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Precious Metals in your IRA

Larry LaBorde
December 2, 2004

The end of the tax year is approaching. If you have been watching the dollar shrinking (devaluing) while your retirement funds are sitting on the sidelines in money market funds drawing less than 1% maybe it is time to invest in precious metals. While your retirement funds are growing income tax free, the silent tax of currency devaluation is taxing them terribly. To put precious metals in your retirement account you can:

1. Buy mining stocks which are a promise of precious metals in the future.
2. You can buy CEF stock and take advantage of their gold and silver bullion in Canada but you may notice that the stock trades a bit above the book value of their assets.
3. You can invest in the new GLD EFT by the World Gold Council but there is a possible problem with 3rd party verification of the assets backing the investment.
4. OR
- you can start your own precious metals fund within your own IRA account.

Become your own precious metals fund manager and buy precious metals within your IRA and hedge against further dollar devaluation. If your current IRA will not let you invest in precious metals than look into rolling over into an American Church Trust IRA.

American Church Trust allows traditional IRAs as well as Roth IRAs. If you already have an IRA or a 401K you can roll the entire account or a portion of the account into an IRA at ACT without any tax liability. If you already have a 401K plan at work that does not allow for precious metals but you want a precious metal hedge in your retirement funds look no further. If your adjusted gross income is below $160,000 (married) then you qualify for both the 401K at work AND a Roth IRA at American Church Trust that allows for investment in precious metals. You can invest up to $3,000/year in a Roth IRA if you are under 50 and $3,500/year if you are over 50.

Remember that everything your parents told you about investing for retirement is true. The two greatest pieces of financial advice I ever got from my parents are to save at least 10% of your income and to PAY YOURSELF FIRST. There is nothing magic in those two statements but they are the most sure fire plan of retiring well.

American Church Trust (ACT) is a fee based custodian that allows their traditional IRA and their Roth IRA accounts to invest in precious metals as well as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, church bonds, CDs, foreign CDs, Swiss Annuities and other traditional investment venues. The minimum amount to set up the account is only $1,000. To start investing your retirement funds in precious metals simply:

1. Call ACT at 800-228-8825 and set up your account.
2. Fund your account by a direct transfer or a rollover from another IRA or a qualified plan.
3. Choose a precious metals dealer and purchase your metals when you are ready. (I recommend Silver Trading Company at

That's all there is to it. The metals will be shipped direct to ACT's depository bank for safekeeping. As soon as their arrival is verified at the depository bank, ACT will release the check for payment to the dealer. It is just that simple.

I recommend 100 oz J-M silver bars as my favorite precious metal investment at this time within an IRA.

If you want more information just drop me an email and I will be happy to send you an information package via US Mail.

Don't delay, take the first step and set up your account today. Invest a portion of your retirement funds outside of depreciating federal reserve notes. You'll be glad you did.

December 1, 2004
Larry LaBorde
Silver Trading Company
website: www.silvertrading.net
email: llabord@aol.com

Larry lives in Shreveport, LA with his wife Puddy, and sells precious metals at the Silver Trading Company.

Larry can be contacted at
llabord@aol.com. You can view his web site at www.silvertrading.net.

Send questions, comments or corrections to

"Please note that I am by no means a financial advisor and all investments should only be made after performing your own due diligence." -Larry


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