great strides towards this goal over the past several years. By doing this it stops it becoming an economic and geopolitical force to be reckoned with and thus keeps it dependent on and subservient to the US. The way it has gone about this is relatively straightforward. Most European leaders are bribed and bought off by the Hegemon so that they will “sell their citizenry down the river”, acting for the interests of the US and against the interests of their own citizens, honorable exceptions being the Presidents of Hungary and Serbia. Next, they blew up the Nordstream pipeline to scupper cooperation between Europe and Russia and although it was obvious who did it and why, you didn’t hear a squeak about it from European politicians because they are so compromised. This paved the way for provoking Russia into invading Eastern Ukraine so that they could then turn Europe against Russia. The intensifying war between Europe and Russia will serve to drain the “blood and treasure” of Europe with the bonus being the culling of a lot of Whites, the slavic Ukrainians and Russians many of whom are too stupid to realize they are being played. Zelensky’s job is to clear out the population of Ukraine so that Jews (Khazars) can take it over as a second homeland and it is understood that megacorporations like Blackrock and Vanguard are buying up loads of land there on the cheap under cover of the war.      

The 3rd and related key point is that the Western World has been conquered by Satanists and you can see the evidence of this everywhere – the dumbing down of education, the LGBTQ nonsense, mass immigration, transgenderism, the attack on the nuclear family, the takeover of Hollywood by paedophiles and perverts of every stripe, the proliferation of tattoes and body piercing, the depraved violent movies on Netflix and the attacks on the White race etc. The conquest of Western societies is on full display in the incongruous satanic rituals paraded at the new Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony and the bizarre opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games where the elites foretold the Covid Plandemic complete with the Covid virus symbol, dancing nurses and hospital beds etc. It is very important to understand this because it greatly increases the chances of a destructive nuclear war – here’s why: if we were to define Satanism it is the enjoyment and revelling in the infliction of death, pain and suffering on other people and the general exploitation of them and usage of them for perverted gratification and the more Satanists can do this, the happier they are. If you want an example you need look no further than Gaza where they are savoring slowly torturing and killing a captive population who are being relentlessly bombed, starved and endlessly shunted around, with countless thousands of women and children being crushed to death under fallen masonry. Why does the US “turn a blind eye” to this and even assist it by the furnishing of money and arms? – simple, go back to point 2 – the US is controlled by the people who are carrying out the genocide.

This point about the Satanists who control the Western world revelling in death and destruction is very important to understand, because once you do you begin to comprehend why they would welcome a nuclear war, limited or not. Now you start to understand why they are continually “upping the ante” with Russia and trying to provoke it into launching a nuclear strike against the West. One supposes that the Satanists think they can escape it all by disappearing into their well-stocked bunkers, otherwise it doesn’t make much sense. The possible imminence of a massively destructive nuclear war would also explain why deagel.com, which is definitely not a fringe wing organisation, was predicting a 75% drop in the US population by the end of 2025 and an 80% drop in the UK population as far back as 2017, which implies that what is happening now was storyboarded out long ago.

This brings us to point number 4 which is the determination of how these Satanists came to ascendancy so that they now control the Western World. The answer is simple. They gained control of the money supply of Western countries, most notably the United States, where the Satanists sealed the country’s fate with the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank way back in 1913 and other similar Central Banks have been established in many other countries. As Nathan Rothschild said long ago – “Give me control of a nation’s currency and I care not who makes its laws”. The Fed is a private racket which creates money out of thin air which those who control it get first use of and in addition to lining their own pockets, they proceed to buy off and corrupt all business institutions, politicians and public bodies etc. and bend them to their purpose. Anyone who gets in their way is either sidelined or murdered, notable examples being John F Kennedy and the 5 Presidents who resisted the Covid vax tyranny, who were all murdered and replaced. They talk about maintaining inflation at a target rate of 2% per year, which means that they are fleecing the population of up to 2% of their wealth every year, depending on whether pay rises keep up. It might not sound like much, but try compounding that over 10 years and see what you get – small wonder that thousands of people are now sleeping in their vehicles just in the LA district. You also understand how, using vast sums of money spirited into existence in this manner, elite companies like Blackrock and Vanguard can buy up everything in sight and now own most of the wealth.

