321gold: Kerry Lutz archives

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Kerry Lutz archives

07/23/2024 $80 Silver Around the Corner with Chris Vermeulen
07/09/2024 China, Russia, and the Golden Currency Debate with Yvonne Blaszczyk
06/27/2024 Trump Wins 2024; Chaos to Follow with Martin Armstrong
06/02/2024 Argentina Libertarian Boom Taking Off with Doug Casey
05/15/2024 2024 Year of the Bank Run with John Rubino
05/02/2024 Stagflation: The Coming Economic Storm in the U.S. with Dennis Tubbergen
04/14/2024 2% Inflation, My Ass with Michael Pento
03/28/2024 Peter Schiff Exposes the Weak Dollar and Financial System
03/21/2024 Experts Surprised: Government Admits High Inflation with John Rubino
03/06/2024 Libertarianism Unleashed in Latin America and the World with John Rubino
02/21/2024 Till Dementia Do Us Part with John Rubino
02/07/2024 The Texas AI National Guard and Economic Warfare with John Rubino
02/05/2024 Martin Armstrong’s Socrates 2024 Election and Economic Forecasts
01/22/2024 Unleashing AI Revolution: Meet the Future Bank Teller, Lawyer, and Judge! with John Rubino
01/10/2024 Cutting Through the BS Jobs Report with Michael Pento
12/16/2023 The World According to Martin Armstrong (Martin Takes Your Questions) – Part 1
12/11/2023 Gold’s First Monthly $2000+ Close with John Rubino
11/29/2023 Capitalism’s Bleak Future: Homelessness, Inflation, Cryptocurrency with John Rubino
11/19/2023 Crunch Time in the Economy with John Rubino
11/01/2023 WWIII Explained: The World According to Martin Armstrong
09/29/2023 Is the Fed Screwing Us Over as Usual? John Rubino Exposes the Truth
09/20/2023 The Fed Has to Pivot, Sooner or Later with Craig Hemke
09/16/2023 Why Inflation is a Problem, and Why It’s Only Going to Get Worse with John Rubino
09/06/2023 Your Job Isn’t Going to China with John Rubino
08/21/2023 Drugs or Dog Food Now That Student Loans Are Due with John Rubino
08/07/2023 De-Dollarization; and the Neocons Aren’t Going Anywhere: The World According Martin Armstrong
08/05/2023 Is Elon Musk the Most Powerful Man On Earth? with John Rubino
07/26/2023 Hard Landing Alert with Lobo Tiggre
07/02/2023 Has the Fed Really Paused? with John Rubino
06/21/2023 Europe’s Retroactive Recession with John Rubino
05/31/2023 Deflation/Inflation/Bust with Michael Pento
05/22/2023 Tesla is Going Down and Why You Need to Prepare for the Greatest Depression with Michael Markowski
05/04/2023 Layoffs, Layoffs, Layoffs with John Rubino
04/23/2023 Sell Stocks and Real Estate, Then Buy a Rolex with John Rubino
04/05/2023 Is the Banking Crisis Over Yet? with John Rubino
03/26/2023 The World According Martin Armstrong (Part 3): The Rise of the Neocons
03/20/2023 Banking Black Swans Descending with John Rubino
03/01/2023 Gold Stocks to Reach New Bull Market Highs with Bob Hoye
02/19/2023 Declining Inflation is Transitory with Peter Schiff
02/07/2023 Eggs Are the New Toilet Paper with John Rubino
01/26/2023 The Golden Rule is Coming Soon with John Rubino
01/11/2023 Six Major Predictions for 2023 with John Rubino
12/29/2022 Sound Money Will Save Us with David Stockman
12/13/2022 You Are Living in a Cycle with Master Analyst Charles Nenner
12/01/2022 Dumping Dollars: This is Just the Beginning with John Rubino
11/16/2022 Multi-Bubble Popping Economy with John Rubino
09/28/2022 The World (Again) According to Martin Armstrong
09/22/2022 Can Europe as We Know it Survive with John Rubino
08/28/2022 Are You Ready for the Big Economic Roll-Over? with John Rubino
08/04/2022 The World According to Martin Armstrong
07/27/2022 Germany Plays Stupid Energy Games and Wins Stupid Prizes with John Rubino
07/16/2022 Powell Pivot Just Months Away with Michael Pento
06/29/2022 What Isn’t Falling Apart? with John Rubino
06/17/2022 Electricity Prices to Double – Triple Lutz Report #491
05/26/2022 A Monetary Reset We Can All Live With Featuring Ellen Brown
05/18/2022 Are Markets in the Eye of the Storm with John Rubino
05/11/2022 Housing Bubble Getting Ready to Pop with Wolf Richter
04/27/2022 Stagflation Rules with John Rubino
04/10/2022 Buy Twitter and Roubles with John Rubino
03/29/2022 Extreme Stupidity and the Death of the Petro Dollar with John Rubino
03/17/2022 $250 Oil, The Dow is Dead, Long Live Commodities – Charles Nenner
03/06/2022 Eight Reasons Why Wage and Price Controls Are Coming Soon
02/24/2022 Ride the Inflationary Rollercoaster with Wolf Richter
02/12/2022 Are You Ready for $100 Oil? We’re All Canadian Truckers Now with John Rubino
02/03/2022 Five Reasons Resource Stocks Will Head Higher in 2022 with Rick Rule
01/26/2022 The Days of South Park Economics Are Ending with Michael Pento
01/16/2022 Cathie Wood and ARK’s Fall from Grace with John Rubino
01/06/2022 Six Major Predictions for 2022 with John Rubino
12/24/2021 Downside in Precious Metals is Gone with Chris Vermeulen
12/24/2021 Twelve Dirty Jobs Facing Acute Labor Shortages with Aaron Clarey
12/15/2021 Five Reasons Why Gold Prices Are Going Higher with Todd “Bubba” Horwitz
12/04/2021 All Your Stimmies Belong to Us, and More Black Friday Insights with John Rubino
11/25/2021 The Collapse of Western Civilization with Doug Casey
11/06/2021 12 Reasons Why Inflation is Here to Stay
11/01/2021 Six Lessons I Learned From Working with Billionaire Hedge Funds
10/24/2021 8 More Shortages About to Worsen
10/14/2021 10 Shortages That Are Getting Worse
10/09/2021 Six Lessons I Learned From Working with Billionaire Hedge Funds
10/02/2021 Back by Popular Demand – Prices of 7 More Things Ready to Go Way Higher
09/23/2021 Get Ready for Non-Transitory Inflation: Ten Things About to Shoot Up in Price
09/16/2021 14 Percent Inflation! - Interview with Michael Pento
09/11/2021 Stagflation, if We’re Lucky with John Rubino
09/04/2021 Beware of Inflation: Wise Investors Learn from Others’ Mistakes with Jerry Robinson
08/26/2021 Stores Are Emptying Out with John Rubino