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*321gold and 321energy editorials are listed at the top and external newslinks at the bottom of this page.

The [current] Energy Report Phil Flynn 321energy
11/28/2023 Gold: Bank Analysts Vs COT Traders  Stewart Thomson  321gold 
11/27/2023 Aztec Minerals Times the Winter Rally Perfectly  Bob Moriarty  321gold 
11/27/2023 SKI #293 EMERGENCY Gold Stocks  Jeff Kern  321gold 
11/24/2023 Mining Stocks: All Technical Lights Are Green  Morris Hubbartt  321gold 
11/24/2023 Gold Stocks' Winter Rally  Adam Hamilton  321gold 
11/23/2023 FYI US Thanksgiving Holiday Market Schedule   321gold 
11/22/2023 This past week in gold  Jack Chan  321gold 
11/21/2023 Gold Stocks: Outperformance Begins Now  Stewart Thomson  321gold 
11/17/2023 Gold Stocks: The Rally Intensifies  Morris Hubbartt  321gold 
11/17/2023 Gold Miners' Q3'23 Fundamentals  Adam Hamilton  321gold 
11/14/2023 Gold: A Super Surge To $2200 Is Next?  Stewart Thomson  321gold 
11/14/2023 Gold Sector: Update on the Update  Bob Hoye  321gold 
11/10/2023 Gold Stocks: Bull Candlesticks Ahead?  Morris Hubbartt  321gold 
11/10/2023 Big US Stocks' Q3'23 Fundamentals  Adam Hamilton  321gold 
11/07/2023 Gold: A Week Of Pain & Then More Gain  Stewart Thomson  321gold 
11/07/2023 This past week in gold  Jack Chan  321gold 
11/06/2023 Regency Silver Scores Bonanza Gold Intercepts in Sonora  Bob Moriarty  321gold 
11/03/2023 US Jobs Report: Make Or Break For Gold?  Morris Hubbartt  321gold 
11/03/2023 Gold Stocks Lagging  Adam Hamilton  321gold 

External News

11/30/2023 The Apple Credit Card from Goldman Sachs Has Been a Co-Branding Nightmare; Now Apple Wants a Divorce   WSOP 
11/30/2023 No One Cares About Your Dividends   QTR 
11/30/2023 Prices of New Houses Drop Further, -18% Year-over-Year, Sales Drop, High Inventories Rise Further, Supply Jumps   WS 
11/30/2023 Israeli Goliath Thrashed in ‘Cognitive War’ With Hamas, Leading Tel Aviv Think Tank Admits   SG 
11/30/2023 Nobody wants U.S. Treasury bonds   Semafor 
11/29/2023 Nigeria Aims To Join BRICS By 2026   SRB 
11/29/2023 Next Year's Housing Crash, In Charts and Anecdotes   rubino 
11/29/2023 Why gold stocks underperform gold bullion   TSI-Blog 
11/29/2023 Capitalism’s Bleak Future: Homelessness, Inflation, Cryptocurrency with John Rubino  Kerry Lutz  FSN 
11/29/2023 American Pravda: Gaza and the Anti-Semitism Hoax   UNZ 
11/28/2023 “This may be the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades.”   JM 
11/28/2023 There Are No Socialists   EPA 
11/28/2023 The Financial System has Reached the End   GS 
11/28/2023 What Has AI Done for YOU Lately?   RP 
11/27/2023 Black Flag Friday: Could Black Friday Be a Harbinger of a Tapped-Out Consumer?   OTM 
11/27/2023 Looser Financial Conditions Are A Problem For The Fed   RIA 
11/27/2023 The Eviction Notice Is Being Written, and Will Come in Four Languages   UNZ 
11/27/2023 A Profusion of Recession Indicators   Crescat 
11/26/2023 The Great (Freedom) Reset Has Begun   QTR 
11/26/2023 Lithium “Shortage” Bubble Implodes (Again), Price Collapsed 77% in a Year, as Demand and Production Both Surged   WS 
11/26/2023 Is Gold A Manipulated Market?   rubino 
