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The Korelin Economics Report
Candy Index & Banana Update

Al Korelin
dispatched Sep 20, 2007
posted Sep 21, 2007

Get ready kids, unless you get a boundary exception, you are about to go from Everything's Great" Middle School to that "other" high school in the bad part of town - "Recessionary High."

Your school district officials are doing everything they can to keep you out of there, but it may just not work. A few days ago, the District Superintendent and the Board members lowered the discount rate a whopping 50 basis points. The people of Egotistical.

Ville were ecstatic and to prove it they bought all the candy they could get their hands on, raising the "Candy Index" over 300 points. And, to make things even better, the very next day the Superintendent and the Board promised to help out all of those poor people who loaned money to the silly monkeys who couldn't really afford to buy all those bananas, but did it anyway. Once that bit of news got out, candy sales again skyrocketed. Boy, I sure hope the people eating all those candies don't get sick.

But, you know what, they just might.

Tree sales, where the monkeys live, just don't seem to be getting any better. A lot of the monkeys thought they were when they heard that loan applications were up 24% in August, but they didn't read between the lines and consider that these loans were, to a large extent, for the other monkeys who had been "borrowing for bananas" in the past and could not afford to pay the interest rates which were about to go up to the unaffordable level on their existing loans.

This same thing had happened in the past and here's what a small group of Egotistical Villians did to protect themselves.

Back then a couple of things did concern some of the folks in Egotistical Ville just like they should concern you today. First of all, they realized that the Superintendent had borrowed so much money that he would reach his limit in less than a month. They also knew that when the inflation numbers were published to "calm everybody down" that those numbers left out the very key elements of food and energy. Finally, they realized the importance of reading between the lines and they applied that practice to the news about rising mortgage applications. They very quickly came to the conclusion that the dreaded condition which Recessionary High was named after might, after all, be right around the corner. Not for sure, but certainly a possibility.

Interestingly enough, these folks all belonged to the same investment club. What they did is a good lesson and one that will keep you from going to Recessionary High and instead enrolling in that great private school in the other part of town.

At one of their meetings, they talked about the various alternatives for the club's dollars.

They pretty much agreed that none of them really wanted to get sick so they decided not to buy any more candy. As a matter of fact, since candy prices were so high they decided to sell all that they had and get some profits.

Then they talked about what to do with all of that cash.

They realized that they could invest in things that were good for them like companies involved in looking for and producing copper and nickel. They knew that historically in a serious recession, the prices of these things went down because industries didn't want as much as they had in the past. But, in the very next second they realized that this was not "historical times". "Today", one of them said, "we have huge demand coming from places where it did not exist before". "Heck", he said, "even if Egotistical Ville and other parts of the world don't grow very much for a while, the demand will still be higher than it ever was in the past".

Then they talked about where they could put the rest of their dollars. "You know", another one said, "I have been reading the Bible and some history books and I learned that gold and silver have always maintained their value and that when things really get tough they even go up in value. Boy, it makes sense to me that we should learn from God and from the people who wrote those history books and invest some of our cash in both gold and silver".

So they did just that. They did it because they knew that they would win regardless of what happened. And you know what? They did! As a matter of fact, just a few days later, gold and silver began to go up significantly in price.

As the leader of the investment club, a fellow by the name of Rick Rule, said to me a while back, "if you can't make a million dollars in this market you don't deserve to be in it".

I talk with people like Rick six days a week on my radio show, The Korelin Economics Report. I have learned so much from these folks that today I feel I am protecting my family from financial hard times. Listen to our Weekly Show, our Daily Show or our Korelin Economics Minute. It is heard around the world on the radio and also on the internet at

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Al Korelin is the founder of A.B. Korelin and Associates, Inc., a firm that specializes in regulatory consulting services to small companies. He is the host of The Korelin Economics Report, an internationally syndicated radio program. The Korelin Economics Report can also be heard on the Internet at

Al Korelin

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