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Gonzalo Lira archives

03/26/2014 Chinese Shadow Bank Bailout May Mean A Crash In US Treasury Bonds
03/08/2014 A Secret History of The American Crash
02/18/2014 Hyperinflation in America
12/30/2013 Will the Dollar Crash in 2014?
12/03/2013 Bitcoins: Get Out While The Getting's Good
07/17/2013 Gold is a Crap Investment - Unless...
01/22/2013 Why Isn’t Gold Higher?
04/14/2012 Will There Be A “Corralito” In Spain?
04/09/2012 Spain Will Exit The Eurozone First - This Year
02/11/2012 A Tale of Two Settlements
02/02/2012 The Perniciousness of ZIRP
11/16/2011 We’re In The Middle Of A Run On Europe
11/10/2011 A Beginner’s Guide to the European Debt Crisis
10/25/2011 Waiting for Lehman
08/16/2011 Sequel: How 2011 Is A Repeat of 2008...
07/12/2011 The Beginning of the End of Europe
06/28/2011 Dream A Little Dream
04/20/2011 What’s Really Worrisome About Treasury Debt
04/14/2011 Raising the Debt Ceiling & Extending QE-2
04/01/2011 The Causes of the Mess We're In
03/26/2011 How Likely Is QE-Three?
03/15/2011 Likely Economic Effects of the Japanese Earthquake
03/04/2011 Sustained Unemployment Confirms The Failure of QE-2
02/14/2011 Inflation, Hyperinflation & Real Estate
02/07/2011 Ballsy or Crazy?
01/20/2011 Reading the Tea Leaves of the FED
01/15/2011 Why Democracies Will Always Go Bankrupt
01/05/2011 Is the Federal Reserve Really Purchasing Over 60%...
12/29/2010 Lull Before the Storm: What’s Coming in 2011
12/22/2010 US Military Spending - Keynesian Stimulus?
12/17/2010 America’s Loss of Direction Since the End of the Cold War
12/14/2010 Want To Ruin Your Own Country?
12/01/2010 As the Euro Goes the Way of the Dodo...
11/28/2010 If Ireland Doesn’t Take The Bailout...
11/24/2010 For Europe’s Future, Spain Is All That Matters
11/22/2010 A Full Body Scan of American Corruption
11/17/2010 Is Europe Coming Apart Faster Than Anticipated?
11/14/2010 The Tidal Forces Ripping Europe Apart
11/08/2010 The Boiling Frog
11/04/2010 Two More Nails in the Dollar's Coffin...
10/28/2010 Signs - Hyperinflation is Arriving
10/22/2010 Mulligan Mortgages - The Banks’ Only Way Out
10/16/2010 The 2nd Leg Down of America’s Death Spiral
10/09/2010 *uckit The Coming Middle-Class Anarchy
09/21/2010 JPN ≠ US: Japan Is Not Us
09/16/2010 Was Stagflation in '79 Really Hyperinflation?
09/02/2010 A Termite-Riddled House: Treasury Bonds
09/01/2010 How Hyperinflation Will Happen
08/26/2010 Hyperinflation, Part II: What It Will Look Like