11/26/2023 Money Market Funds, Large CDs, Small CDs All Surged: Americans Figured it Out   WS 
11/25/2023 Copper/Gold Ratio: Still Counter-Cyclical   NFTRH 
11/25/2023 New Recession Warnings   TSI-Blog 
11/25/2023 Whack-A-Mole   DB 
11/25/2023 Even Higher for Longer if Markets Keep Fighting Central Banks, ECB’s Wunsch Explains. The Fed Has Same Problem    WS 
11/24/2023 Recession Is Already Here   TDD 
11/24/2023 Rents in Canada Explode. Services Inflation Heats Up   WS 
11/24/2023 Gold: Resistance Is...Finite   rubino 
11/23/2023 Silver Market Update - Giant Base Pattern Completing  Clive Maund  CM 
11/23/2023 Argentina’s New President Wants to Adopt the US Dollar, How Would That Work?   MT 
11/23/2023 Central Banks Trapped as Fiscal Dominance Grips Western Economies; Gold Sees Historic Underallocation in Investment Portfolios, but Shifts Signal Compelling Investment Opportunity   CWR 
11/23/2023 A Fatally Cornered Fed vs. Historically Honest Gold   GS 
11/23/2023 “Leading Economic Index” Predicts Recession for Early 2024, after Having Predicted a Recession for Late 2022, Early 2023, Mid-2023, and Late 2023   WS 
11/22/2023 Our Wall Street Crybabies Want the Fed to Stop QT, they Wag the Drop in Overnight RRPs that’ll Blow up the Banks or Whatever   WS 
11/22/2023 Gold Market Update - Major Breakout Believed Imminent  Clive Maund  CM 
11/22/2023 This Holiday Season, Give the Wonderful Gift of Nothing   OTM 
11/22/2023 DC Cancelled Common Sense   GS 
11/21/2023 The Other Strategic Reserve   DB 
11/21/2023 Speaker Johnson’s First and Last Hurrah   LR 
11/21/2023 Soft Selling a Hard Landing   HussmanFunds 
11/21/2023 Moody’s Shifts Outlook to Negative for Major U.S. Banks Amid Concerns Over Government Support   CWR 
11/20/2023 Why CBDC Reset Won't Work |  Bob Moriarty  YT 
11/20/2023 100 Years Ago Today: The End of German Hyperinflation   QTR 
11/20/2023 Walmart: Consumers No Longer Willing to Pay Whatever. Prices of Goods Fall Broadly, as Inflation Shifted to Services   WS 
11/20/2023 Could terrorists really black out the power grid?   UD 
11/20/2023 A Soft Landing? Are you Kidding?   JT 
11/19/2023 Crunch Time in the Economy with John Rubino  Kerry Lutz  FSN 
11/19/2023 Gold is the Next 13-Year Breakout   TDG 
11/19/2023 Recession Watch: Wow, That Was Fast   rubino 
11/19/2023 Millions of UK Residents Unplugging Their Refrigerators to Try to Save Money on Electricity   CWR 
11/18/2023 GoldSeek Radio Nugget -- Bob Moriarty Is a “Big Believer” in Resource Stocks, Gold & Silver  Bob Moriarty  GS 
11/18/2023 The Most Splendid Housing Bubbles in Canada: Prices Drop to where They’d Been 2 Years Ago, Sales Swoon, Supply Rises   WS 
11/18/2023 Migrants Imploding Welfare State   AE 
11/18/2023 Gold Stocks: Is the Time Really Now?   NFTRH 
11/18/2023 The Swamp Walker Delight   EP 
11/17/2023 US Braces for Refinancing Half its Debt in 2 Years as Interest Rates Surge to 5%   CWR 
11/17/2023 Surging “Mortgage Demand” and “Declining Spending,” Really? Let’s Have a Look at Reality   WS 
11/17/2023 Why junior gold mining stocks have performed so poorly   TSI-Blog 
11/16/2023 The Truth is Leaking Out   TDD 
