321gold: Fleckenstein archives

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Fleckenstein archives

09/27/2013 Final countdown on markets' third bubble
09/11/2013 Is the end of an error coming soon?
08/25/2013 Fed problems: What's past is prologue
08/18/2013 Valuing the invaluable
05/12/2013 The gold panic of 2013
04/24/2013 The gold panic of 2013
03/23/2013 Cyprus' problems must be country-specific
03/17/2013 Is gold ready to turn?
02/26/2013 Believing the Fed, doubting gold
02/05/2013 The great fake rally of 2013
01/28/2013 The Fed knows nothing: Who knew?
01/09/2013 The central bank money-printing party
01/04/2013 Brand-new year, same old saga
12/20/2012 Fed drops the pretense, buys bonds
12/10/2012 A real cliff of incompetence, excuses
11/18/2012 New face, old thinking for the Fed?
11/02/2012 The market runs too fast anyway
10/01/2012 Fight the Fed by owning gold
08/14/2012 The Fed's inflation 'solution'
07/16/2012 When bankers get nervous, watch out
07/09/2012 It's back to the waiting game
06/26/2012 A Fed fail and a euro 'fix'
06/05/2012 Europe's printing-press problem
05/21/2012 Gold's fortunes will soon reverse
04/02/2012 Visible on the horizon: Inflation
02/26/2012 Are mining stocks worth the wait?
02/13/2012 Ready for a bear market in bonds?
02/06/2012 All roads lead to inflation
01/14/2012 Ahead: Inflation and a gold rally
11/16/2011 Will it be 'arrivederci' for euro?
11/09/2011 Will Helicopter Ben save Europe?
11/03/2011 Is Rhode Island the new Greece?
10/22/2011 Crunchtime for the eurozone
10/14/2011 Has Europe saved itself?
10/07/2011 Market at a turning point
09/30/2011 Finding growth far off the grid
09/16/2011 Get ready for the next 'rescue'
09/09/2011 Fiscal insanity? Bank on it
09/02/2011 Popping the gold bubble theory
08/28/2011 Gold's fall: Slip or start of slide?
08/23/2011 [Aug 18] Europe’s banks could break us all
08/12/2011 Why market misery may benefit us
08/06/2011 There's gold in mining stocks yet
07/30/2011 Fiddling as the debt ceiling falls in
07/22/2011 Why Google, Apple can't lift market
07/15/2011 Broke? Not if you can print money
07/01/2011 Kick-the-can debt game is worldwide
06/30/2011 Mutual funds with return-free risks
06/21/2011 Recovery fails its midterm exams
06/11/2011 Economy stuck in waiting room
05/26/2011 Debt ceiling: Onward & upward
05/15/2011 Silver's wild ride: Just how it rolls
05/11/2011 Why streaking silver now seems shaky
04/15/2011 Don't belittle risks of short selling
04/13/2011 The nation's $75 trillion problem
03/24/2011 Will the yen fuel Japan's next crisis?
12/19/2010 Keep an eye on gold, bonds in 2011
11/23/2010 Fed's power of the press hits limit
11/09/2010 Bernanke's latest folly will cost us
10/15/2010 Not your grandfather's deflation
10/08/2010 Why you (probably) need more gold
10/03/2010 Is the US stumbling into a currency war?
09/17/2010 Cuba understands what US doesn't
09/10/2010 Waiting for the Fed's next blunder
09/03/2010 Inflation, stagflation and you
08/27/2010 The next bubble is in punditry
08/13/2010 A 'patently obvious' way to add jobs
07/21/2010 Chinese lesson: Better red than Fed
07/05/2010 The housing bubble hangover, part 2
06/07/2010 Market spinning but going nowhere
04/30/2010 Greece's debt woes test EU unity
04/10/2010 Inflation won't be invisible for long
04/05/2010 Inflation warning etched in steel
03/22/2010 What really broke the banks
03/18/2010 Still printing money at full speed
03/09/2010 Foreign versions of our coming crisis
02/10/2010 Confused? So are the markets
01/25/2010 Why bankers haven't earned bonuses
01/21/2010 In Banksters We Trust
01/16/2010 Why contrarian investors have an edge
01/11/2010 The gamblers & the clueless...
12/21/2009 The Men of the Broken Decade
11/24/2009 How much longer can gold rise?
11/16/2009 Arrogant Fed hasn't learned a thing
11/09/2009 India's big vote for a gold rally
10/29/2009 Obama team ignores Volcker at its peril
10/12/2009 Your dollars are just Monopoly money
09/28/2009 The case for inflation - and gold
09/24/2009 The trouble with techs right now
09/15/2009 A golden opportunity for investors?
