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What Short Memories We Have

Dr Richard Appel
December 10, 2004

Most of the below commentary was written prior to Wednesday's $15 gold price collapse. However, it still remains applicable and further strengthens my belief that important buying points are approaching for both gold and the gold equities.

The current disconnect between the price action of gold and the major and junior gold stocks has set those analyzing these markets into overdrive, searching for explanations and the reasons underlying this condition. The lack of follow through in the gold shares while gold moved higher, has made many professionals steadfastly state that a major correction in the yellow metal is at hand, if not the end of its Bull Market. They reason that historical gold price peaks often occurred after the gold mining and exploration stocks had previously peaked, and had already begun to decline. Simultaneously, another ardent segment of precious metal analysts believe that while the noble metal may slightly decline in the near term, it will continue to move higher and must ultimately pull the gold equities with it.

Statements and accusations also abound surrounding the reason or reasons why the gold stock universe has lagged the precious metal's surging price. Some refer to the currency appreciation in many of the large gold producing countries. The increased value of their currencies against the dollar results in sharp increases in their dollar costs of production. This negatively impacts their earnings growth despite the higher gold prices that they receive. Further, since the junior sector typically lags incipient major gold producer price advances, members of this contingent and others believe that they are indirectly affected. Others state that government officials and their appointees are shorting the gold shares in an effort to reduce the impact of a rising gold market. This, to divert the public's attention from the significance of the dollar's waterfall decline, and from recognizing the likely affect upon their lives and futures.

I began writing this essay with the intention of discussing my belief that many companies within the junior gold sector have become greatly underpriced because they have not participated in the many month old gold rise. In researching dozens upon dozens of companies I found that the majority seemed to be priced at levels commensurate with those that existed when gold was last in the $390 to $410 range. This was well over a year ago. My conclusion was to be, and still is, that a substantial number of the nascent companies which possess important or advanced projects, offer even greater profit potential than they did at that time. This is due to today's far higher gold price and the improved economics that it bestows upon their projects. However, in studying the various gold and gold stock charts, I stumbled upon a fascinating and uncanny similarity between today's gold and gold stock price action with that of an earlier time.

The current price divergence between gold and its shares is strikingly similar to one that occurred between May 2002, and July 2003. In May 2002, gold had surpassed $325 for the first time in its Bull Market. It was accompanied in its rise by both the major gold producers and their junior exploration counterparts, many of which also posted new highs. The HUI rose to about 155. In the ensuing few months, gold corrected to about $290 before renewing its advance. Yet, despite the fact that gold then continued to trend sharply higher, both the major and minor gold companies failed to follow its lead. It was as though they had hit an impenetrable ceiling. Instead, for over fourteen months the producers, as viewed in the action of the HUI, traded in a band bordered by about 95 and its May, 155 peak. Simultaneously, despite some sharp but short-lived advances, the juniors essentially worked lower in price, only to strike their correction bottom in July 2003. As an aside, most junior companies made their highs a few months prior to the HUI's touching its peak

While the gold stock complex was essentially working sideways or lower, gold went to a new high at $384 by early February 2003. After that high point gold too retreated and struck its final $319 correction low in April. It required another advance into the low $370's and a final pull-back to $340 in July, far above its $319 low, to convince the gold share buyers that gold was going far higher.

The June to July, 2003 period was the time when most of the junior exploration companies posted their lows. This occurred after nearly a year and a half of frightening, frustrating, general price declines. If you were in the market you will recall that when the gold stock sector finally shrugged off its extended correction, both gold and its stocks quickly made up for lost time and exploded higher in price.

Fast-forwarding to the present. The HUI hit 259 in early December 2003, ahead of gold striking $427 in January of this year. However, whereas the HUI has not again approached this point, gold easily surpassed $427 and continued moving higher nearing $460, before today's $15 price collapse. Since gold and the HUI parted company, the HUI has already spent twelve months in a correction mode. This was accompanied by a far more severe decline in the vast majority of junior exploration companies.