11/16/2023 Credit Card Defaults Surpass 2008 Crisis Levels, US Consumer Debt Hits $17 Trillion   CWR 
11/16/2023 The Interest Rate Shock Will Blow Up the Government’s Ponzi Game   Mises 
11/16/2023 Biggest Banks Leave Americans Without Money As Account Shutoffs Begin   CWR 
11/16/2023 Gold, Silver, energy & commodities will be Kings again.   Twitter 
11/15/2023 Yen Gyrates Lower as Japan Goes for Weak Yen, Higher Government Bond Yields, but Moves Must Be Orderly   WS 
11/15/2023 Ukraine Proxy War & Gaza Genocide Fatally Expose Western Hypocrisy and Moral Bankruptcy   LR 
11/15/2023 Fueling electric vehicles costs roughly the equivalent of $17 a gallon: Study   WE 
11/15/2023 Breaking the tytler cycle   BC 
11/15/2023 Interest Consumes 40% of Income Taxes, U.S. Treasury’s Unsustainable Path Raises Default and Inflation Fears   CWR 
11/14/2023 Could it Be the Fed’s Mega-QE Created so Much Liquidity that Tightening Doesn’t Work until this Excess Gets Burned Up?   WS 
11/14/2023 He’s leading the biggest banking deal in history. Failure is not an option   CNN 
11/14/2023 The Invisible Court's Verdict: You Are Hereby Exiled to Digital Siberia    OTM 
11/13/2023 Credit Cards, the Biggest Payment Method: Balances, Burden, Delinquencies, Available Credit: How Are our Drunken Sailors Holding Up?   WS 
11/13/2023 The War and Peace of Secular Market Cycles   EP 
11/13/2023 Party, Party !   Kunstler 
11/13/2023 Hartnett's Big Change and Precious Metals Analysis for 2023   ZH 
11/13/2023 US banking system and economy might be on the verge of breaking right before our eyes   CWR 
11/12/2023 Scuttled   RB 
11/12/2023 Douchebag Dominoes Topple Towards Dow's Doomsday   QTR 
11/12/2023 Overindebted Out-of-Cash Sleep Number Blames Consumers for Results of Years of Mismanagement. Shares Collapsed 92% from Peak Consensual Hallucination   WS 
11/12/2023 Gold Stocks: The Time is Now   NFTRH 
11/12/2023 Is the FedNow Broke?   TDD 
11/11/2023 5 reasons money will cost more   AOTH 
11/11/2023 What to do? What to do?   TDD 
11/11/2023 The ten dumbest things we’re being asked to believe about Israel’s war on Gaza   NaturalNews 
11/11/2023 Mortgage & HELOC Balances, Delinquencies, Foreclosures: How Are our Drunken Sailors Holding Up?   WS 
11/11/2023 Federal Data Shows, Again, That The Electrify Everything Push Means Higher Energy Costs   RB 
11/10/2023 Stocks decided last week to trust J. Powell to save them. They will be wrong   TDD 
11/10/2023 Fission Chips   DB 
11/10/2023 There's No Easy Way Out of This Debt Spiral   QTR 
11/09/2023 Investing in The End - Navigating Scary Times with Bob Moriarty on The Kinvestor Report  Bob Moriarty  YT 
11/09/2023 WeWork Finally Files for Bankruptcy two Years after Going Public via SPAC. Office Landlords, CMBS Holders Face the Music, Stockholders Wiped Out   WS 
11/09/2023 Insurance Industry Execs ‘Alarmed’ by Surge in Deaths Among Young People — But Stop Short of Blaming COVID Shots   CHD 
11/09/2023 AI Surge To Fuel Precious Metals Demand In 2024   OP 
11/09/2023 Gold Prices Record Their Strongest October Surge In Nearly Half A Century   USfunds 
11/08/2023 The Four Wars   Kunstler MUST READ
11/08/2023 Newsom signs $25 minimum wage law for all hospital workers, finds out afterward it will cost California $4 billion   AT 
