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*321gold and 321energy editorials are listed at the top and external newslinks at the bottom of this page.

The [current] Energy Report Phil Flynn 321energy
01/30/2024 Gold, Debt, & Global Mkts Rebellion  Stewart Thomson  321gold 
01/29/2024 SKI #295 Gold Stock Update  Jeff Kern  321gold 
01/26/2024 FOMC & The Miners: It's Time To Buy  Morris Hubbartt  321gold 
01/26/2024 Gold's Mild Pullback  Adam Hamilton  321gold 
01/23/2024 Gold & Trump: A New Bull Cycle?  Stewart Thomson  321gold 
01/23/2024 This past week in gold  Jack Chan  321gold 
01/19/2024 Gold Stocks: Short Term Sell Signal  Morris Hubbartt  321gold 
01/19/2024 Gold Investment Dead?  Adam Hamilton  321gold 
01/16/2024 Smile If You Love Gold!  Stewart Thomson  321gold 
01/12/2024 Gold Stocks: Juniors Have The Spotlight  Morris Hubbartt  321gold 
01/12/2024 Gold-Inflation Disconnect  Adam Hamilton  321gold 
01/09/2024 Tactics For A Golden Year  Stewart Thomson  321gold 
01/06/2024 National Debt Tops $34 Trillion but So What?   Mike Maharrey  321gold 
01/05/2024 Gold Stocks: Key Juniors & Seniors In Play  Morris Hubbartt  321gold 
01/05/2024 Gold's 2024 Breakout Upleg  Adam Hamilton  321gold 
01/02/2024 2024: Tactics For A Golden Year  Stewart Thomson  321gold 

External News

01/31/2024 Fed rates unchanged at 5-1/4 to 5-1/2 percent  FOMC  Fed 
01/31/2024 France in Full Revolt: Farmers, Truckers, and Construction Workers Unite Against Macron’s Globalist Agenda… 5-Day Blockade Surrounds Paris   CWR 
01/31/2024 Biden’s LNG pause: a deadly fraud   AE 
01/31/2024 This Is How Blowoff Tops Are Made: Harris Kupperman   QTR 
01/31/2024 Gold Stocks are Cheap and Hated   TDG 
01/31/2024 The Red Sea Troubles are Spreading Fast!   SR 
01/30/2024 On the Surface, PCE Inflation Is Encouraging, But Beneath it, Core Services Accelerated, Housing Stuck at 5.7% for Six Months   WS 
01/30/2024 Yield Curve Steepener Thus Far Inflationary   NFTRH 
01/30/2024 Yemen Targets U.S. Navy Ship, European Exports in Crisis as Red Sea Blockade Hits Hard   CWR 
01/30/2024 A New Driver Of Gold?   USfunds 
01/29/2024 Going to War With Iran   YT MUST WATCH AND HEED
01/29/2024 Asset Allocation, Part 1: Core Positions   rubino 
01/29/2024 Going Bang!   ME 
01/29/2024 Steel Production Down to Lowest in 15 Years in Germany   CWR 
01/29/2024 The Rise of the Farmer’s Daughter and Another Green Energy Revolt   MT 
01/28/2024 GoldSeek Radio Nugget -- We are at peak insanity. |   Bob Moriarty  GS 
01/28/2024 Prices of New Houses Drop to 2-Year Low   WS 
01/28/2024 Silver Solar Use in India. 48 GW x 500,000 ounces = 24 Million Ounces   TSI 
01/28/2024 Michelle, Ma Belle   Kunstler 
01/28/2024 The Chaos of Conflict Spreads and Burns the Hopes of Central Bankers   TDD 
01/27/2024 Did the $5-Billion Acquisition of Homebuilder MDC Holdings by Japan’s Sekisui House Mark the Top for Homebuilder Stocks after the Rate-Cut-Mania Rally?   WS 
01/27/2024 Why the Globalist Climate Change Brainwashing Coup Has Become Almost Unstoppable!   rumble 
01/27/2024 This tiny radioactive battery can last 50 years without recharging — and it's coming in 2025   LS 
