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Mish archives

08/14/2015 Get Me the Hell Out of Here
03/22/2012 Bernanke... Clueless About Trade, Debt, History, and Gold
02/05/2012 Impossible Dream
01/21/2010 Escalating Pension Crisis Will Bankrupt San Diego
10/14/2009 Financial Coup D'Etat & the Reaction of Gold
06/02/2009 Former Chinese CB Advisor Questions Geithner's Math
05/30/2009 Mortgage Market Locks Up
11/03/2008 Pension Time Bomb Explodes In US & Canada
08/21/2008 M3 Contraction - The Future Is Now
08/18/2008 Gold, Silver and the Great Unwind
07/30/2008 New York Governor Warns of Economic Crisis
07/24/2008 You Know The Banking System Is Unsound When...
06/30/2008 Deflationary Hurricanes to Hit US & UK
03/12/2008 The Fed's Swap Meet
02/16/2008 Blacklist Domino Effect About To Hit Florida
01/30/2008 Bank Reserves Go Negative
12/14/2007 Madame Merriweather's Mud Hut in Malaysia
12/12/2007 Fed Tiptoes Thru The Tulips
12/10/2007 Wave of Bank Failures is Coming
11/26/2007 Currency Twilight Zone
09/19/2007 Righting The Economic Ship?
09/12/2007 Double Standard in Gold Hedging?
09/07/2007 ...a Safe Place to Hide?
08/09/2007 Fleckenstein (& others) State the Deflation Case
07/20/2007 Can the Fed Control Prices?
07/13/2007 Six Phases of The Housing Bubble
07/05/2007 Who's Holding The Bag?
06/19/2007 Inflate And Die
06/07/2007 Gold Breaks Down in Treasury Rout
05/30/2007 Record Short Sales & Liquidity Bubbles
02/08/2007 Counterfeiting Money; Crime or Good Economics?
11/17/2006 The Real Estate Bubble Busts
10/16/2006 Kool Aid & Krispy Kremes
08/18/2006 It's the oil, stupid!
07/25/2006 FOOLish Nonsense
07/21/2006 Urgent message to gold, silver, oil, & commodity traders
06/28/2006 Musical Chairs
06/22/2006 Wanted: Home Builder Reviews
06/01/2006 Fed in a Quandary
05/23/2006 Ostrich of Omaha
04/21/2006 Financial War Games
04/17/2006 Shoot the Messenger
04/03/2006 New Math on Homes
03/24/2006 Imaginary Numbers
02/21/2006 Deceptive Pricing or Deep Discounts?
02/16/2006 Margaritaville
01/23/2006 Poof - 25% Underwater Overnight
01/04/2006 Hybrid Loan Time Bomb
12/31/2005 Affordable Housing
12/22/2005 Perfect Financial Storm
12/18/2005 Media Creates Bubble Theory
12/11/2005 Real Estate Pyramids
10/15/2005 Personal Bankruptcies Soar
10/14/2005 Focus on Autos
10/10/2005 The Wisdom of Richard Fisher
10/09/2005 Will the Housing Bubble Fizzle or Pop?
10/05/2005 Rita
10/03/2005 Thoughts on the Davis-Bacon Act
09/26/2005 Why Has Gold Been Soaring Recently?
09/20/2005 Thoughts on Savings (part 2 of 2)
09/19/2005 Thoughts on Savings (part 1 of 2)
09/19/2005 Are We Headed for a "Credit Derivatives Event"?
09/13/2005 The Train They Call the City of New Orleans part 2
09/12/2005 The Train They Call the City of New Orleans part 1
08/27/2005 Are You Missing the Real Estate Boom? part 2
08/23/2005 Are You Missing the Real Estate Boom? part 1
08/23/2005 Gold's Honest Discipline
08/12/2005 A Real Morale Booster on Jobs?
08/09/2005 What Housing Bubble?
08/02/2005 Thoughts on the RMB Repeg
07/11/2005 U.K./U.S. Housing & the Upcoming Liquidity Trap
04/04/2005 It's a Totally New Paradigm