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Greenspan's Black Hole

Brian Bloom
Jan 31, 2008

If you read this article (Greenspan interview) in context of an understanding that "energy drives the economy", and in context of the rising trendline of the PMO oscillator on the 30 year Bond Yield monthly chart, you have to agree with Greenspan.
The third quote highlighted is almost unbelievable in its disingenuousness. The man is either unbelievably stupid or unbelievably dishonest or unbelievably obtuse. But the emphasis is on the word "unbelievable". How else could these bubbles have formed, Mr Greenspan? Please explain.

Since 1999, there has been a series of three "rising bottoms" in the PMO Oscillator of the long dated bond yield. This implies that market forces are grinding away in the background and are preventing the long bond yield from continuing along its downward trend. If the Fed keeps doggedly hacking away at the short end, it will "force" inflation. If it forces inflation, then the long bond yield will have nowhere to go but up. The debt mountain will implode.
On the other hand, if the Fed  finds itself unable to keep the velocity of money from slowing, then the forces of debt will grind away and the debt will compound. Eventually, the mountain of debt will grow so high that it will crush the economy.
The way I see it, this problem is insoluble by the Fed. It requires a new energy paradigm to act as a driver of world economic activity across a broader front.  To "replace" oil and coal is not going to be enough. We have to have a source of energy that will be available to even those who do not have access to energy today. If we fail in that task, the world economy will die of natural causes. It's a matter of time. No matter how hard one tries, one cannot fit a size 10 foot into a size 7 shoe. Just ask Cinderella's sisters. It can't be done. We need a bigger shoe, and it is a source of ongoing amazement to me that so few people have yet understood this simple fact - because it has been increasingly visible since 1975. By 1985 it was starkly evident to anyone who took the trouble to look.
Here is the evidence as it was available in 1985 (Source: New Scientist, May 1985)

There was never going to be enough natural gas to support a world population that was growing at 1.3% p.a.; and Nuclear has no capacity to support downstream economic activity in third world countries. The scientists are starting to argue "solar power". They may be partially right but that cannot be the answer across the entire planet - in particular if we are heading for a period of global cooling which will be characterised by high cloud cover.
I would expect further upside gaps to manifest on the monthly gold chart as realisation finally dawns. That will be a reflection of what the psychologists refer to as "non directional behaviour" - like kicking a lawn mower when the motor won't start. It makes you feel better, but it doesn't help start the lawn mower's motor.

Brian Bloom

Since 1987, when Brian Bloom became involved in the Venture Capital Industry, he has been constantly on the lookout for alternative energy technologies to replace fossil fuels.

Beyond Neanderthal
Brian Bloom's novel Beyond Neanderthal is a factional work which took over twenty years to research.

Via the medium of its light hearted storyline, it examines how the world has gotten itself into the horrific quagmire of economic and social problems with which we are now faced - and puts forward one possible course of action on which we might embark to dig ourselves out.

It may be ordered over the internet via Or purchased from Amazon.

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