In a nutshell, the earlier instance from May 2002 to July 2003, witnessed the HUI correcting while gold traded higher in price. It was only after fourteen grueling and frustrating months suffered by the stock owners, and the yellow metal convincing investors that it was going higher, that the gold stocks ended their correction and roared higher in price. Today, we have a similar occurrence. The HUI has already been in its present correction for twelve months while gold has again moved to new higher levels. Further, we should not have long to wait, to prove if we are destined for a repeat performance of the resolution of that gold/gold stock disconnect. If I am correct, when gold ends its present decline, the stage will be set for a similar price advance in gold and its shares, as that experienced when their earlier price divergence ended. It is amazing how we so easily forgot the pain, frustration and losses that many of us suffered during the extended 2002-2003 gold stock correction. I guess it is human nature to do this when we are later presented with great profits such as those that accrued, when the gold stocks again moved lock-step higher with gold.

Secondary Bull Market corrections such as we are experiencing with the gold stocks, typically do not end until the majority of marginal holders exit the market. In effect, a rising trend does not develop without a cleansing of the indecisive and unsure investors. I believe that the strange divergence between gold and its shares is primarily the result of these two asset classes attracting different types of investors. Those who invest in gold stocks appear to require a longer period of pain, confusion and suffering before the last weak holders are shaken out of the market. Thus, the longer period required in a correction before the bull again takes control. Gold on the other hand appears to find adherents whose weakest hands are frightened out of the market far more quickly.

In my December 2004 issue of Financial Insights I stated, "Finally, what the lagging gold equities may be telling us is that the gold stock complex is refraining from staging a major advance until there is some form of correction in the metal itself. The reversal may not be terribly steep or long lasting. It may only take gold back to its break-out point in the high $420's. However, the retesting of this range may be the catalyst that is needed to quell the fears of the gold equity bulls, that gold is truly heading higher, and charge them boldly into action." I penned those words before I recognized the similarities that I described above, and am now more firmly convinced of the validity of that statement.

My eyes are now sharply focused upon the price action of the HUI. Today's $15 gold decline caused some initial sharp sell-offs in the major gold shares. The HUI after being off nearly 11 points recovered, and closed down 3.52. If gold continues to weaken or enters a trading range, and the HUI simultaneously begins to show strength and advance, it will indicate that the worst is over for gold and the shares. Further, it will foretell that the bottom is at hand for both.

In this event, I would expect a price advance renewal across the entire precious metals complex. We may have several weeks to a few months to pick up the bargains while gold and the gold stocks consolidate or trend higher. However, the bells are beginning to ring. They are signaling an impending major advance for gold and gold share prices.

It appears that the dollar has begun a correction in its ongoing Bear Market. Weakness in gold should coincide with a period of dollar strength. In the charts that I have going back to 1972, the U.S. Dollar Index has only once briefly penetrated the 80 level. It has tested this point on a number of occasions, but it has always held. Thus, 80 should prove to be strong support for at least a dollar bounce. It will be informative to note how strong the dollar reacts during this correction because it will indicate its true underlying strength. The longer it holds the stronger is its international support.

This is a difficult time for gold investors. We are on the cusp of ending yet another long, suffering period for those who invested in gold stocks. Yet, most of what we hear and read tells us that we are foolish to believe in gold and that we should put our trust in the dollar. We have invested in gold and its stocks to protect our assets, but many of our members have succumbed to the derisive propaganda that frequents the media and have reduced or sold their positions. It is imperative that you have confidence in your knowledge and belief in gold, and trust in your judgment. This will help you overcome the fear that will attend your either maintaining, initiating or adding to your positions. It is at such times that we are shortly approaching when the largest, percentage gains are made. If you trust in yourself I am confident that you will reap the rewards that it will offer.

December 9. 2004
Dr Richard Appel
website: Financial Insights

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I publish Financial Insights. It is a monthly newsletter in which I discuss gold, the financial markets, as well as various junior resource stocks that I believe offer great price appreciation potential. Disclaimer.

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