EVENTS - MAY 21, 2009
Update: Energy, Metals, Stockmarket, Interest Rates
Bob Hoye
Institutional Advisors
May 25, 2009
Signs of The Times
Last Year:
"Is the Financial Crisis
This was the headline on the
Investment Round Table held in Singapore on May 15, 2008. Jesper
Koll, the head of Tantallon Research in Japan, gushed about the
Fed's handling of last year's crisis:
"US policymakers deserve
the Nobel Prize for applied economics. The policy response to
financial asset deflation was not only extremely fast, but extremely
well coordinated... [And] the second-round effects of asset deflation
have been contained."
There is something about interventionist
theories that to certain mentalities seems the equivalent to
cat nip - particularly in May, which can often record a financial
"silly season".
Well, we are not sure about
Koll's count on "second-round" effects, but by our
count this is the first big rebound out of a classic fall crash,
that typically become enthusiastic in May. This was the case
in 1930 and 1874.
Also, there is another "count"
running. The high for the stock market was in October 2007, which
was some 20 months ago. Twenty months after the end of the bubbles
in September 1929 and September 1873 counts out to May of 1931
and May of 1875 when those post-bubble contractions began another
nasty phase.
With appropriately-timed "joy"
being expressed now, another turn to disaster seems difficult
to avoid.
* * *
This Year:
News reports show considerable
contrast. Some are of economic disaster, but by way of always
late reporting are of an historical nature. Others, with more
immediacy, are very bullish.
"Evidence is piling
up that the worst of the recession is over." -AP, May 8, 2009
"Recovery to be A Powerful
V-Shaped Recovery"
-Bank of England, Telegraph, May 10, 2009
"Credit Crunch Dulls
Glitz of Cannes Festival: Parties Cancelled, Yachts Empty" -Reuters, May 19, 2009
"World Regains Taste
For Risk" -Wall
Street Journal, May 11, 2009
"White House Sees 3.5%
Growth by Year-End"
-Bloomberg, May 11, 2009
Well, we wondered where Abby
Joseph Cohen would end up.
"China Optimism Prompts
Investors to Load Up on Commodities" -BMO Global Commodity Strategy, May 12,
* * *
Energy Prices: We have had a target of 58 to 60 for
crude and as with other items the action has been rather good
this week.
Reaching 62.26 yesterday brought
the RSI up a long way from less than 30 early in the year. The
main point is that this has been good action and at the right
time for a seasonal reversal.
Oil stocks (XOI) reached their
best at 992 on May 12, and this matches the 993 reached in January,
which we have had as target. There is considerable resistance
and our last edition advised to start selling. There is often
a seasonal decline into July.
Natural gas often lags crude
and got in gear on April 27 at 3.25 and jumped to 4.57 in only
three weeks. It has since slipped to 3.70, which could lead to
an intermediate decline.
From when we made the call
for a weaker dollar on March 9 gas stocks (XNG) rallied from
300 to 453 on May 10. Our May 7 edition noted that they might
not do as well as base metal or gold mining stocks had done and
advised some selling. The set back has been to 404 on Friday
and the rebound has made it to 440. This is likely a test and
should be sold.
There is too much bullishness
on commodities and bearishness on the dollar and it is time to
sell both oil and gas stocks in preparation for an intermediate
Base Metal Prices extended the decline today, encompassing
all five that we monitor. After plunging 6% yesterday, lead fell
1% today, which says that the canary died. Our index (excluding
nickel) reached 423 on April 15, corrected to 371 at the end
of April. The rebound made it to 425 on May 7, and is at 399
today. The 6% decline is interesting and taking out 385 sets
the downtrend.
Our May 7 edition concluded:
"Momentum for metals is at levels seen at previous important
highs and for stocks it is exceptional - at the right time for
selling." That edition also noted the Upside Exhaustion
reading for copper, that had not been seen since the cyclical
high two years ago. The red metal reached 4.25 and a test and
rolling top would be the killer pattern. This is working out.
Mining stocks (SPTMN) set their
high at 609 on May 8, and slumped to 494 on Friday. The test
made it to 574 and, obviously, taking out 494 sets the downtrend.
We bought the sector at as
low as 178 in November and December on the crash as well as on
the seasonal low. The target has been the initial rebound out
of a crash to around May, as well as the seasonal rally into
spring. It is time to be absolutely out and traders to play the
short side.
Gold Sector: During the February troubles, gold's
nominal price and the Dollar Index went up as the stock market
slumped. This was interesting as it was not according to goldbug
dogma. Financial markets seem ready for another phase of trashing,
and it is possible that gold could increase in dollar terms again,
as the dollar firms against most currencies and commodities.
The problem is that big gold
stocks will likely decline with the NYSE - again. However, over
the next year or so, golds will accomplish outstanding gains
as the NYSE suffers outstanding declines. Some profits could
be taken on the senior golds and traders could begin to short
the big silver stocks.
In the meantime, gold's real
price will be the driver for the industry. One of the features
of every post-bubble contraction has been a rising price for
gold relative to the CPI, or against commodities. Our Gold/Commodities
Index reached a cyclical low of 143 in May 2007, and turned up
as the credit markets turned down.
