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Domestic Turkeys

Sam Mathid
Dec 27, 2006

I buy gold (and silver) for one reason. That reason is that things are about to change. That was my conclusion in June of 2000 and I sense the approach of that change growing ever closer.

I am not just talking about the usual economic reasons such as the gross debasement of fiat currencies around the world, or the insane levels of debt created with enthusiastic abandon by our shifty, self-serving politicians or the equally idiotic levels of private debt; neither am I talking about the sheer indifference and/or incompetence of our governing officials and their enthusiastic squandering of the vast taxes confiscated from the peasants who continue to work and create and produce despite all inducements to not do so.

I am referring to the fact that Western civilisation is beset with a stupidity that is so rampant, so widespread and so ingrained that it cannot continue for much longer. 'Stupidity' is the opposite of 'smart' and both words can only exist in the context of survival in one form or another. We have drifted so far from survival as a race that we have placed survival itself at risk.

How is it possible for people to not understand that rewarding the incompetent by the process of penalising the able will lead to greater incompetence? How is it possible to believe that punishing producers to reward non-producers will do anything but eventually and logically cause a total cessation of production?

We live in a world where the mindless trilling of politicians and aging pop singers is regarded as the font of all wisdom; a world where some people really believe that the end is nigh because of global warming and that the government ought to spend itself billions of dollars even further into debt doing something about if an organization that cannot deliver mail properly could save the world from a meteorological catastrophe. We live in a world where less than 50% of the workforce actually create wealth and who subsequently then have to support the more than 50% who do not; where private employers may no longer dictate the terms of employment to their own employees. A world where general practitioners who are trusted with nations' health are so ignorant of real causation, let alone healing, that it is usually safer not to go to them, and where psychiatrists drug human brains in crazed attempts to solve problems of the mind.

At the same time as our governments have confiscated most of the financial benefits from the most major technological advance of the human race ever, they have managed via their daft social engineering schemes and outright corruption to simultaneously bankrupt western civilisation in the manner of tin-pot African dictators peeling the skins off banana republics.

'Follow the money' has justifiably become the mantra of the age as it is often the only way to find out what is really going on. To do so shows an alarming discrepancy between appearance and reality. The wide-eyed young street activists campaigning for action against global warming are, in a bizarre fact, the unwitting foot soldiers of the nuclear power industry. The white coated psychiatrists cosily posing as healers of the mind are in reality extraordinarily well paid salesmen for unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies. Pious, tax funded promoters of the war against hunger cover their dirty dollar tracks back to vast agri-business concerns like Monsanto who are the manufacturers and promoters of genetically and atomically modified foods which threaten to monopolise the world's food supply.

We live in a world where new legislation banning something or other spews forth every week from our governing elite creating more and more criminals to the point where nothing, and I do mean NOTHING is not covered by some incomprehensibly complex piece of government legislation. The legislation is so obtuse that it is literally not possible to ever comply fully with any certainty even if one was so inclined.

I was speaking with a policewoman a few years ago who told me that she tends to only socially mix with other members of the force. The reason? "Everyone always looks so guilty and uncomfortable when I tell them that I am a police officer. Everyone has done something that breaks the law." And that sums up the truth of the matter. Our governments have made criminals of all of us whilst allowing real criminals to roam free and easy on the streets.

The constant promises of governments to end corruption and inequality and monopolies inevitably lead to greater corruption and greater inequality and greater monopolies and still people cannot see the obvious which is that government control is the problem, not the solution. It is as though the spirit of Walt Disney rules the western world and is producing a vast Road Runner fantasy whereby society can fall over steep cliffs and then pick itself up, dust itself off and carry on as though nothing had really happened. Well we are heading over a cliff, but society will not be able to pick itself up and dust itself off afterwards. Things are going to change big time when and after we reach the bottom.

Survival is based upon making decisions that result in actions conducive to survival. Such decisions can only sanely be made at the level of the individual. Sometimes individuals get it wrong and suffer the consequences, so be it, but with governments taking over the decision making role you can be sure that those wrong calls will become institutionalised; and you can also be sure that there will be an awful lot of wrong calls. That is what has got us to where we are now.

Heading down the path that we are currently treading it is a foregone conclusion that both personal and business initiative will cease to exist and that we will be reduced to the intellectual and economic level of Cuba or North Korea. In its ever more obsessive pursuit with saving our bodies our governments are killing our souls and in the process are reducing people to a level of apathy. Most people don't like it, but they don't feel that they can change anything. Is that a definition of apathy, or what leads to apathy? I'm not sure.

Domestic turkeys don't have a high IQ and over the generations have had responsibility for their own survival bred out to the point that when born they have to be trained how to drink water by placing sparkling coloured marbles at the bottom of the water bowl for them to play with. Without this aid the poults (young turkeys) die of thirst. There is a similarity between these poults and the citizens of modern societies who rely on and trust governments to such a degree that they feel no personal responsibility for their own survival.

To place that much faith in unaccountable governments is a sure recipe for non-survival. Because people start with a higher IQ than turkeys the process takes longer, but the result will eventually be the same. The poults actually have the advantage in that it is in the interests of the farmer to keep the turkeys alive... at least until Christmas. No such incentive exists for the politicians. Why would they really care whether you live or die unless it is some way affects their electoral standing? The survival traits of the human race are being bred out by a lazy illusion of permanent prosperity and safety brought about by wise and benevolent Great Nanny States. It is all madness.

Of course it will come to an end. Eventually our apathetic tolerance of such foolishness will give way to anger which will quickly become rage. Change is on the way because we either change or we cease to exist as a civilisation. Our civilisation is like a dule of young turkeys who are in danger of losing their marbles.

One day in the not too distant future I believe that gold and silver will be great investments; almost as good as a stockpile of baked beans.

Sam Mathid

© Sam Mathid 26/12/06

321gold Inc