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Gold Rotates to the Top

Frank E. Holmes
Chairman/CEO/CIO of U.S. Global Investors Inc

September 24, 2003

The Wisdom of Diversification

Take a moment to study this chart. As you can see, not one investment category has performed consistently over the 20-year period. For example, in 1983 and 1984, the gold sector was the worst performer. By 1987, it was the best.

Fast-forward to 1999, when, at the peak of the dot-com boom, small-cap growth stocks were the best performers. The next year they hit rock bottom. This is why you need a well-balanced, diversified portfolio.

By allocating your assets among a variety of categories, you protect yourself from unpredictable shifts in the market. In other words, you avoid putting all your eggs in one basket.

Diversification and U.S. Global Investors

U.S. Global Investors offers a wide variety of mutual funds that can help diversify your portfolio, from gold funds to bond funds to international funds. As the chart indicates, none of our funds are guaranteed to be top-performers over the long haul. However, by properly allocating your assets and keeping a cool head during economic downturns, your money is more likely to grow.

For a free gold report, please visit us on the Web at
or call 1-800-US-FUNDS.

Frank Holmes
Chairman/CEO/CIO of U.S. Global Investors Inc
September 24, 2003

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"Posted with Pride" at 321gold ref: 09003