321gold: Marc Faber archives

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Marc Faber archives

12/01/2023 Now is the time to buy precious metals –
09/13/2017 Demonetisation was a catastrophe:
10/07/2015 We Have Colossal Asset Inflation
09/02/2010 Easy money will not boost economic activity
05/15/2009 Capitalism's Dead, US Going Bankrupt, War Coming
08/10/2008 Very Modest Good News
03/16/2007 Most investors are heading for huge losses
01/10/2007 Cracks in the financial system
05/15/2006 Poor Mr. Bernanke can't win!
01/17/2006 Investment themes for 2006
12/13/2005 US Money Printing to Continue
08/18/2005 Those highly questionable US employment gains
05/16/2005 Greenspan's Catch 22
03/18/2005 Low Volatility pointing to some 'Big Moves'
01/12/2005 Will 2005 be a year of losses for all asset classes?
12/13/2004 Sell US stocks and buy the dollar
10/20/2004 The South Sea Bubble & Law's Mississippi Scheme
09/15/2004 The US economy is the next 9/11
07/15/2004 Is this President Bush's economic boom?
06/15/2004 The Fed's monetary policy dilemma
12/08/2003 Sell US equities, buy the US dollar!