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The Forever War Aug 2024

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   09/01/2024 The Chris Hedges Report: The Arab Jew Experience Exposes the Myths of Middle Eastern Antisemitism   SP 
   08/31/2024 Israel's Plan for Gaza Comes Into View   UNZ 
   08/30/2024 Kamala Harris's speech killed any hope she would end the Gaza genocide   MEE 
   08/29/2024 The US as Mediator and Belligerent in Israeli War Crimes   AH 
   08/28/2024 Israel's Path of Peril    S76 
   08/27/2024 Israel Will Bleed America Dry and Discard It Like an Old   UNZ 
   08/26/2024 As a former IDF soldier and historian of genocide, I was deeply disturbed by my recent visit to Israel    TG 
   08/25/2024 Dire Warnings As Israel's Fascists Have Taken Over The Rein   MOA 
   08/24/2024 The War on Gaza – 1.26.24   CH 
   08/23/2024 De Sade at Sde Teiman: When Genocide, Snuff Films, Extra-Judicial Assassinations & Rape Are De Facto Legal   LR MUST READ
   08/22/2024 A Video Shows an Israeli Settler Shooting a Palestinian Point-Blank. 10 Months Later, No One Has Been Arrested   Zeteo 
   08/21/2024 How a BRICS trio is staring down Israel   TC 
   08/20/2024 NUCLEAR EXTORTION! What could go wrong?   TBP 
   08/19/2024 200 Days and Still No Justice for Hind   Zeteo 
   08/18/2024 Thou Shalt Not Commit Genocide   CH 
   08/17/2024 The Arab Jew Experience Exposes the Myths of Middle Eastern Antisemitism    CH 
   08/16/2024 Iran Receives Nuclear Threat Over Pending Retaliation Against Israel   HTRS 
   08/15/2024 Documents Confirm Netanyahu Sabotaged Ceasefire Talks With New Demands   AW 
   08/14/2024 American Pravda: Hamas, Nazis, and the Right to Rape    UNZ 
   08/13/2024 Israeli settlers hold gun to 3-year-old Palestinian girl’s head in West Bank   NA 
   08/12/2024 Apartheid Israel must be completely dismantled as an entity, Craig Murray   AH 
   08/11/2024 Israel Is in a Death Spiral. Who Will It Take Down With It?   AW 
   08/10/2024 Trigger happy Israel and its thirst for revenge   RS 
   08/09/2024 Israeli media publishes video of soldiers allegedly raping Palestinian detainee   MEE 
   08/07/2024 The State of Israel as Cartoonishly Evil?   UNZ 
   08/06/2024 Iran Keeps World on Pins and Needles   S76 
   08/05/2024 Israel’s Rule of Law   UNZ 
   08/04/2024 The Eighth Decade Curse   TheZMan 
   08/03/2024 UN probe finds Palestinians subjected to beatings, electric shocks and sexual violence in Israeli detention   MEE 
   08/02/2024 “Everything is legitimate”: Israeli lawmaker justifies rape of Palestinian prisoners   MM 
   08/01/2024 Netanyahu Pulled an Old, Cruel Trick on Congress, and on Israel's Hostages   H 

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