11/08/2023 China's Strategic Export Control Upends Rare Earth Markets   ZH 
11/08/2023 American Pravda: War Crimes and Atrocity-Hoaxes in the Israel/Gaza Conflict   UNZ 
11/08/2023 This Is What Inflation Does To Our Kids   rubino 
11/07/2023 Markets Update After Treasuries Break Out Upside as Expected...   Clive Maund  CM 
11/07/2023 Hello President Biden, About Your Plan to Waste $45 Billion on Housing Conversions   MT 
11/07/2023 Highest-Ever Treasury Short Positioning by Hedge Funds into Last Week Was “Accident Waiting to Happen,”    WS 
11/06/2023 How Much Do You Spend on Food?   OTM 
11/06/2023 Navigating the Wild West of Canadian Penny Stocks   TBS 
11/06/2023 Not Sure How Long It’ll Last: Spending on Factory Construction Does a Historic Spike, after Years of Going Nowhere   WS 
11/06/2023 Under What Conditions Would China Dump US Treasuries or Dollar Holdings?   MT 
11/05/2023 Unraveling The Wuhan Cover-Up: How Fauci Conspired With Virologists To Deceive The Public And Smear Critics   ZH 
11/05/2023 Anthony Fauci needs to pay for his crimes   CWR 
11/05/2023 Record Credit Card and Car Loan Defaults as 447,000 Americans Juggle Two Full-Time Jobs   CWR 
11/05/2023 Israel Cementing its Reputation as a War Criminal, U.S. Feeling the Heat   S21 
11/05/2023 Fed's Broken Employment Gauge Finally Wiggles   TDD 
11/04/2023 Fed Balance Sheet QT: -$1.1 Trillion from Peak, to $7.87 Trillion, Lowest since May 2021   WS 
11/04/2023 “We’ll Probably Still Be Left with Ground to Cover to Get Back to Full Price Stability”: Powell at the FOMC Press Conference   WS 
11/04/2023 The Future for Fiat   LR 
11/04/2023 House Oversight Chair James Comer Lays Out the Money Trail From the Chi-Coms to the Biden Crime Family    CWR 
11/04/2023 Once Upon a Time in Flagstaff   EP 
11/03/2023 Income to Buy a Home Is Just Simply Unaffordable, Credit Card Delinquencies Highest Since 1991   CWR 
11/03/2023 Big Trouble Ahead for US Based Mining Companies?   DB 
11/03/2023 Anything Unusual in the Drop of the 10-year Treasury Yield? Despite the Hype & Hoopla, it Hasn’t Done Anything Special   WS 
11/02/2023 This Would Mean Catastrophe For Financial System  Bob Moriarty  YT 
11/02/2023 Marketable US Treasury Debt to Explode by $2.85 Trillion in the 10 Months from End of Debt Ceiling to March 31, 2024   WS 
11/02/2023 The Most Splendid Housing Bubbles in America, October Update: 10 of the 20 Metros Down from their Peaks Last Year, 6 Metros Set New Highs   WS 
11/02/2023 After Two Years, There’s Still No Law Enforcement Report on Former Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan’s Trading Like a Hedge Fund Kingpin   WSOP 
11/02/2023 Reality Bites   DB 
11/01/2023 Running from Stocks, Running from Bonds, Running from Banks   TDD 
11/01/2023 The Cycle of Evil   GS 
11/01/2023 Fed rates unchanged at 5-1/4 to 5-1/2 percent  FOMC  Fed 
11/01/2023 The Counterculture Everyone Forgot   OTM 
11/01/2023 People Are Still Trying to Deal with the Shock of Much Higher Rates for a Long Time   TM 
11/01/2023 WWIII Explained: The World According to Martin Armstrong  Kerry Lutz  FSN 

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