321gold: Groenewegen archives

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Groenewegen archives

04/16/2018 The cabal is setting its own trap! A reset this weekend?
04/10/2018 Explaining why the silver price should be at new highs!
03/20/2018 The recycling of the US dollars financing the US deficits is going to end (Part 2)
03/17/2018 The recycling of the US dollars financing the US deficits is going to end (Part 1)
04/24/2017 What if the Fed lowers instead of hiking interest rates!
02/09/2017 The only reliable gold&silver futures are shares in mining companies
12/27/2016 Breakout of 35-year downward yield range will blow-up interest rate derivatives ($500trn+)
12/07/2016 The 10yr yield will violently break out of its 35yr range... Pt 2
11/28/2016 The 10yr yield will violently break out of its 35yr range... Pt 1
04/18/2016 Deflation is now creating inflation, which will ultimately implode debt and propel gold
01/15/2016 In short what is going on
05/18/2015 Part 2: QE is over, is not working...
05/14/2015 Part 1: QE is over, is not working...
05/07/2015 Greece and Negative Interest Rates, Part 2
05/05/2015 Greece and Negative Interest Rates, Part 1
04/19/2015 Part 3: Gold & silver will be increasingly bought as hedge against USD
04/17/2015 Part 2: Gold & silver will be increasingly bought as hedge against USD
04/14/2015 Part 1: Gold & silver will be increasingly bought as hedge against USD
03/31/2015 We are at a similar situation where Japan was before 1989!
03/27/2015 Gold is the opposite of debt (paper money)!
03/11/2015 Increasing “strength” of the USD will trigger its own destruction...
02/16/2015 Could zero/negative interest rates be the end of the fractional banking system...
02/12/2015 Part 2 – Deflation of the currencies...
02/10/2015 Part 1 – Deflation of the currencies...
01/30/2015 All major indicators are breaking down, deflation is taking hold, Wall Street is oblivious
01/08/2015 Gold, the best performing currency in 2014...
05/11/2014 These charts will tell you most likely what will happen
05/05/2014 Is the Fed really tapering? Why the $ probably will get weaker
04/30/2014 The word BANK means: Be Aware No Kash!
02/05/2014 Finally the BaFin is unraveling the gold manipulation/intervention by the CBs & the Fed - Part II
02/03/2014 Finally the Bafin is unraveling the gold manipulation/intervention by the central banks and the Fed - Part I
01/19/2014 2014 The Year Of Truth! Part III
01/18/2014 2014 The Year Of Truth! Part II
01/16/2014 2014 The Year Of Truth! Part I
12/11/2013 There is no way out. The markets are on a high. Gold will show the way. Part 2
12/10/2013 There is no way out. The markets are on a high. Gold will show the way. Part 1
10/27/2013 The more gold will be pushed down the harder gold will bounce back
09/03/2013 Part 2: Chinese gold purchases, in preparation for the adoption of the gold standard, are starting to have a dramatic impact on the gold price
08/30/2013 Part 1: Chinese gold purchases, in preparation for the adoption of the gold standard, are starting to have a dramatic impact on the gold price
08/12/2013 We are in the twilight zone. We live in a make believe society
07/09/2013 We have seen the first cracks!
04/22/2013 The sell-off in the gold and silver prices is a forebode of what is to come
04/15/2013 Deposits swap the ownership of your funds for a paper obligation from the bank. Welcome counter-party risk
03/24/2013 Backwardation in a down market! Gold and silver are poised to go much higher
01/29/2013 What if the Fed is short Germany’s gold?
12/14/2011 Gold is money, everything else is credit
12/05/2011 Wake up, European bond auctions will start to fail, how much evidence do investors need?
11/17/2011 The World is too Intertwined
07/01/2011 Increasing credit risk will push up interest rates
06/02/2011 Silver the new gold?
08/19/2010 It is all about (no) confidence