This brings us full circle back to point number 1 since the corrosive influence of these Satanists being in control of society is what has resulted in the moral and physical decay as their ruthless and relentless plundering and wealth transfer to themselves has destroyed the underpinnings of society, with the exponential growth of debt to insane levels threatening to bring the entire financial system crashing down in a smouldering heap.

This is why – point number 5 – the Hegemon, the US, is making its big power play right now. The growing acute fragility of the Western financial system coupled with the emergence and growth of financial and military centers elsewhere, the BRICS and China etc, is impelling the Hegemon to try to “take them down” while it still has a chance as it sees it and it is starting with Russia because if it can take down Russia it can then move on to China, its dream being to establish global hegemony (or perhaps re-establish it as it has already had it to some extent up to now with the dollar reserve currency system). There are at least 3 military Theaters that are in play to this end. In addition to Ukraine there is the Mid-East with Israel’s push to expand and create The Greater Israel, starting with the elimination or driving out of the Palestinians and bombing surrounding States like Lebanon and Syria back to the Stone Age, all made possible by a steady stream of munitions from the US which it controls. Lastly, we have Taiwan which the US can use as an excuse to attack China on its southern flank. However it is by no means certain that the US has the financial and military capacity, much less the industrial capacity, to prevail on all these fronts, especially at the same time, and especially as the intended victims of this aggression, aware that they have targets over them, have not been standing still but have been advancing their capacity to defend themselves. The way that things are shaping up it looks like it will be the US and its vassal States such as Canada, and in Europe France, Germany and especially the UK and other lesser vassal States such as Australia lining up on one side versus China, Russia, Iran and North Korea on the other.
Anyone who believes the official story that the West is helping Ukraine preserve its democracy against a predatory Russia is of course an idiot. What is going on is that the West is fighting a proxy war against Russia using Ukraine as an excuse. Unfortunately for them, however, they have just got their asses kicked – Russia has won the war in Ukraine and destroyed a lot of western kit in the process. The West cannot accept this of course and is now “upping the ante” by launching deep missile strikes into Russia. To their dismay, however, Russia has just demonstrated a kinetic ICBM, the Oreshnik that has the capacity to destroy all of their airfields and military bases in Europe and beyond in a matter of minutes. So now, since their massive egos cannot permit them to accept that they have been outclassed, they are planning pre-emptive nuclear strikes against Russia which will of course mean a counter strike by Russia against Europe and perhaps the US that will leave Europe at the least as a smoking wasteland. The worrying thing is that normal people would at this point back off, if only as an act of self-preservation, but these are not normal people, they are Satanists and the idea of incinerating millions or even billions of people in a nuclear holocaust fills their barren hearts with joy.

So what is the origin of this evil, this Satanism? You will find it in the old Khazar Jew Talmud and other texts where they talk about themselves as “The Chosen People” and everyone else as worthless “Amalek” or “Goy Cattle” to be either exploited or exterminated. It’s not very charitable to put it mildly and explains their savage brutality towards the Palestinians who Joav Gallant, the ex-Israeli head of the military, famously described as “human animals”. The Covid vax campaign several years back had a lot of similarities with ranchers branding their cattle – this was Satanists marking the human herd as their property while also injecting them with substances that will shorten their lives or render them sterile for the fact is that with the advances in AI and robotics they simply don’t need all these people, as they see it. As Yuval Harari so eloquently put it, there is now the creation of a “Massive Class of USELESS PEOPLE”.