01/27/2024 The Chaos of Conflict Spreads and Burns the Hopes of Central Bankers   TDD 
01/27/2024 Isn't It Time We Have Social Security for Families with Children?   OTM 
01/26/2024 Europe’s Unrest: Scottish Farmers Protesting, French Chaos on Train Tracks… Continent in Turmoil!   CWR 
01/26/2024 D.R. Horton Sheds Some Light on the Massive Costs of Mortgage Rate Buydowns as a Hedge Went Awry. Stock Tanks   WS 
01/26/2024 Onward and Upward for Perhaps a Little Longer   RA 
01/25/2024 VP Ep. 3 - Should you invest in Gold or Bitcoin? The real answer may surprise you  Bob Moriarty  YT 
01/25/2024 Naming Names: Professor Exposes the Banking Cartel that Has Hijacked U.S. Democracy   WSOP 
01/25/2024 The Crisis In The Red Sea Threatens To Disrupt Global Supply Chains Even More Than The Pandemic Did   TECB 
01/25/2024 A Biblical Truth About Poverty that Will Shock Procrastinators Into Implementing Immediate Changes in the Manner in Which They Hold Their Savings   SKWA 
01/25/2024 Economic Headwinds in Europe: German and French PMI Indicate Contractions, UK Businesses on Brink of Collapse Surge…    CWR 
01/24/2024 Parasitic Class Steals Money From Villagers to Fund Wars |  Bob Moriarty  YT 
01/24/2024 The Pipe-bomb Caper   Kunstler 
01/24/2024 Prediction Consensus: What the Experts See Coming in 2024   VisualCapitalist 
01/24/2024 Have Our Elites Lost The Mandate of Heaven?   OTM 
01/24/2024 Status of the Housing Bust in San Francisco (Lowest Price for any December since 2017 & 2019), Silicon Valley & the Bay Area   WS 
01/23/2024 When Consensual Hallucination Fades: iRobot Shares -91% from Peak Meme-Stock Mania   WS 
01/23/2024 Fauci's Testimony on Capitol Hill was that of a Guilty Man   PM 
01/23/2024 The Deeper Dive: Economic Predictions and Election Predilections - So MUCH Chaos!   TDD 
01/22/2024 Unleashing AI Revolution: Meet the Future Bank Teller, Lawyer, and Judge! with John Rubino  Kerry Lutz  FSN 
01/22/2024 Fed’s Balance Sheet QT, Liabilities: RRPs -$1.78 trillion from Peak, to $590 Billion, but Reserves Rise to $3.6 Trillion as Liquidity Drains and Shifts   WS 
01/22/2024 From Dystopia to Utopia in Gold & Silver   SprottMoney 
01/22/2024 The Castle Doctrine   DB 
01/22/2024 Michael Hudson on Russia, Iran and the Red Sea: NATO’s War Economy Collapses   NCap 
01/21/2024 The Electric-Vehicle Cheating Scandal   WSJ 
01/21/2024 Argentina to Permit Provinces to Create Own Currencies   AE 
01/21/2024 How to Navigate Our Low-Trust, Increasingly Dysfunctional Society and Economy   CHS 
01/21/2024 Speaking About Real Economy   smoothiex12 
01/21/2024 The Goddess of the WEF   Kunstler 
01/20/2024 Our Drunken Sailors Push Back Against Rate-Cut Mania   WS 
01/20/2024 Figuring It All Out   QTR 
01/20/2024 Everything that’s Dangerous about U.S. Banks Today in One Highly Readable Book   WSOP 
01/20/2024 Market Mania Breaks Down and War Breaks out Wider   TDD 
01/20/2024 The War on Producers and Entrepreneurs Is Based on False Notions of Profits   QTR 
01/19/2024 WEF Takes a Peculiar Turn: Farming and Fishing Labeled ‘Ecocide,’ Calls for Recognition as a ‘Serious Crime’ Leave Many Bewildered   CWR 
01/19/2024 Do As I Say   DB 
01/19/2024 Status of Gold’s Bullish Cup & Handle Pattern   TDG 