09/01/2009 Why this rally might head into fall
08/25/2009 There's no will to fight inflation
08/17/2009 Social Security Crunch Coming Fast
08/10/2009 A pessimist's prediction: Hyperinflation
08/06/2009 Recession has ended, but pain hasn't
07/15/2009 Why creating jobs is so hard
07/10/2009 What's next: Inflation or deflation?
06/15/2009 Printing money isn't the cure
06/10/2009 Blame Reagan for our financial mess?
06/04/2009 The next crisis has already begun
05/25/2009 Why this downturn is different
05/19/2009 A trio of views to guide investors
05/11/2009 Where you'll see real recovery first
05/04/2009 Swine fluke or real market change?
04/27/2009 Thank Uncle Sam for the rally
04/21/2009 The Fed is now peddling inflation
04/16/2009 The pitfalls of short-selling
04/07/2009 A bear rally in bull's clothing?
03/23/2009 Got gold? You're right on the money
03/03/2009 Nationalization isn't the worst fear
01/15/2009 Massive forces cloud market outlook
11/03/2008 Economy sinks as we save bankers
10/30/2008 Leave stocks to Buffett (for now)
10/02/2008 [Sep 29] What's next, a ban on stock sales?
09/23/2008 Whatever we do, it will be wrong
09/15/2008 'Franron' bailout: Good plan, bad news
09/08/2008 Be on red alert for US market chaos
08/26/2008 Going for the gold? Be alert
08/20/2008 Now Greenspan doesn't like bailouts?
08/11/2008 Crybaby capitalists whine for more
07/08/2008 Global economy won't bail out the US
06/18/2008 Fed chief still doesn't get it
05/22/2008 In favor of bubble-free prosperity
05/07/2008 Why we can't cruise past a recession
04/25/2008 The market's worst is yet to come
04/03/2008 It's time to rein in the Fed
03/24/2008 Catering to the bailout nation
03/13/2008 Next shoe to drop: Prime mortgages
02/21/2008 It's too early to be bullish
02/05/2008 Did Greenspan push risky home loans?
01/15/2008 We've run out of bubbles
12/05/2007 The blood on Greenspan's hands
11/13/2007 Stage is set for a stock crash
11/05/2007 The Fed digs us a deeper hole
10/22/2007 A super-duper bad-loan bailout scam
09/24/2007 Bernanke: The anti-Robin Hood
09/17/2007 Banks' dark off-balance-sheet world
09/10/2007 Bush, Bernanke and a bad bailout
08/20/2007 Central banks are stealing from the average citizen
08/13/2007 Credit problems are too big for the feds to fix
07/16/2007 Housing troubles begin to snowball
07/02/2007 Finally, a voice of economic reason
06/18/2007 The market's game of musical chairs
06/04/2007 The damage of the dollar glut
05/21/2007 Ignoring the lessons of 1929
03/20/2007 Warning: This mess will only get worse
03/15/2007 Next: The real estate market freeze
02/19/2007 The housing ATM rot is just the beginning
02/13/2007 Dell's saga: When facts don't matter
01/30/2007 Tech investors still buying the hype
01/23/2007 Why the chip ship will sink
01/09/2007 Goldilocks vs. a few bears
12/07/2006 Speculation gets even loonier!
10/05/2006 Beware of the 'Bubbleonians'
09/26/2006 Voodoo debt & the coming recession
08/17/2006 The next big pension crunch
07/26/2006 Don't worry about the Fed getting tough
07/11/2006 Why the Fed is really done
07/05/2006 The economy's next time down has begun
06/29/2006 Bad data + weak Fed = Buy gold
05/17/2006 Lessons from Buffett on investing vs. speculating
03/08/2006 The numbers behind the lies
02/27/2006 If there's no inflation, why do we fight it?
01/16/2006 is going much higher...
11/01/2005 The trap Bernanke can't escape
10/04/2005 Empty houses, falling prices: A boom dies
08/17/2005 Japanese showdown might cost you big
07/27/2005 Will China's float sink the housing bubble?
06/14/2005 Straight talk on what the Fed has wrought
05/23/2005 ...won't be down for long
04/11/2005 Gold: The only currency that can't be printed
03/29/2005 Caught in the Fed's inflation trap
03/22/2005 GM's woes one more blow to housing bubble
03/08/2005 Housing mania will end in tears
03/01/2005 Dress rehearsal for a dollar deluge
01/11/2005 What Mr. Market can learn from Mother Nature
12/06/2004 Dollar's plunge is a blight, not a benefit
12/04/2004 Heads up for pension heartache
11/01/2004 Europe Embraces a Strong Euro: That's Bad News
10/26/2004 Insurance mess may ignite bigger problems
10/12/2004 The frantic search for a silver lining
09/16/2004 The 'recovery' is living on borrowed time
07/13/2004 Odds of a crash are higher than you think
07/06/2004 Stagflation, anyone? The slowdown has begun