Puru Saxena archives
11/14/2015 Make or break
10/10/2015 Calm before the storm?
09/13/2015 Brace yourself
08/27/2015 Fasten your seat belt!
08/04/2015 Is this the summit?
07/29/2015 Is the tide turning?
07/07/2015 All eyes on Greece
06/17/2015 Do not fight the Fed
05/16/2015 Economic expansion ahead?
04/25/2015 King Dollar hurting earnings!
03/14/2015 The bull is charging ahead!
12/20/2014 US in a sweet spot!
11/15/2014 Year-end Rally
10/18/2014 Passing on the baton
09/16/2014 Better Days Ahead
08/20/2014 Stay on board
07/12/2014 The most hated bull!
06/08/2014 Just Right!
03/15/2014 The Trend Is Your Friend
12/27/2013 Party On
11/29/2013 Ride the Profitable Wave
07/17/2013 The tide has turned
04/19/2013 Weekly overview of the markets
03/02/2013 An overview of the markets
02/20/2013 Race to Debase
10/15/2012 Age of Deleveraging
09/17/2012 QE3 - An overview of the markets
07/27/2012 Commodities – is the boom over?
06/08/2012 Will the Euro survive?
04/19/2012 Primary trend is up
03/17/2012 The power of cheap money
02/10/2012 Better Days Ahead?
12/16/2011 A Chilly Winter
11/18/2011 Make or Break
09/30/2011 Another autumn crash?
08/22/2011 Do the Maths
07/15/2011 An Epic Energy Crunch
05/27/2011 Endless quantitative easing
05/14/2011 Silver – Time to buy
04/26/2011 Silver: Key intra-day reversal
04/01/2011 The credit cycle
02/25/2011 China: Risks and Opportunities
01/30/2011 Welcome, 'Peak Oil'
01/11/2011 Spot the Bubbles
11/19/2010 Band-aid Solutions
10/22/2010 The US Dollar is doomed
09/24/2010 Deflation: Reality or urban myth?
09/03/2010 Nominal low is behind us
08/03/2010 Debunking Deflation
07/13/2010 Inflationville
05/28/2010 Blowing Bubbles
04/07/2010 Rock and a hard place
03/17/2010 Overview of the Markets
03/08/2010 A Weighing Machine
02/12/2010 Ponzi Scheme
01/15/2010 Inflation 101
12/18/2009 The Debt Bomb
11/13/2009 Ultimate store of value
10/08/2009 Buy Gold!
09/24/2009 Inflation is Our Future
09/03/2009 Big Move Coming
07/24/2009 Ignore the ‘noise’
07/08/2009 Hyperinflation or deflation?
07/03/2009 Achilles' Heel
06/19/2009 Transfer of Wealth
06/11/2009 Time For a Holiday?
05/25/2009 Trend Reversal?
05/08/2009 Postponing Judgement Day
04/17/2009 Inflation Tsunami
03/20/2009 Money & Bread!
02/25/2009 Bunch of Turkeys!
02/13/2009 Confetti Money
01/29/2009 Birth of a New Cyclical Bull?
01/08/2009 Sowing the Seeds
12/09/2008 End of the World?
11/14/2008 Deflation Hoax
10/30/2008 Dollar Bills Falling on my Head!
09/26/2008 Spot The "Bubble"
08/08/2008 End of an Era?
06/06/2008 Back to Basics
04/30/2008 Growth & Inflation Debate
04/07/2008 An Ounce is Still an Ounce!
02/20/2008 Inflating a New Bubble?
01/25/2008 Another Good Year?
12/21/2007 Boom or Bust?
11/30/2007 A Tidal Wave!
10/18/2007 The Raging Bull!
09/13/2007 Time to Shine!
08/22/2007 Anatomy of a Bottom
08/07/2007 Is the End Nigh?
07/13/2007 Summer Sale
06/22/2007 The Solitary Bear
06/01/2007 Another Inconvenient Truth
05/08/2007 A Gradual Transition!
04/24/2007 Inflation & Metals
03/28/2007 Engines of Inflation!
02/28/2007 Calm Before The Storm?
02/15/2007 Understand the Bull!
01/26/2007 The Rising Liquidity Wave!
12/20/2006 Ride the Right Bull!
11/20/2006 Time to go Shopping!
10/23/2006 Endless Credit-Creation!
09/29/2006 Banana Republic!
08/22/2006 Mega Change!
07/18/2006 History - The Great Teacher!
06/16/2006 Sailing Without An Anchor
06/07/2006 End of Cheap Oil!
05/12/2006 Inflation - The Invisible Tax!
04/21/2006 Cash is Trash!
03/29/2006 The Wealth Illusions!
03/10/2006 Tangible Wealth
02/24/2006 Fuel - The Catalyst!
02/08/2006 Running With The Bulls!
01/27/2006 Great Expectations!
01/17/2006 History Points to Higher Rates!
12/15/2005 Tomorrow's Gold?
12/06/2005 Red Alert - Monetary Flood!
11/14/2005 The Great Debate!
10/17/2005 Power Shifts!
10/06/2005 Shine O' The Times!
09/23/2005 A "Sweet" Deal!
09/16/2005 Reality Bites!
09/09/2005 Financials vs. Tangibles
08/15/2005 The Inflation Mystery!
08/05/2005 Winds of Change!
06/27/2005 The "Real" Boom!
06/20/2005 Crude Awakening!
05/27/2005 Money Matters: Fantasty Land!
05/11/2005 Money Matters: The New Era