01/18/2024 GoldSeek Radio Nugget - Gold and Silver Optimism With Caution  Bob Moriarty  GS 
01/18/2024 Davos News 2024   Twitter MUST VIEW
01/18/2024 EVs are basically useless in the cold   CWR 
01/18/2024 Quarterly Newsletter: Inside the Vault  Mark Yaxley  SWP 
01/18/2024 Inflation in Canada Refuses to Cooperate with Rate-Cut Bets   WS 
01/17/2024 Bond Market, Gold, Yield Curve and the Changes to Come   NFTRH 
01/17/2024 Office CRE Gets Even Messier: Aftermath of “The War for Space”   WS 
01/17/2024 Deflating a Weak Argument Against Deflation   RA 
01/17/2024 The “Transitory Inflation” Myth   TSI-Blog 
01/17/2024 Are There US Quarantine Camps Right Now?   QTR 
01/16/2024 The U.S. economy could face ‘a perfect storm’ if Basel III Endgame goes into effect. Here’s why   Fortune 
01/16/2024 Fed Reports Operating Loss of $114 billion for 2023, as Interest Expense Blows Out   WS 
01/16/2024 Gold Mining Stocks, A Clear and Compelling Investment Case   Sprott 
01/16/2024 Cheers to You, WEFers of Davos!   Kunstler 
01/15/2024 Yellen’s Bald-Faced Lies   EP 
01/15/2024 Now Is a Good Time to Take Profits and Thank Your Lucky Stars   TM 
01/15/2024 The Chinese Connection: Here's Why Inflation Won't Fall to 2% and Stay There Indefinitely   OTM 
01/15/2024 Catch the Gold Wagon or Lose your Fortune   GS 
01/15/2024 Gold in Resolution   DB 
01/14/2024 Bill Gates ‘Digital IDS’ Will Be Mandatory To Participate in Society   EN 
01/14/2024 Lots More Ways For 2024 To Get Worse Than Better  John Rubino  AT 
01/14/2024 2024 – A Year in which Social Tensions Will Deepen further: Anecdotal Evidence of Three Worldviews   GS 
01/14/2024 All Bull Markets Run Out Of Money: Dave Collum   QTR 
01/14/2024 Beneath the Skin of CPI Inflation, December: Not in the Mood to Just Go Away   WS 
01/13/2024 Inflationary Yield Curve Steepening?   NFTRH 
01/13/2024 Rising Silver Lease Rates: What is it telling us?   GSV 
01/13/2024 California to provide free sex changes for illegal immigrants   RT 
01/13/2024 Commodity Prices and the War Cycle   TSI-Blog 
01/13/2024 The Case for Genocide   CH 
01/13/2024 Inflation Fights Back   TDD 
01/12/2024 Orf vs. the Memory Hole: The Heartless Shaming Campaigns of Covid-19   Matt Taibbi  Racket 
01/12/2024 Are Hopes of Lower Mortgage Rates Freezing Up the Market Further? Buyers’ Strike Continues   WS 
01/12/2024 $34 Trillion and Climbing   QTR 
01/11/2024 Periodic Table Of Commodities Returns 2023   USfunds 
01/11/2024 The BTFP Will Expire in March: Fed Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr   WS 
01/11/2024 No Border – Say Goodbye to America   LR 
01/11/2024 Commodities Veteran Jeff Currie on 2024 Markets   YT 
01/11/2024 Disaster If WHO Gets Total Medical Control – Dr. Meryl Nass    USAwatchdog 
01/10/2024 GoldSeek Radio Nugget - If you're not a contrarian, you're a victim.  Bob Moriarty  GS 
01/10/2024 America’s Fiat Money Gestapo: The Untold History of the Secret Service   MoneyMetals 
01/10/2024 Welcome To the Third World, Part 1: California's Surprise $67 Billion Deficit   rubino 
01/10/2024 Which Industries Lost Jobs, Which Gained Jobs, including Government Jobs: Longer-Term Employment Trends in Charts   WS 