With the crash our index soared
to 519 in February, when we noted that it could decline as orthodox
investments, such as commodities and junk bonds rallied into
May. The index declined to 353 on May 12 and has recovered to
357. Stable to rising would be a warning on the expiry of the
recovery in the "good stuff".
Another important indicator
of changing fortune is the gold/silver ratio, which has been
expected to decline into May. With the crash, this soared to
88 and it has declined to 64.1 - also on May 10 - when the real
price stopped going down. The ratio often increases going into
the discovery of a credit problem, and if it is severe, as in
last fall, silver can dramatically plunge relative to gold.
Some have wondered why, in
the face of another slide in the price of senior golds, we have
been accumulating smaller caps on weakness. Well, it is the only
time that they can be accumulated, and for bigger accounts it
could take any number of months to get positioned. Funds that
can could participate by taking down financings.
After such outstanding gains
we are carrying a fair amount of cash that should not be fully
employed on the short side. As to small-cap golds - the party
could be starting by early in 2010 and rolling by this time next
year. Always look to the bright side.

You can feel the excitement.
The financial world is as it ought to be and last fall's classic
crash was just a modest speed bump on prosperity's natural road.
However, we have been expecting a classic rebound out to around
May - and this we have, such that the S&P has generated a
good overbought on our Summation thing. This is within a downtrend.
The Upside Exhaustion readings register at cyclical highs.
Stock market sentiment is high,
and flying with official sentiment about the economy. Support
has also been expected from stronger base metal and crude oil
prices, which is the case. Of course, this would be accompanied
by the elixir of a weaker dollar.
We are reaching extremes for
the move, and now we look for change. One big one would be the
S&P setting a new weekly low, but there could be others before
Of interest is yesterday's
downtick in metal prices. Zinc fell 4.7% as lead plummeted 6%,
which makes one think about lead canaries in a coal mine.
There is some irony in this
section's opening paragraph about things being as they ought
to be. The street thinks that this "ought" to last,
ours is that it is the set up for the next phase of the contraction
that has been likely to become evident after June.
Of course, not all sectors
will peak at the same time, and our advice is that while the
panics provided buying opportunity this month's action is providing
the exit.
More specifically, we bought
the banks (BKX) in early March for the rebound, and exited the
position at the double in mid-April. On April 23 we noted that
the high needed a test and that one was exuberant on the rush
to 43. Taking out 36 would turn the bank index down.
Our proprietary Bank Trading
Guide, which turned up from 120 early in the year rallied to
154 on May 12. This has corrected to 149 and if this turns down
it would be a technical "sell" on most banks.
The Long Bond has been likely stabilize as stocks
and commodities rolled over from their outstanding run. Technically,
we thought that there would be support at 120 and it became quite
oversold at 119.64.
So far the high has been 123.5
on Monday and this could be the high-side of a brief trading
range. But, the play is vulnerable to when the next liquidity
crisis takes all bonds down in price. This has been expected
to become visible at around mid-year.
In late December and at 142
the action registered an Upside Exhaustion, from which a lengthy
bear would follow. This can be best related in real terms as
following a great bubble rates typically increase by 12 percentage
points. The low was -1.5 % in January and so far the increase
has been around 5 points on the way to policymakers' hell.
One of the features of the
post-bubble contraction is severe rationing of credit by old
Mother Nature and this has been most vividly recorded with commodities
declining as rates for long treasuries increase. The CPI could
decline to around -4% and the bond yield could increase to around
Credit Spreads had been expected to narrow, along
with other "good stuff" out to around May.
This has been the case, and
the gains have been outstanding. Junk's disaster ended with the
yield at 42% in early March, from where it has declined to 26.10%
yesterday. From a spread of 3800 bps (no typo) over treasuries
narrowing has carried to 2195 bps.
Money market spreads have also
been narrowing with the difference between treasury bills and
Libor coming into nothing. This is the narrowest since August
2007 - just two months after the troubles were likely to begin.
That along with headlines that
risk is again fashionable suggests the best is in. Last week
the Wall Street Journal recorded "World Regains a Taste
For Risk." All longer-dated corporate bonds are again
vulnerable to the return to disaster expected to begin around
mid-year, and should be sold.
Yield Curve: Many analysts have been bullish on
banks, citing all the money that banks usually make out of a
steepening curve. Well that works most of the time, but not during
a post-bubble contraction. The change from inverted to steepening
was likely to occur in May-June 2007. This was the case and for
us it signaled the beginning of the liquidity crisis.
Recent steepening has been
anticipating this, and it is worth recalling that in May 2007
the curve led widening of spreads.
Currencies: The Dollar Index was expected to decrease
from crisis highs with the fall crash to lows around May. A number
of weeks ago we had a target at 82 and with the dynamics of the
party the decline ran to 80.8 today. The action is approaching
enough of an oversold to end the decline.
This condition is important
because it is in conjunction with similar readings on the other
items likely to reach extremes around May. This week has added
to the increase in the Canadian dollar. At 88 it is time to look
for the change to an intermediate decline.
May 21, 2009
-Bob Hoye
Institutional Advisors
email: bobhoye@institutionaladvisors.com
website: www.institutionaladvisors.com
Hoye Archives
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