Interestingly, their cruelty is not confined solely to other races for they inflict it on their own young through the depraved and perverted practice of circumcision which is performed on infants without anaesthetic and causes PTSD. A circumcised man loses half his sex nerves with the other half being desensitized through abrasion and exposure and has to “go at it like a dog” to feel anything, which to put it mildly is not exactly pleasant for his partner. The vague and continuous frustration associated with their impoverished sex lives probably transmutes into anger and hatred which they then direct at “elected victims” and this may go a considerable way to explaining the peculiar and vicious cruelty we have seen exhibited towards the Palestinians (and others) for many decades now who have the greatest misfortune to have these barbarians inflicted on them. A big reason that this awful practice is perpetuated is tradition – “We have always done this” - and the unacknowledged likelihood is that each generation takes revenge on the next for what was done to them. Due to the pervasive influence of the Jew in the US, almost half of men there have until relatively recently been subjected to this medieval practice using the excuse of “hygiene”. I have never seen anyone address this issue despite its obvious importance which just goes to show you how many willfully stupid people there are in the world.
Adolf Hitler saw all this coming and tried to stop them. Of course, the victors after World War 2 rewrote history to present him as a monster and brainwashed generations of school kids that he was so but in reality he was the staunchest champion of the White race and a brave man who was twice injured on the front lines in the 1st World War. Had he prevailed, Europe would have been a prosperous paradise and it would not have been swamped with hordes of immigrants from Africa and Asia who will outbreed the indigenous population and take over and Europe would not have become a pathetic vassal State and pawn of the US (and Israel) who have now brought it to the point of (self-inflicted) destruction. He kicked all of the Jewish bankers with their usurious interest rates out of Germany and the country soon prospered. Seeing the threat to their stranglehold on power, International Jewry declared war on Germany as early as 1933. Unfortunately for Hitler he hadn’t factored in that by this time they already controlled the US which at that time was an economic powerhouse and its power was brought to bear on Germany using Britain as an “aircraft carrier”. By the end of the war Germany was completely destroyed in an act of revenge for daring to oppose the power of The Masters of the Universe and it has been struggling to find an identity ever since, hence the big Green movement there in recent decades. This is not to say that I am condoning everything that Hitler and the Nazis did, far from it, but terrible things happen in war. The point is that Hitler did not start the war and did not want it – it was forced on him by International Jewry, which is probably why he invaded neighboring countries like France to stop them launching attacks on him from there. Had he pushed forward and taken Britain and dealt with the Bolshevik Jew-created Soviet Union later, he would have won the war and the world would not be in the situation we now face. 

Before he died Hitler said “One day my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right”. Although it is still far from politically correct to say it, that day appears to be fast approaching.

If there is a silver lining to all this, it is that, if nuclear war can be averted, the Hegemon – the US and its allies, no longer have the industrial capacity or military or technical superiority to prevail in a longer war of attrition which they will lose, for reasons set out in Why the United States Will Lose a War With Russia.

The above are the opinions of the writer and are not intended to cause offence. If you do take offense you are almost certainly brainwashed / conditioned / woke and rather than get mad at me the best thing you can do is go and visit your local shrink (psychiatrist) but note that the deprogramming required will probably take many sessions especially if the shrink himself is brainwashed / conditioned / woke in which case you should find another.

This is a time when the root causes of the problems facing the world have to be squarely faced up to, as they are above, and if they are not the consequences for most of the population will be dire in the extreme.

You should listen to the following video twice:-

NUCLEAR WAR in the globalists’ next DEPOPULATION scheme to KILL BILLIONS


Clive Maund
email: support@clivemaund.com
website: www.clivemaund.com

Clive Maund is an English technical analyst, holding a diploma from the Society of Technical Analysts, Cambridge, England. He lives in Chile. Visit his subscription website at www.clivemaund.com.

Disclaimer: The above represents the opinion and analysis of Clive Maund, based on data available to him, at the time of writing. Clive Maund's opinions are his own, and are not a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell securities.

Clive Maund is an independent analyst who receives no compensation of any kind from any groups, individuals or corporations mentioned in his reports. As trading and investing in any financial markets may involve serious risk of loss, Clive Maund recommends that you consult with a qualified investment advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction and do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial ramifications.

Although a qualified and experienced stockmarket analyst, Clive Maund is not a Registered Securities Advisor. Therefore Clive Maund’s opinions on the market and stocks can only be construed as a solicitation to buy and sell securities when they are subject to the prior approval and endorsement of a Registered Securities Advisor operating in accordance with the appropriate regulations in your area of jurisdiction.

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