01/10/2024 Cutting Through the BS Jobs Report with Michael Pento  Kerry Lutz  FSN 
01/09/2024 What happened to EVs?   BI 
01/09/2024 More Golden (and Black-Gold) Proof: The Dollar is Totally Screwed   GS 
01/09/2024 Modern Monetary University Plagiarism Theory   QTR 
01/09/2024 American Pravda: Israel and the Holocaust Hoax    UNZ 
01/08/2024 Fed Balance Sheet QT: -$1.28 Trillion from Peak, to $7.66 Trillion, Lowest since March 2021   WS 
01/08/2024 Ugly Charts of Auto Sales: GM, Toyota, Ford. Stellantis, oh my, Got Crushed by Hyundai-Kia’s Record Sales. Tesla Has Arrived   WS 
01/08/2024 Bank Borrowing From Fed Bailout Program Has Surged   MoneyMetals 
01/08/2024 Peter Schiff: 2024 Could Be Horrible For the Dollar   LR 
01/08/2024 Janet Yellen Declares ‘Mission Accomplished’   TFR 
01/07/2024 The Houthi Butterfly Flaps Its Wings   ZeroHedge 
01/07/2024 Out of Africa and Into America: Parallels & Warnings for the US from South Africa   LS 
01/07/2024 Portfolio Return Expectations By Investors Are Too High   RIA 
01/07/2024 What the Fed Accomplished: Distorted the Economy, Enriched the Rich and Crushed the Middle Class   OTM 
01/07/2024 Natural Resource Investors - Top 3 Blog Posts of 2023   Gorozen 
01/06/2024 More Signs that Power in the Labor Market Has Shifted from Workers back to Employers   WS 
01/06/2024 Red Sea, Red Ink: Inflation & Costs Rising   TDD 
01/06/2024 The Return of Buy-Low Sell-High   HussmanFunds 
01/06/2024 Are We Losing Free Speech in America?   UNZ 
01/05/2024 Recession Watch: Slightly Lower Interest Rates Will Make Zero Difference   rubino 
01/05/2024 Banks on the Brink: If Assets Marked to Market, Wall Street Giants and the Federal Reserve Face Insolvency   CWR 
01/05/2024 Who is Trying to Start WW3?   CWR 
01/04/2024 The World is Headed to War |  Bob Moriarty  G&E 
01/04/2024 UN: Natural Disasters Do Not Exist   AE 
01/04/2024 Consumers Are Rejecting the Great Reset   ZeroHedge 
01/04/2024 2023: The Fed Declares Victory; 2024: The Year of Hubris and Nemesis   OTM 
01/04/2024 The Myth Of Dual Loyalty   TheZMan 
01/03/2024 GoldSeek Radio Nugget -- Bob Moriarty on Gold and Silver Junior Miners  Bob Moriarty  rumble 
01/03/2024 Status of US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency and USD Exchange Rates: Long, Slow, Uneven Decline Continues   WS 
01/03/2024 Corruption, Chaos, Conflict - Fourth Turning Erupts in 2024   TBP 
01/03/2024 Ukraine Cannot Pay Govt in 2024 Without Billions from the West   AE 
01/03/2024 Inverted Priorities   DB 
01/02/2024 Gold in 2024   GoldMoney 
01/02/2024 Rome Was Eternal, Until It Wasn't: Imperial Analogs of Decay   OTM 
01/02/2024 Stock Markets Years & Decades after Huge Bubbles Imploded: China, Hong Kong, Japan, UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain   WS 
01/02/2024 The Ukrainian Financial Panic   AE 
01/01/2024 This Was a Funny Two Years in the Stock & Treasury Markets   WS 
01/01/2024 Debt’s Toxic Ripple Effects: Gold Flowing Toward Historical Repricing   GS 
01/01/2024 Climate Change – You Are the Problem   AE 
01/01/2024 How Russia Makes a Mockery of US Sanctions in One Picture   MT 
01/01/2024 The Big Open Secret For 2024   QTR 

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